Discuss Scratch

100+ posts


Hello! Here we will talk about the production of tss.

Last edited by 07Geckoguy (March 24, 2020 21:08:02)

i'm a servant to two cats and three dogs, i devote way to much time into my stuff, and am willing to collab at any time.

Quality went out the window a long time ago, and the MEMES took over.
100+ posts


If you check the description of S2E4, you'll see the following sentence:
Wait… do I smell pretzels?
This is a reference to what will happen three days in the future.

This will be updated on the wiki once you agree.
The following is a list of TSS episodes, grouped by the day they take place in and ordered by their appearance in the canon timeline for TSS.

Day -1
TMM S1E0: “New Bad Guy In Town”
Day 0
TMM S1E1: “The Jester”
TMM S1E2: “Arrival Of The Mobians”
Day 1
TSS S1E1: “The Beginning”
TSS S1E2: “Turning Tides”
TSS S1E3: “The Rise Of Metal”
TSS S1E4: “A Thing Of Fear”
TSS S1E5: “Forgotten”
TSS S1E6: “The Filler”
TSS S1E7: “The Attack Of Metal”
Day 2
TSS S1E8: “A Turn For The Worst”
V&YGGTTSS E1: “Yellow Guy Checks On Vex” (Link broken, project removed by ST)
Day 3
V&YGGTTSS E2: “Vex And Yellow Guy In A Spaceship” (Link broken, project removed by ST)
V&YGGTTSS E3: “Ejection” (Link broken, project removed by ST)
JFAP: “Jenny Finds A Portal” (Link broken, project removed by ST)
TSS S2E1: “Disaster Strikes”
V&YGGTTSS E4: “Yellow Guy Meets Jenny” (Link broken, project removed by ST)
TSS S2E2: “Hope”
TSS S2E3: “Meet Vex”
TSS S2E4: “Metal Is The New Meta”
Day 4
TSS S2E5: “◊̃”
Day 5
TSS S2E6: “I Don't Think We're In Oklahoma Anymore!”
Day 6
TSS S2E7: “Unicorn Land”
Day 7
TSS S2E8: “Do I Smell Pretzels?”
Day 8
TSS S3E1: “Forget Unicorn Land, Now It's Pretzelland”
TSS S3E1: “They Fight Over Our World”
TSS S3E2: “Salty”
TSS S3E2: “Destruction”
TSS S3E3: “Lick Your Way To Freedom”
TSS S3E3: “Rise Of The Cringy First Antagonist OC”
TSS S3E4: “Two Files With The Same Name”
TSS S3E5: “No!”
TSS S3E6: “The One In Green”
TSS S3E7: “Why?”
TSS S3E8: “The End”
Day 9
TSS S4E1: “Of The Beginning”
TSS S4E2: “Who Knows?”
TSS S4E3: “Forever Alex”

This is where the plot twists ensue.

The smell of pretzels has been around since S2E4, but now it's obvious. Everyone is talking about it when suddenly a huge pretzel spaceship ominously comes from the horizon. It lands with four legs surrounding the city. Barriers made of light appear between the legs, preventing anyone from leaving. Pretzel aliens came out of doors on the four legs, capturing everyone in sight.
Evil Pixraze was annoyed by these pretzels. Taking over the world while he had a job to do. He passed through the light walls easily, although it made half of him completely white. He ran to another city, where the new time machine was. Unfortunately, it was limited to 3 days ago, because that's when it was built.

Evil Pixraze stayed in the time machine until everyone left. He snuck out of the building tried to get back to Eggman's base, but the SCP Foundation saw him. He narrowly avoided the MTF, but he then saw Eggman and hid around the corner. When Eggman wasn't looking, Evil Pixraze dashed into a spaceship, so that he could escape to another world. He saw the pretzel spaceship around 43210 miles away. Luckily it didn't see him. Once he got to the Mushroom World, he stole another time machine to go back 5 days.

Evil Pixraze entered Bowser's castle and defeated his troops with his new powers. When he got to the throne room, Kamek was warning Bowser about him. Bowser got angry that Evil Pixraze defeated his troops and engaged in battle with him. Kamek shot magical shapes at Evil Pixraze, who spun around like a drill to reflect it at Bowser, damaging him significantly, and knocking him into Kamek. Evil Pixraze laughed. He explained that they would have done well if it weren't for his new powers, and that they were about to see how he got them. He then proceeds to absorb both of them, so he could use their powers for himself. When night falls, Evil Pixraze sneaks into Peach's castle and absorbs her.

