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2 posts

How to become famous on Scratch

It's weird how I have been on this site for 4 months, I uploaded 6 projects, and yet I barely have any followers, likes, loves, or even views. My top amount of views that I got on ANY project was 100 views… But on a good side I got a famous scratcher to view my project… You just have to ask kindly…
New to Scratch
23 posts

How to become famous on Scratch

coolitsusa wrote:

turkey3 wrote:

Scratch isn't about fame
Sure, it isn't about fame, but everybody wants a decent amount of people to look at their projects.

I agree with what coolitsusa said.
And, about the follow4follow thing, if you follow me, sure, I'll follow you back if you seem cool to follow, but don't spam me with, can you follow me if I follow you?
Even though I am very famous from being ScratchinFaves, the most awesome user in Scratch.

New to Scratch
2 posts

How to become famous on Scratch

This may be quite useful info
100+ posts

How to become famous on Scratch

Rumanti wrote:

Awesome, but how about adding a note:

Please note thar only New Scratchers can use signatures.

This makes no sense, i am a scratcher and i have a signature!

YUP! That is me!
100+ posts

How to become famous on Scratch

@ScratchU8 is famous and he has a number

sometimes i use a user theme

sometimes i dont

sometimes i want the old 1.4 design back

Realms Announcement: I HAVE A REALM
71 posts

How to become famous on Scratch

Scratch12300 wrote:

BigBlueBlock wrote:

AlphaAxle wrote:

How to become famous on Scatch

If you are looking through the New Scratchers section, you are probably new to scratch, and don't have a lot of followers.
Well I would like to help all of you guys by sharing some tips to help you gain more followers and more projects on the front page.

The following are a list of tips to help you!

Have a good identity:
The first thing people will notice about you are your username and your icon. You want to have a original username and a nice icon. When it comes to usernames, you want it to not include numbers, or a random sequence of letters because, what looks better?

Tigerguy537 or AlphaAxle?

It might take a while to come up with a good username, but i can tell you it's worth it! You also want your icon to not be random and have it represent you. Think of your icon as a logo, a logo for the company of your account, you want this logo to look cool, but also want it to be professional and represent you. If you are on the forums, this also includes your signature! You also want to be cool and represent you!

Once you take these two things into effect, more people will notice you! This then leads to more views, loves, faves, and even followers!

Look professional:
On all your project you want to look professional.
Like the username and logo, the first thing people will see of your project is the thumbnail, keep in mind that what ever is showing last when you save will be the thumbnail, so make sure it looks awesome!

You also want to take extra time to make everything look neat and professional.
Don't use the default font, It's to plain, try to find a different font that looks better, or, do what I do! I use cooltext.com for lots of my graphical needs, they have special font and text effects to make any project cooler!

Don't Spam:
No really, nothing is really more annoying then when someone spams about an unrelated project on your profile or a project.
When you spam, it instantly ruins your reputation
This also includes the follow4follow thing, just don't it is REALLY annoying

Be Active
It never ceases to amaze me how many user expect just to sit back, do nothing, and gain followers. I can tell you this is not how it works.

You have to be active.

Try to check your messages when you can, and try to respond to them, this shows that you don't care about how many followers you have, but you care about each and every follower

Work Hard
This is the second most important tip I can give to you

Always try to make each and every project you can make the best you can do, even if it's your best isn't that great, because you will get better. Try to set a standard to the quality of your projects, and challenge yourself to put as much as you can into that project, and then try even more.

No matter how good you are, you can always do better

Build into Others
This is the last and most important tip I can give to you

Scratch is a community, not a website, not a program, a community. And in a community we help each other. We help them when they need help and they help us. So my final tip is to find others and help them grow, build into them and guide them and help each other out. They might be a stranger, or our best friend, or that on quiet kid at your school, help them if their confused or don't know to do something. And if you are lost just ask for help, I can tell you that their are many people on scratch, including me, who would be happy to help you. Once you are a part of the community you will find many people that you are friend with, even if you don't know them in real life. And once you build into others, as I am building into you, you will discover that the number of followers, is not as important as number of friends

Thank you for reading some of the tips I can give you!
Hope that I was able to help you
If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask

This should be stickied!
I agree!
I agree with you, and I do most of these things, I work hard, but it just seems like it I doesn't work for me. Could you check my account out and give me some feedback on how to improve? Thanks!

71 posts

How to become famous on Scratch

NeonTech wrote:

Scratch12300 wrote:

BigBlueBlock wrote:

AlphaAxle wrote:

How to become famous on Scatch

If you are looking through the New Scratchers section, you are probably new to scratch, and don't have a lot of followers.
Well I would like to help all of you guys by sharing some tips to help you gain more followers and more projects on the front page.

