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Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

I believe that we should have the ability of quoting specific parts of forum posts. That way, we will not have to quote the whole post and thus, we will not have to spend our valuable time by removing unnecessary words. Here's how it will work:
1) We will have to mark the part of the post with our mouse or finger, depending on what type of device we are using.
2) A button having “Quote” written on it will appear over the marked area.
3) We will have to click that button.
4) The words in the marked area will be inserted in the post.
New Scratcher
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

I'm gonna give this very, very, VERY weak support.

Seriously. Scoping out the other parts of a post and removing them really cannot take that long. Also, aside from the time it would take to implement (certain parts of the forum code would have to be redone in order to support this new feature), I don't think it's really needed because the workaround that everybody uses isn't that difficult.

Infrequently active.

It feels weird to see how far we've come. I hope you're well, wherever you are!
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

ResExsention wrote:

, I don't think it's really needed because the workaround that everybody uses isn't that difficult.
It is, when the post is big.
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

R4356th wrote:

ResExsention wrote:

, I don't think it's really needed because the workaround that everybody uses isn't that difficult.
It is, when the post is big.
There's a difference between difficult and time-consuming.

Hyped for MS-DOS 11.0
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

Support if the quoted section automatically shows "~snip~" before and/or after it to show that it is, indeed, a section (you can always remove these if needed, such as when quoting the Official List of Rejected Suggestions).
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

Starstriker3000 wrote:

Support if the quoted section automatically shows "~snip~" before and/or after it to show that it is, indeed, a section (you can always remove these if needed, such as when quoting the Official List of Rejected Suggestions).
That is up to the Scratch Team.
New Scratcher
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

fdreerf wrote:

R4356th wrote:

ResExsention wrote:

, I don't think it's really needed because the workaround that everybody uses isn't that difficult.
It is, when the post is big.
There's a difference between difficult and time-consuming.

A true.

Seriously though. If you've at least read over the post you're quoting then you should have an inkling of an idea of where to find the part.

Still no support. I guess this could exist as a low priority task but that's about it.

Infrequently active.

It feels weird to see how far we've come. I hope you're well, wherever you are!
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

No support. You can literally just copy-paste the text and put them in quote tags. Also, it's very rare to find a really long post. (I'm talking around 15,000 to more than 20,000 characters.)

I am officially reopening my account. I decided this is the best way to go.
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

No Support.

  1. CTRL + C exists
  2. CTRL + V exists
  3. OurPrincess wrote:

    Also, it's very rare to find a really long post. (I'm talking around 15,000 to more than 20,000 characters.)
  4. We have [quote] tags, too
  5. Just quote then delete the parts that you don't need
  6. CTRL C + V

i literally have nothing to write here. huh.
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

Morimop wrote:

No Support.

  1. CTRL + C exists
  2. CTRL + V exists
  3. OurPrincess wrote:

    Also, it's very rare to find a really long post. (I'm talking around 15,000 to more than 20,000 characters.)
  4. We have [quote] tags, too
  5. Just quote then delete the parts that you don't need
  6. CTRL C + V
That was literally what I just said, and what an easy workaround! It is not needed.

I am officially reopening my account. I decided this is the best way to go.
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

There is one thing that I should say to everyone who said “no support”.
Look at this post.
It is very long, and is quoted a lot. CTRL+C works, but it does not keep the formatting the same (that includes the removal of links). So far, every time I said “please provide a quote from TOLORS when you want to point out that something is rejected”, the user replied “How do I do that?”. The quicker he method I choose, the more complicated it is to explain.
However, even though this suggestion would make this all easier, I'm still satisfied with the existing way of copying specific parts of forum posts.

Last edited by WindOctahedron (March 15, 2020 17:43:21)

The message above may contain wrong information, rude remarks, or something embarrassing to my current self. In this case, please ignore it and remember that I likely wrote it back when I didn't know what “respect” truly meant. I really hate thinking about it again.
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

OurPrincess wrote:

Morimop wrote:

No Support.

  1. CTRL + C exists
  2. CTRL + V exists
  3. OurPrincess wrote:

    Also, it's very rare to find a really long post. (I'm talking around 15,000 to more than 20,000 characters.)
  4. We have [quote] tags, too
  5. Just quote then delete the parts that you don't need
  6. CTRL C + V
That was literally what I just said, and what an easy workaround! It is not needed.
Yes, but my suggestion will save time.
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

R4356th wrote:

OurPrincess wrote:

Morimop wrote:

No Support.

  1. CTRL + C exists
  2. CTRL + V exists
  3. OurPrincess wrote:

    Also, it's very rare to find a really long post. (I'm talking around 15,000 to more than 20,000 characters.)
  4. We have [quote] tags, too
  5. Just quote then delete the parts that you don't need
  6. CTRL C + V
That was literally what I just said, and what an easy workaround! It is not needed.
Yes, but my suggestion will save time.
It takes 30 seconds max to do that. 30 seconds is short enough!

I am officially reopening my account. I decided this is the best way to go.
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

OurPrincess wrote:

It takes 30 seconds max to do that.
Not on mobile. Also, multiply 30 by 2, it is 60! Thus, it takes a whole minute to do it only twice.
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

R4356th wrote:

OurPrincess wrote:

It takes 30 seconds max to do that.
Not on mobile. Also, multiply 30 by 2, it is 60! Thus, it takes a whole minute to do it only twice.
A minute's not that long! You're acting like a minute is forever.

I am officially reopening my account. I decided this is the best way to go.
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

OurPrincess wrote:

A minute's not that long! You're acting like a minute is forever.
My time is valuable!
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

R4356th wrote:

OurPrincess wrote:

A minute's not that long! You're acting like a minute is forever.
My time is valuable!
Yeah, so valuable, that you can't just set aside one minute of your time? Unlikely.

I am officially reopening my account. I decided this is the best way to go.
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

R4356th wrote:

OurPrincess wrote:

A minute's not that long! You're acting like a minute is forever.
My time is valuable!
Clearly not if you keep advocating for this..

Hyped for MS-DOS 11.0
1000+ posts

Add The Ability of Quoting Specific Parts of Forum Posts

OurPrincess wrote:

Yeah, so valuable, that you can't just set aside one minute of your time? Unlikely.
It is so valuable.

fdreerf wrote:

Clearly not if you keep advocating for this..
I cannot understand your words.

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