Mario wakes up to a knock on his door. He opens it to a toad who tells him that Princess Peach is missing. “Not again,” he thought. It was tiring having to save the Princess over and over, but, someone had to do it. Mario and Luigi travel across the roads to find not a Goomba in sight. Mario quickly suspects that this is a trap. When they get to the throne room of Bowser's castle, they see Evil Pixraze. Because of his black, white, and red color palette, they think he is a jester-type enemy. They get confused when they realize that Bowser is nowhere to be seen. Evil Pixraze says “Your adventure has been repeated so many times, you assume that it is same. But when the enemy repeats himself, it's a sign that he's insane. Your princess has been captured, but I will return her later. My goal is not to torture, but to use her for my creator.” Evil Pixraze vanishes after saying that. Mario and Luigi tell everyone about him, and eventually decide to call Sonic for help.

Sonic, Tails, and Amy arrive at the Mushroom World to help Mario and Luigi. When Toad tells them the specifics, Amy gets worried that The Jester might be overpowered. When they arrive at Bowser's castle, The Jester is not there. Sonic thinks that it's just a waste of time and starts to leave when suddenly the doors close, locking him in.
Evil Pixraze was focused on helping Kaj defeat Scratch once and for all, but after a bit of research, Kaj decided that Evil Pixraze should fight Mario and Sonic, as it would stabilize the timeline and prevent a paradox from happening. Kaj also decided that The Jester was a better name than Evil Pixraze, so Evil Pixraze changed his name to The Jester. He closed the castle doors and appeared in front of them when they turned their backs. “You want a fight?” he asked. “Yeah, especially now that you've locked us in,” exclaimed Sonic. “Good,” The Jester replied, and suddenly bolted at the team. Amy responded by swinging her hammer at The Jester, and missing, causing her to lose balance and fall down, dropping her hammer on the floor for The Jester to swipe. Luigi gasped as he got scared that The Jester would hit Amy with it but he instead took a golf ball and hit it against the door where it bounced into Luigi's mouth, choking him for a few seconds until he fell over, causing it to bounce out of his mouth. Tails used his blaster to damage The Jester, but the shot gets deflected by Amy's hammer and Tails narrowly avoids it.

I haven't written the rest, we can fill it in as we go.
Oh, and, no, Luigi doesn't die.

EDIT 1: Added a link to the wiki

Last edited by xX_Unreal_Cool_Xx (March 24, 2020 22:53:37)

This is xX's signature.
ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded
Please stop invading my signature with armies of Ultima Evil Kumquats Omega Prime and Ultima Evil Rick Astley Clones Omega Prime! Or I will have to use these scripts…
define push nearby enemies
tell(all entities(entity::custom-arg)where<<for every(item::custom-arg)in([aliases v]of(xX)), does(<([enemies v]of(entity::custom-arg))contains(item::custom-arg)::>::ring)?;(successful item::custom-arg)::list>and<(distance to(entity::custom-arg))≤(200)::operators>>::sensing)to({point towards(xX
turn cw(180)degrees
when(health)<[0]::events hat
for[i v]in(extra life items::list){
if<([inventory v]of(xX))contains(item(i)of(extra life items::list))>then
delete(item # of(item(i)of(extra life items::list))in([inventory v]of(xX))::list)of([inventory v]of(xX))::list
change[lives v]by(1)
break loop::control cap
change[lives v]by(-1)
broadcast[restock on 1ups!!! v
if<(lives)<(0)>then{stop[this sprite v]}::control
set[health v]to(max health
100+ posts


So, when should sonic return, also, this is why your co owner.

i'm a servant to two cats and three dogs, i devote way to much time into my stuff, and am willing to collab at any time.

Quality went out the window a long time ago, and the MEMES took over.
100+ posts


TMM S1E2: “Arrival Of The Mobians”
(first half seen in previous post)
The Jester swings Amy's hammer at Mario, who dodges but falls onto Sonic. The Jester, assuming victory, vanishes as destroying the heroes is not his intention. This could be an explanation for why Sonic was mad at Amy in TSS S1E1.

TSS S2E8: “Do I Smell Pretzels?”
The Jester slowly absorbs random objects until TSS S2E8, when the pretzel spaceship arrives.

TSS S3E1A: “Forget Unicorn Land, Now It's Pretzelland”
The pretzels take over Mobius and turn it into Pretzelland. The pretzels imprison everyone who isn't their own kind.