The following are a list of tips to help you!

Have a good identity:
The first thing people will notice about you are your username and your icon. You want to have a original username and a nice icon. When it comes to usernames, you want it to not include numbers, or a random sequence of letters because, what looks better?

Tigerguy537 or AlphaAxle?

It might take a while to come up with a good username, but i can tell you it's worth it! You also want your icon to not be random and have it represent you. Think of your icon as a logo, a logo for the company of your account, you want this logo to look cool, but also want it to be professional and represent you. If you are on the forums, this also includes your signature! You also want to be cool and represent you!

Once you take these two things into effect, more people will notice you! This then leads to more views, loves, faves, and even followers!

Look professional:
On all your project you want to look professional.
Like the username and logo, the first thing people will see of your project is the thumbnail, keep in mind that what ever is showing last when you save will be the thumbnail, so make sure it looks awesome!

You also want to take extra time to make everything look neat and professional.
Don't use the default font, It's to plain, try to find a different font that looks better, or, do what I do! I use cooltext.com for lots of my graphical needs, they have special font and text effects to make any project cooler!

Don't Spam:
No really, nothing is really more annoying then when someone spams about an unrelated project on your profile or a project.
When you spam, it instantly ruins your reputation
This also includes the follow4follow thing, just don't it is REALLY annoying

Be Active
It never ceases to amaze me how many user expect just to sit back, do nothing, and gain followers. I can tell you this is not how it works.

You have to be active.

Try to check your messages when you can, and try to respond to them, this shows that you don't care about how many followers you have, but you care about each and every follower

Work Hard
This is the second most important tip I can give to you

Always try to make each and every project you can make the best you can do, even if it's your best isn't that great, because you will get better. Try to set a standard to the quality of your projects, and challenge yourself to put as much as you can into that project, and then try even more.

No matter how good you are, you can always do better

Build into Others
This is the last and most important tip I can give to you

Scratch is a community, not a website, not a program, a community. And in a community we help each other. We help them when they need help and they help us. So my final tip is to find others and help them grow, build into them and guide them and help each other out. They might be a stranger, or our best friend, or that on quiet kid at your school, help them if their confused or don't know to do something. And if you are lost just ask for help, I can tell you that their are many people on scratch, including me, who would be happy to help you. Once you are a part of the community you will find many people that you are friend with, even if you don't know them in real life. And once you build into others, as I am building into you, you will discover that the number of followers, is not as important as number of friends

Thank you for reading some of the tips I can give you!
Hope that I was able to help you
If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask

This should be stickied!
I agree!
I agree with you, and I do most of these things, I work hard, but it just seems like it I doesn't work for me. Could you check my account out and give me some feedback on how to improve? Thanks!
Also, you may see that I have quite a few followers for a month, but I have literally on all my accounts, done scratch for 2 1/2 years.

100+ posts

How to become famous on Scratch

starshine1111 wrote:

AlphaAxle wrote:

How to become famous on Scatch

If you are looking through the New Scratchers section, you are probably new to scratch, and don't have a lot of followers.
Well I would like to help all of you guys by sharing some tips to help you gain more followers and more projects on the front page.

The following are a list of tips to help you!

Have a good identity:
The first thing people will notice about you are your username and your icon. You want to have a original username and a nice icon. When it comes to usernames, you want it to not include numbers, or a random sequence of letters because, what looks better?

Tigerguy537 or AlphaAxle?

It might take a while to come up with a good username, but i can tell you it's worth it! You also want your icon to not be random and have it represent you. Think of your icon as a logo, a logo for the company of your account, you want this logo to look cool, but also want it to be professional and represent you. If you are on the forums, this also includes your signature! You also want to be cool and represent you!

Once you take these two things into effect, more people will notice you! This then leads to more views, loves, faves, and even followers!

Look professional:
On all your project you want to look professional.
Like the username and logo, the first thing people will see of your project is the thumbnail, keep in mind that what ever is showing last when you save will be the thumbnail, so make sure it looks awesome!

You also want to take extra time to make everything look neat and professional.
Don't use the default font, It's to plain, try to find a different font that looks better, or, do what I do! I use cooltext.com for lots of my graphical needs, they have special font and text effects to make any project cooler!

Don't Spam:
No really, nothing is really more annoying then when someone spams about an unrelated project on your profile or a project.
When you spam, it instantly ruins your reputation
This also includes the follow4follow thing, just don't it is REALLY annoying

Be Active
It never ceases to amaze me how many user expect just to sit back, do nothing, and gain followers. I can tell you this is not how it works.

You have to be active.