TSS S3E1B: “They Fight Over Our World”
The Jester waits until Evil Pixraze (his former self) escapes to another city, and then he absorbs 100 pretzel soldiers. The pretzel spaceship then retreats, as soon as the remaining soldiers board it. The Jester now has the powers needed to exit and enter universes without the need for a rocket ship. He spends the rest of the day observing the multiverse to figure out where he needs to go. The next day, once he had almost figured it out, a bigger pretzel spaceship arrives, along with 10 smaller ones. The Jester attempts to fight them again, but they are equally powerful. The Jester does not harm the Mobians, but the pretzels use them to their advantage, making the Mobians consider The Jester as a hero.

TSS S3E2A: “Salty”
The crew in the pretzel prison, thinking up a plan to escape. Every plan fails. One of the pretzel guards is salty to them. (lolllllxd)

TSS S3E2B: “Destruction”
The Jester and the pretzels fight until they're both tired, and by that point the pretzels have pretty much destroyed everything.

TSS S3E3A: “Lick Your Way To Freedom”
The crew realizes that everything is made of pretzels so they can just eat their way out of prison. The plan works and they escape, trying to fix the world by attempting to use the new time machine, but it breaks.

TSS S3E3B: “Rise Of The Cringy First Antagonist OC”
Everything is destroyed, but one person rises to fix the world: Vizorxen. He was once the enemy of Pixraze before his world was forgotten; now he aims to fix the world by attempting to use the new time machine, but it breaks.

TSS S3E4: “Two Files With The Same Name”
The two universes collide because of the time machines being used simultaneously, pulling the two universes together while going to the past. Everyone retains their memories of the pretzel army taking over the world. They have three days to prepare, and they do so well. Unfortunately, the pretzel army also retained their memories, and so they too prepare against their foes.

TSS S3E5: “No!”
The pretzel army arrives and starts to win. Vex calls Mario, Luigi, Fuipy, and УD for help. These four people tell all their friends about the event before leaving, and some of their friends arrive too. Even then, the pretzel army surrounds the rocket ships with light barriers so that they can't help their friends. The Jester realizes he doesn't have to side against the good guys, and attempts to pass through the light barriers to save them, but it paints him half white again, making him a little bit denser, so he could be tazed successfully and imprisoned by the pretzel army. The remaining survivors were also tazed and imprisoned.

TSS S3E6: “The One In Blue”
I was originally going to make this episode about Jack's superhero form, Kid, but I decided to make it about Sonic instead.
Just as everything seems to be at its end, Sonic arrives and saves the day, saving everyone with his super speed, and destroying the pretzel spaceship so that the pretzels can't retreat. The police arrest the pretzels.

TSS S3E7: “Why?”
Wario searches for treasure using a metal detector, and detects something big. When he digs it up, it's revealed to be a huge bomb with a drawing of a pretzel on it. He alerts everyone about it, and then they try to defuse it, but to no avail.

TSS S3E8: “The End”
This is the ending you suggested on my profile where the viewer character wins the rights to the studio and burns it down.
Suddenly, in Mobius, everything is set on fire. Blaze attempts to use her control over fire to stop it, but it's too much, even with Blizzard, Frost, and the firefighters. The fire detonates the bomb, causing everything to be destroyed.

TSS S4E1: “Of The Beginning”
Sonic wakes up in the morning feeling that something's not right. He exits his house to find that there's a giant portal in the sky spitting out the houses of the city in the exact place that they're supposed to be. Vex floats on a hoverboard next to the portal, controlling it. He says “Hello!” Intro plays. Vex clones himself so he can explain to Sonic what he's doing, while doing it. VexB flies down to Sonic and explains that the bomb almost destroyed Mobius, but Vex stopped time right before it went off and scanned the entire planet. He then removed the bomb from the files and replaced it with soil. Once he was done with that, he put all the characters in their beds and then programmed this portal he bought from Walmart to spit out the planet, although he had to to it in 16mX16m chunks because he couldn't afford a planet-sized portal. Mario and Luigi return to their home via rocket ship. УD returns to his home via teleportation, but not before thanking Vex.

TSS S4E2: “Forever Alex”
Everyone wonders why the pretzels wanted to take over Mobius. Luckily, the SCP Foundation has claimed the recent events to be so weird that revealing themselves would not harm anyone. Intro plays. Sonic and friends venture to SCP-4001-U6, which is on Mobius's moon for some reason, and they find books describing the pretzels' intentions, which are 1. take over the universe, and 2. teach people not to eat pretzels. Sonic says “What's next, the chickens are gonna fight us?” The camera cuts to the library's book about Sonic, and on one of the pages it says “Sonic joked about the chickens coming next. Honestly, I don't think he should've said that. A lot of weird things happen in this world. But who would listen to me? I'm just a library.” Later, when Sonic and friends get back to Earth, Eggman is oddly nowhere to be seen. Sonic asks Vex if he forgot to include Eggman, and Vex says no. Sonic is displeased by this. Meanwhile, Eggman is laughing, because he just figured out his new plan. He presses a button to activate rows of small creatures, making their eyes glow red, but they're unidentifiable because of the dark.

TSS S4E3: “Winner Winner…”
Cream and Cheese find a chicken wearing a helmet. Cream finds it adorable. It's eyes glow red and it shoots a laser at Cream. Cheese pushes her out of the laser's path, but gets hit by the laser. Cream tells Sonic about it and he realizes that he shouldn't have joked about chickens in the library. Sonic and Cream then take Cheese to the hospital and the doctors tell them that Cheese will be okay. Sonic and Cream then tell everyone about the chicken that hurt Cheese and then Pixraze says “This is why you don't joke about chickens.”

I haven't written the rest of TSS S4E3 or any of TMM S1E3 yet but I just wanted to post this now so it wouldn't take forever.

This is xX's signature.
ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded
Please stop invading my signature with armies of Ultima Evil Kumquats Omega Prime and Ultima Evil Rick Astley Clones Omega Prime! Or I will have to use these scripts…
define push nearby enemies
tell(all entities(entity::custom-arg)where<<for every(item::custom-arg)in([aliases v]of(xX)), does(<([enemies v]of(entity::custom-arg))contains(item::custom-arg)::>::ring)?;(successful item::custom-arg)::list>and<(distance to(entity::custom-arg))≤(200)::operators>>::sensing)to({point towards(xX
turn cw(180)degrees
when(health)<[0]::events hat
for[i v]in(extra life items::list){
if<([inventory v]of(xX))contains(item(i)of(extra life items::list))>then
delete(item # of(item(i)of(extra life items::list))in([inventory v]of(xX))::list)of([inventory v]of(xX))::list
change[lives v]by(1)
break loop::control cap
change[lives v]by(-1)
broadcast[restock on 1ups!!! v
if<(lives)<(0)>then{stop[this sprite v]}::control
set[health v]to(max health
100+ posts


TSS S4E3: “Winner Winner…”
Cream and Cheese find a chicken wearing a helmet. Cream finds it adorable. Its eyes glow red and it shoots a laser at Cream. Cheese pushes her out of the laser's path, but gets hit by the laser. Cream tells Sonic about it and he realizes that he shouldn't have joked about chickens in the library. Sonic and Cream then take Cheese to the hospital and the doctors tell them that Cheese will be okay. Sonic and Cream then tell everyone about the chicken that hurt Cheese and then Vex says “This is why you don't joke about chickens.” After a few seconds Sonic replies “Yeah, that's fair.” Intro plays.

TSS S4E4: “Relativity”
Vex realizes that The Jester is absent. He then remembers that Pixraze was sending out his location to Vex before he got absorbed by The Jester. He then attempts to get Pixraze's current location, and succeeds when Pixraze accepts the request, revealing him to still be alive. Pixraze then has the following conversation with Vex:

Pixraze: “I thought I lost contact with you when I got absorbed!”
Vex: “Me too, but is there anything you can do in there?”
Pixraze: “No, it's just a void, not even gravity's here, although there is a screen showing me everything The Jester sees.”
Pixraze: “I can also see Bowser, Kamek, Peach, 100 living pretzels, and a few random objects.”
Pixraze: “Sometimes The Jester appears in here and messes around with the inanimate objects.”
Vex: “Alright. I'll see what I can do to get you out of The Jester's pocket dimension.”
Pixraze: “Thanks in advance.”