Try to check your messages when you can, and try to respond to them, this shows that you don't care about how many followers you have, but you care about each and every follower

Work Hard
This is the second most important tip I can give to you

Always try to make each and every project you can make the best you can do, even if it's your best isn't that great, because you will get better. Try to set a standard to the quality of your projects, and challenge yourself to put as much as you can into that project, and then try even more.

No matter how good you are, you can always do better

Build into Others
This is the last and most important tip I can give to you

Scratch is a community, not a website, not a program, a community. And in a community we help each other. We help them when they need help and they help us. So my final tip is to find others and help them grow, build into them and guide them and help each other out. They might be a stranger, or our best friend, or that on quiet kid at your school, help them if their confused or don't know to do something. And if you are lost just ask for help, I can tell you that their are many people on scratch, including me, who would be happy to help you. Once you are a part of the community you will find many people that you are friend with, even if you don't know them in real life. And once you build into others, as I am building into you, you will discover that the number of followers, is not as important as number of friends

Thank you for reading some of the tips I can give you!
Hope that I was able to help you
If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask


Eh? I'm new, have numbers in my name and the only thing on here that is what you said to do is not spamming. I try and help too, but nothing I do ever seems to attract people. :,(
Not Spamming doesn't help either
100+ posts

How to become famous on Scratch

I do too!

Random_Person42 wrote:

i like TigerGuy537


36 posts

How to become famous on Scratch

What about the Scratching fame scheme?

Last edited by unicornplops (July 5, 2014 12:21:55)

I just figured out how to make a signature! I'm so happy! (thnx OmnipotentPotato)
14 posts

How to become famous on Scratch

I am not here for fame, scratch was not made for fame, nothing was made for fame.
when green flag clicked
if <[JP0021] = [Awesome]> then
say [YAY] for (2) secs
99 posts

How to become famous on Scratch

ive always wanted to become a famous scratcher. But unfortunately my big chance is over. I tried and guess what? Everyone thinks my projects are horrible and I don't deserve any followers. Oh well I guess @scratchU8 just got lucky I guess.
1000+ posts

How to become famous on Scratch

unicornplops wrote:

What about the Scratching fame scheme?

Bush hid the sig
1000+ posts

How to become famous on Scratch

Chibi-Matoran wrote:

Please change the “Tigerguy537” to something else. I know a Scratcher called tigergirl624.
Nothing says it would not be fair if someone has a similar name as an example. It is not intended to give any offense to any user.

Bush hid the sig
67 posts

How to become famous on Scratch

AlphaAxle wrote:

starshine1111 wrote:

Eh? I'm new, have numbers in my name and the only thing on here that is what you said to do is not spamming. I try and help too, but nothing I do ever seems to attract people. :,(
That is okay, you don't need to change your username, all of these our just suggestions, what i find more important is the icon!
How do you change your username???

6 posts

How to become famous on Scratch

How do I change my username?
48 posts

How to become famous on Scratch

scratchgame15234 wrote:

How do I change my username?

You can't.

"I know, I'm just trolling you. THIS DESERVES TO BE SOMEONE'S FORUM SIGNATURE! -110Percent, 2014

Wow, I'm so random. Yaaaaaaay.
100+ posts

How to become famous on Scratch

AlphaAxle wrote:

How to become famous on Scatch

If you are looking through the New Scratchers section, you are probably new to scratch, and don't have a lot of followers.
Well I would like to help all of you guys by sharing some tips to help you gain more followers and more projects on the front page.

The following are a list of tips to help you!

Have a good identity:
The first thing people will notice about you are your username and your icon. You want to have a original username and a nice icon. When it comes to usernames, you want it to not include numbers, or a random sequence of letters because, what looks better?

Tigerguy537 or AlphaAxle?

It might take a while to come up with a good username, but i can tell you it's worth it! You also want your icon to not be random and have it represent you. Think of your icon as a logo, a logo for the company of your account, you want this logo to look cool, but also want it to be professional and represent you. If you are on the forums, this also includes your signature! You also want to be cool and represent you!

Once you take these two things into effect, more people will notice you! This then leads to more views, loves, faves, and even followers!

Look professional:
On all your project you want to look professional.
Like the username and logo, the first thing people will see of your project is the thumbnail, keep in mind that what ever is showing last when you save will be the thumbnail, so make sure it looks awesome!

You also want to take extra time to make everything look neat and professional.
Don't use the default font, It's to plain, try to find a different font that looks better, or, do what I do! I use cooltext.com for lots of my graphical needs, they have special font and text effects to make any project cooler!