Vex figures out that The Jester is heading towards Universe 0, the one that holds Earth. Vex gathers all of the OCs (except for Samuel and AIB, both my OCs (not submitted yet, will be soon)) into a spaceship to race The Jester to Universe 0. However, when they almost reach Universe 0, their spaceship gets thrown out of its trajectory and into Universe 763. They meet Samuel, AIB (Artificially Intelligent Boy (controlled by “AI Dungeon” or “Text To Transformer”), and Gabriel, and ask them to help them. Gabriel is hesitant about joining them, but gives in. After fixing their spaceship, they eventually make it out and continue to Universe 0, which is not very far away from Universe 763, considering that the spaceship can go faster than light speed (≈3/2 light speed). However, once they enter Universe 0, the Verkum, Bekjum, Multium, etc. atoms are made useless, as they could not physically exist in Universe 0, so they are replaced with voids. This significantly decreases the functionality and speed of the ship, but it still works. They spot The Jester heading towards Earth at impossible speeds, so they rush after him as fast as possible (≈3/4 light speed).

This is xX's signature.
ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded
Please stop invading my signature with armies of Ultima Evil Kumquats Omega Prime and Ultima Evil Rick Astley Clones Omega Prime! Or I will have to use these scripts…
define push nearby enemies
tell(all entities(entity::custom-arg)where<<for every(item::custom-arg)in([aliases v]of(xX)), does(<([enemies v]of(entity::custom-arg))contains(item::custom-arg)::>::ring)?;(successful item::custom-arg)::list>and<(distance to(entity::custom-arg))≤(200)::operators>>::sensing)to({point towards(xX
turn cw(180)degrees
when(health)<[0]::events hat
for[i v]in(extra life items::list){
if<([inventory v]of(xX))contains(item(i)of(extra life items::list))>then
delete(item # of(item(i)of(extra life items::list))in([inventory v]of(xX))::list)of([inventory v]of(xX))::list
change[lives v]by(1)
break loop::control cap
change[lives v]by(-1)
broadcast[restock on 1ups!!! v
if<(lives)<(0)>then{stop[this sprite v]}::control
set[health v]to(max health
100+ posts


TSS:R1:S4:E5 “Red”
Everything in this episode that takes place when AIBoy was conscious was made using the help of AIDungeon.

Once the spaceship enters Universe 0, it is significantly damaged, and has just enough fuel to make it to Mars, but they crash onto the surface. Vex says “Seriously? Again?” Intro plays. AIBoy puts on a spacesuit and gathers various materials from the surface of Mars (dust, rocks, air, etc.) to use as fuel to power up the spaceship. Once the spaceship is fueled, The Jester is spotted closing in on Earth. The protagonists shoot at him using lasers but he just absorbs the lasers. Pixraze barely dodges them. The Jester lands on Mars to face the protagonists in person. AIBoy goes outside to light, but The Jester shoots a Light Extraction Ray at him, causing the light to drain out of AIBoy. AIBoy looks at himself and shouts “What have you done to me?“ The Jester responds with “If you hadn't fought me, I wouldn't have to do it.” AIBoy falls unconscious. Vex goes outside and knocks The Jester out before bringing him and AIBoy back inside the spaceship. The Jester is placed in a hypersleep pod. The spaceship takes off from Mars and back into the TSS Universe.

TSS:R1:S4:E6 “The Tower Of Infinity”
AIBoy wakes up in a hospital bed. He has no memory of his past. Vex is sitting nearby, pleased of his awakening.

Vex: “Hello.”
AIBoy: “Who are you?”
Vex: “Oh. You don't remember?”
AIBoy: “No.”
Vex: “Well, I can fix that.”
A blue holographic screen appears in front of Vex. Vex presses a few buttons and AIBoy suddenly remembers everything.
AIBoy: “Oh… oh no…”
Vex: “What's wrong?”
AIBoy: “I remember now… it's my sister…”
Vex: “What about your sister?”
AIBoy: “She was lost in the Tower of Infinity several years ago…”
Vex: “Well, we can go look for her!”
AIBoy: “Yeah, but… She's probably dead by now…”

Dr. Zoidberg: “Hello there. You've been asleep for a long time.”
Intro plays.
AIGirl: “Who are you?”
Dr. Zoidberg: “I am Dr. Zoidberg, the world's foremost expert on all things scientific and I'm here to help you out. What do you need my expertise with?”
AIGirl: “I want to see my brother again.”
Dr. Zoidberg: “Yeah, well maybe he's around somewhere. Maybe we can track him down somehow.”
AIGirl: “How long have I been asleep?”
Dr. Zoidberg: “Several years.”
AIGirl: “Oh no… he must be so worried!”
Dr. Zoidberg: “Well, we need to get you out of here so you can get back to your brother.”
AIGirl hops out of the hospital bed to find that there is a door on the ceiling.
AIGirl: “Why is there a door on the ceiling?”
Dr. Zoidberg: “That's the outside.”
AIGirl: “What?”
Dr. Zoidberg walks up the wall to the door.
Dr. Zoidberg: “Well? You wanted to see your brother, what are you waiting for?”
AIGirl gets excited and runs up the wall to the door. The path ahead twists and turns in literally all directions.
AIGirl and Dr. Zoidberg walk along the path, and Dr. Zoidberg tells AIGirl that they were created by an AI which controls half of the stuff that happens to them.

TSS:R1:S4:E7 “Escape”
The night after the events of TSS:R1:S4:E6

Eggman sneaks into Vex's spaceship to take The Jester to his laboratory. Eggman wakes up The Jester and convinces him to team up with him.

The Jester wakes up. Eggman is there, and asks once again to team up. The Jester realizes that he can not achieve his goals alone and accepts the offer. (Currently, nobody knows who The Jester is working for. The protagonists only stopped him from reaching Earth because they want to protect it.)

Vex wakes up and

This is xX's signature.
ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded
Please stop invading my signature with armies of Ultima Evil Kumquats Omega Prime and Ultima Evil Rick Astley Clones Omega Prime! Or I will have to use these scripts…
define push nearby enemies
tell(all entities(entity::custom-arg)where<<for every(item::custom-arg)in([aliases v]of(xX)), does(<([enemies v]of(entity::custom-arg))contains(item::custom-arg)::>::ring)?;(successful item::custom-arg)::list>and<(distance to(entity::custom-arg))≤(200)::operators>>::sensing)to({point towards(xX
turn cw(180)degrees
when(health)<[0]::events hat
for[i v]in(extra life items::list){
if<([inventory v]of(xX))contains(item(i)of(extra life items::list))>then
delete(item # of(item(i)of(extra life items::list))in([inventory v]of(xX))::list)of([inventory v]of(xX))::list
change[lives v]by(1)
break loop::control cap
change[lives v]by(-1)
broadcast[restock on 1ups!!! v
if<(lives)<(0)>then{stop[this sprite v]}::control
set[health v]to(max health
100+ posts


By the way, “R1” means “Reality 1” or “Remix 1” (1 meaning original).

This is xX's signature.
ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded
Please stop invading my signature with armies of Ultima Evil Kumquats Omega Prime and Ultima Evil Rick Astley Clones Omega Prime! Or I will have to use these scripts…
define push nearby enemies
tell(all entities(entity::custom-arg)where<<for every(item::custom-arg)in([aliases v]of(xX)), does(<([enemies v]of(entity::custom-arg))contains(item::custom-arg)::>::ring)?;(successful item::custom-arg)::list>and<(distance to(entity::custom-arg))≤(200)::operators>>::sensing)to({point towards(xX
turn cw(180)degrees
when(health)<[0]::events hat
for[i v]in(extra life items::list){
if<([inventory v]of(xX))contains(item(i)of(extra life items::list))>then
delete(item # of(item(i)of(extra life items::list))in([inventory v]of(xX))::list)of([inventory v]of(xX))::list
change[lives v]by(1)
break loop::control cap
change[lives v]by(-1)
broadcast[restock on 1ups!!! v
if<(lives)<(0)>then{stop[this sprite v]}::control
set[health v]to(max health
100+ posts


What should we call the “good” and “bad” teams on the wiki? (probably bad examples: “Team Sonic”, “Team Eggman”, “Team Evil Pixraze”)

We can't just call them “good gang” and “bad bunch” because there are more than two sides.

This is xX's signature.
ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded
Please stop invading my signature with armies of Ultima Evil Kumquats Omega Prime and Ultima Evil Rick Astley Clones Omega Prime! Or I will have to use these scripts…
define push nearby enemies
tell(all entities(entity::custom-arg)where<<for every(item::custom-arg)in([aliases v]of(xX)), does(<([enemies v]of(entity::custom-arg))contains(item::custom-arg)::>::ring)?;(successful item::custom-arg)::list>and<(distance to(entity::custom-arg))≤(200)::operators>>::sensing)to({point towards(xX
turn cw(180)degrees
when(health)<[0]::events hat
for[i v]in(extra life items::list){
if<([inventory v]of(xX))contains(item(i)of(extra life items::list))>then
delete(item # of(item(i)of(extra life items::list))in([inventory v]of(xX))::list)of([inventory v]of(xX))::list
change[lives v]by(1)
break loop::control cap
change[lives v]by(-1)
broadcast[restock on 1ups!!! v
if<(lives)<(0)>then{stop[this sprite v]}::control
set[health v]to(max health
100+ posts


xX_Unreal_Cool_Xx wrote:

What should we call the “good” and “bad” teams on the wiki? (probably bad examples: “Team Sonic”, “Team Eggman”, “Team Evil Pixraze”)

We can't just call them “good gang” and “bad bunch” because there are more than two sides.
team sonic is okay, as for eggman, i'm not sure nor for evil Pixraze's side, maybe the shadows or somthing for evil Pixraze an CO.

i'm a servant to two cats and three dogs, i devote way to much time into my stuff, and am willing to collab at any time.