Don't Spam:
No really, nothing is really more annoying then when someone spams about an unrelated project on your profile or a project.
When you spam, it instantly ruins your reputation
This also includes the follow4follow thing, just don't it is REALLY annoying

Be Active
It never ceases to amaze me how many user expect just to sit back, do nothing, and gain followers. I can tell you this is not how it works.

You have to be active.

Try to check your messages when you can, and try to respond to them, this shows that you don't care about how many followers you have, but you care about each and every follower

Work Hard
This is the second most important tip I can give to you

Always try to make each and every project you can make the best you can do, even if it's your best isn't that great, because you will get better. Try to set a standard to the quality of your projects, and challenge yourself to put as much as you can into that project, and then try even more.

No matter how good you are, you can always do better

Build into Others
This is the last and most important tip I can give to you

Scratch is a community, not a website, not a program, a community. And in a community we help each other. We help them when they need help and they help us. So my final tip is to find others and help them grow, build into them and guide them and help each other out. They might be a stranger, or our best friend, or that on quiet kid at your school, help them if their confused or don't know to do something. And if you are lost just ask for help, I can tell you that their are many people on scratch, including me, who would be happy to help you. Once you are a part of the community you will find many people that you are friend with, even if you don't know them in real life. And once you build into others, as I am building into you, you will discover that the number of followers, is not as important as number of friends

Thank you for reading some of the tips I can give you!
Hope that I was able to help you
If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask


Personally, I like Tigerguy537 (Sorry, but it looks cooler)


100+ posts

How to become famous on Scratch

AlphaAxle wrote:

How to become famous on Scatch

If you are looking through the New Scratchers section, you are probably new to scratch, and don't have a lot of followers.
Well I would like to help all of you guys by sharing some tips to help you gain more followers and more projects on the front page.

The following are a list of tips to help you!

Have a good identity:
The first thing people will notice about you are your username and your icon. You want to have a original username and a nice icon. When it comes to usernames, you want it to not include numbers, or a random sequence of letters because, what looks better?

Tigerguy537 or AlphaAxle?

It might take a while to come up with a good username, but i can tell you it's worth it! You also want your icon to not be random and have it represent you. Think of your icon as a logo, a logo for the company of your account, you want this logo to look cool, but also want it to be professional and represent you. If you are on the forums, this also includes your signature! You also want to be cool and represent you!

Once you take these two things into effect, more people will notice you! This then leads to more views, loves, faves, and even followers!

Look professional:
On all your project you want to look professional.
Like the username and logo, the first thing people will see of your project is the thumbnail, keep in mind that what ever is showing last when you save will be the thumbnail, so make sure it looks awesome!

You also want to take extra time to make everything look neat and professional.
Don't use the default font, It's to plain, try to find a different font that looks better, or, do what I do! I use cooltext.com for lots of my graphical needs, they have special font and text effects to make any project cooler!

Don't Spam:
No really, nothing is really more annoying then when someone spams about an unrelated project on your profile or a project.
When you spam, it instantly ruins your reputation
This also includes the follow4follow thing, just don't it is REALLY annoying

Be Active
It never ceases to amaze me how many user expect just to sit back, do nothing, and gain followers. I can tell you this is not how it works.

You have to be active.

Try to check your messages when you can, and try to respond to them, this shows that you don't care about how many followers you have, but you care about each and every follower

Work Hard
This is the second most important tip I can give to you

Always try to make each and every project you can make the best you can do, even if it's your best isn't that great, because you will get better. Try to set a standard to the quality of your projects, and challenge yourself to put as much as you can into that project, and then try even more.

No matter how good you are, you can always do better

Build into Others
This is the last and most important tip I can give to you

Scratch is a community, not a website, not a program, a community. And in a community we help each other. We help them when they need help and they help us. So my final tip is to find others and help them grow, build into them and guide them and help each other out. They might be a stranger, or our best friend, or that on quiet kid at your school, help them if their confused or don't know to do something. And if you are lost just ask for help, I can tell you that their are many people on scratch, including me, who would be happy to help you. Once you are a part of the community you will find many people that you are friend with, even if you don't know them in real life. And once you build into others, as I am building into you, you will discover that the number of followers, is not as important as number of friends

Thank you for reading some of the tips I can give you!
Hope that I was able to help you
If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask


Personally, I like Tigerguy537 (Sorry, but it looks cooler)


33 posts

How to become famous on Scratch

I think that my projects are okay, and my username is good, too, but no one will ever look at my projects no matter what I do! People keep on looking at this really weird one I did but they won't look at the other stuff! Any suggestions are needed (:


    when I receive [HEY CHECK YOUR SCRATCH v]
repeat (as many times as possible)

point towards [SCRATCHING]
set [ status] to [ check messages ]
if <messages=0> then scream UGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHGUH!!!!!!! and refresh the screen

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