Quality went out the window a long time ago, and the MEMES took over.
5 posts


hows TSS s.2 ep.5 going?

⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠶⣿⣭⡧⡤⣤⣻⣛⣹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣄ sho me da wae
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⣠⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧ (i did not make this @johncenafan (or something like that did,
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢸⣿⣿⡀⠘⣿⡿⢿⣿⣿⡟⣾⣿⣯⣽⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀ i'll give full credit when i find it.))
100+ posts


Thanks for reminding me I keep getting distracted I haven't even finished the thumbnail yet…

This is xX's signature.
ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded
Please stop invading my signature with armies of Ultima Evil Kumquats Omega Prime and Ultima Evil Rick Astley Clones Omega Prime! Or I will have to use these scripts…
define push nearby enemies
tell(all entities(entity::custom-arg)where<<for every(item::custom-arg)in([aliases v]of(xX)), does(<([enemies v]of(entity::custom-arg))contains(item::custom-arg)::>::ring)?;(successful item::custom-arg)::list>and<(distance to(entity::custom-arg))≤(200)::operators>>::sensing)to({point towards(xX
turn cw(180)degrees
when(health)<[0]::events hat
for[i v]in(extra life items::list){
if<([inventory v]of(xX))contains(item(i)of(extra life items::list))>then
delete(item # of(item(i)of(extra life items::list))in([inventory v]of(xX))::list)of([inventory v]of(xX))::list
change[lives v]by(1)
break loop::control cap
change[lives v]by(-1)
broadcast[restock on 1ups!!! v
if<(lives)<(0)>then{stop[this sprite v]}::control
set[health v]to(max health
5 posts


xX_Unreal_Cool_Xx wrote:

Thanks for reminding me I keep getting distracted I haven't even finished the thumbnail yet…

⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠶⣿⣭⡧⡤⣤⣻⣛⣹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣄ sho me da wae
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⣠⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧ (i did not make this @johncenafan (or something like that did,
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢸⣿⣿⡀⠘⣿⡿⢿⣿⣿⡟⣾⣿⣯⣽⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀ i'll give full credit when i find it.))
100+ posts


Okay I finished the thumbnail but it never saved and now it's gone so I've given up on making the thumbnail by now

This is xX's signature.
ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded
Please stop invading my signature with armies of Ultima Evil Kumquats Omega Prime and Ultima Evil Rick Astley Clones Omega Prime! Or I will have to use these scripts…
define push nearby enemies
tell(all entities(entity::custom-arg)where<<for every(item::custom-arg)in([aliases v]of(xX)), does(<([enemies v]of(entity::custom-arg))contains(item::custom-arg)::>::ring)?;(successful item::custom-arg)::list>and<(distance to(entity::custom-arg))≤(200)::operators>>::sensing)to({point towards(xX
turn cw(180)degrees
when(health)<[0]::events hat
for[i v]in(extra life items::list){
if<([inventory v]of(xX))contains(item(i)of(extra life items::list))>then
delete(item # of(item(i)of(extra life items::list))in([inventory v]of(xX))::list)of([inventory v]of(xX))::list
change[lives v]by(1)
break loop::control cap
change[lives v]by(-1)
broadcast[restock on 1ups!!! v
if<(lives)<(0)>then{stop[this sprite v]}::control
set[health v]to(max health
100+ posts


But now I don't know what scene to start in

This is xX's signature.
ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded
Please stop invading my signature with armies of Ultima Evil Kumquats Omega Prime and Ultima Evil Rick Astley Clones Omega Prime! Or I will have to use these scripts…
define push nearby enemies
tell(all entities(entity::custom-arg)where<<for every(item::custom-arg)in([aliases v]of(xX)), does(<([enemies v]of(entity::custom-arg))contains(item::custom-arg)::>::ring)?;(successful item::custom-arg)::list>and<(distance to(entity::custom-arg))≤(200)::operators>>::sensing)to({point towards(xX
turn cw(180)degrees
when(health)<[0]::events hat
for[i v]in(extra life items::list){
if<([inventory v]of(xX))contains(item(i)of(extra life items::list))>then
delete(item # of(item(i)of(extra life items::list))in([inventory v]of(xX))::list)of([inventory v]of(xX))::list
change[lives v]by(1)
break loop::control cap
change[lives v]by(-1)
broadcast[restock on 1ups!!! v
if<(lives)<(0)>then{stop[this sprite v]}::control
set[health v]to(max health
100+ posts


Oof I’m not sure what one you should start.

i'm a servant to two cats and three dogs, i devote way to much time into my stuff, and am willing to collab at any time.

Quality went out the window a long time ago, and the MEMES took over.
100+ posts


xX_Unreal_Cool_Xx wrote:

Okay I finished the thumbnail but it never saved and now it's gone so I've given up on making the thumbnail by now
I think you had this idea already, but maybe we should make another a SCP appearance or something, like 173 or 079 (I think, whatever the computer is) or something that’s not going to be terrifying and get us in trouble like 096 as that one to a younger mind might be scary and believe it’s real or something,

i'm a servant to two cats and three dogs, i devote way to much time into my stuff, and am willing to collab at any time.

Quality went out the window a long time ago, and the MEMES took over.
100+ posts


This might be a short episode just because I want to get it out without taking 5 more months

This is xX's signature.
ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded
Please stop invading my signature with armies of Ultima Evil Kumquats Omega Prime and Ultima Evil Rick Astley Clones Omega Prime! Or I will have to use these scripts…
define push nearby enemies
tell(all entities(entity::custom-arg)where<<for every(item::custom-arg)in([aliases v]of(xX)), does(<([enemies v]of(entity::custom-arg))contains(item::custom-arg)::>::ring)?;(successful item::custom-arg)::list>and<(distance to(entity::custom-arg))≤(200)::operators>>::sensing)to({point towards(xX
turn cw(180)degrees
when(health)<[0]::events hat
for[i v]in(extra life items::list){
if<([inventory v]of(xX))contains(item(i)of(extra life items::list))>then
delete(item # of(item(i)of(extra life items::list))in([inventory v]of(xX))::list)of([inventory v]of(xX))::list
change[lives v]by(1)
break loop::control cap
change[lives v]by(-1)
broadcast[restock on 1ups!!! v
if<(lives)<(0)>then{stop[this sprite v]}::control
set[health v]to(max health
100+ posts


xX_Unreal_Cool_Xx wrote:

This might be a short episode just because I want to get it out without taking 5 more months

i'm a servant to two cats and three dogs, i devote way to much time into my stuff, and am willing to collab at any time.

Quality went out the window a long time ago, and the MEMES took over.
100+ posts






This is xX's signature.
ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded
Please stop invading my signature with armies of Ultima Evil Kumquats Omega Prime and Ultima Evil Rick Astley Clones Omega Prime! Or I will have to use these scripts…
define push nearby enemies
tell(all entities(entity::custom-arg)where<<for every(item::custom-arg)in([aliases v]of(xX)), does(<([enemies v]of(entity::custom-arg))contains(item::custom-arg)::>::ring)?;(successful item::custom-arg)::list>and<(distance to(entity::custom-arg))≤(200)::operators>>::sensing)to({point towards(xX
turn cw(180)degrees
when(health)<[0]::events hat
for[i v]in(extra life items::list){
if<([inventory v]of(xX))contains(item(i)of(extra life items::list))>then
delete(item # of(item(i)of(extra life items::list))in([inventory v]of(xX))::list)of([inventory v]of(xX))::list
change[lives v]by(1)
break loop::control cap
change[lives v]by(-1)
broadcast[restock on 1ups!!! v
if<(lives)<(0)>then{stop[this sprite v]}::control
set[health v]to(max health
5 posts


xX_Unreal_Cool_Xx wrote:




I've started the next episode https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/396604375/editor this is the what i have so far, question being, does it mach up with the story of the S.C.P. story part?

⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠶⣿⣭⡧⡤⣤⣻⣛⣹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣄ sho me da wae
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⣠⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧ (i did not make this @johncenafan (or something like that did,
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢸⣿⣿⡀⠘⣿⡿⢿⣿⣿⡟⣾⣿⣯⣽⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀ i'll give full credit when i find it.))

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