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- Green_Cookie
100+ posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
don't use scratchblocks randomly. just use words.Miruku_Coffee wrote:
How do I add a link to another scratcher's page?when you want to make a link
<<Copy> and <Paste>> the URL.
- DukodeStudio
47 posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
I have a question: How do I stop being a curator of a studio?
- Green_Cookie
100+ posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Click on the “Curators” tab, scroll down and find yourself, hover over your box, and click the X. Hope this helped! I have a question: How do I stop being a curator of a studio?
- SuperAtom118
14 posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Why are Christians being reported and blocked?
- ertbnm
11 posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
I have a question….
how do you make a Forum?

- LivingNightmare777
2 posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
How does one copy and paste a link onto a project, specifically songs? I want to make a BMTH project, but I don't know how to copy and paste links into projects! PLS HELP!
- NilsTheBest
1000+ posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
I don't think it's just “christians” that are being reported and blocked. People get reported and blocked if they do something that goes against the community guidelines. Why are Christians being reported and blocked?
You mean a I have a question….topic? There's a blue “new topic” button at the top right of each sub-forum (except announcements).how do you make a Forum?
There is a “copy link” button at the bottom right of the project page. Or, see the link at the top of your browser? Use ctrl + C to copy it and ctrl + V to paste it ^^ How does one copy and paste a link onto a project, specifically songs? I want to make a BMTH project, but I don't know how to copy and paste links into projects! PLS HELP!
- turtlesrcul
39 posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
What do you mean? how do I do change the pg????
- NilsTheBest
1000+ posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Could you explain what you mean by “pg”? Does it stand for anything? how do I do change the pg????
Regardless, please don't ask questions directly here. Make a new topic.
- Sofian2007-_
28 posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
How can I make a save for the progresse on my projects ?
- BlueStarPort
100+ posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
I think that you should make a topic in Help in Scripts. How can I make a save for the progresse on my projects ?
- Sofian2007-_
28 posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
I think that you should make a topic in Help in Scripts. How can I make a save for the progresse on my projects ?
say [Thanks]
- Sofian2007-_
28 posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Hello. I recently noticed that I see loads of the same questions in the questions forum so here is a list of frequently asked questions and answers!
1. Can you feature my project?Only Scratch team members can feature projects. To suggest a project to be featured go here and suggest the project in the comments. Please read the description for the requirements first and bear in mind you can not suggest your own projects.
2. Can you feature my studio?Only Scratch team members can feature studios. To suggest a studio to be featured go here and suggest the studio in a post with a link to the studio. Please read the first post for the requirements and to see what the scratch team is looking for. Unlike projects you can suggest your own studios.
3. Can I join the scratch team?To join the scratch team you have to be over 18 as it is a real job. If you are over 18 and you are interested in joining go here to see available jobs.
4. Can you unban _________?You should never name a person who got banned for a start and you should not get involved. It is up to them to contact the scratch team to get unbanned. If you want the scratch team to unban your other account you should email them and you should not be using another account as that will just make the ban longer. To email the scratch team go here.5. Is ______ appropriate for scratch?First of all you have to check whether it disobeys the community guidelines. Here are some things to consider:
Does it contain blood?
Is it appropriate for all ages?
Does it contain weapons/violence?
Is it against a specific country/culture?
If your answer to all those questions is no your project should be alright. If in doubt email the scratch team. To email the scratch team go here.
6. Someone is stealing my art/projects!If someone is stealing your projects/art and they don't give credit then you should use the report this button under a project. Then select exact copy of project and provide a link to the original project. If it is a remix people do not have to give credit as in the description it will automatically give credit. If someone keeps stealing your stuff email the scratch team. To email the scratch team go here.
7. Can you make me a scratcher?To get information on what the New Scratcher status is and how to get rid of it go here.
8. Why can't I invite anyone to my studio?It could be any of these reasons:
The username does not exist
You are not a manager of the studio
The user has not confirmed their email address
The user has already been invited
The user has already accepted the invite
You have invited a lot of people within a short amount of time and you need to wait
If the user is none of these make a topic here.
9. What is the 60/120 second rule?On the forums scratchers have to wait 60 seconds between posts to prevent spam and new scratchers have to wait 120 seconds between posts to avoid spam.
10. What is the scratch wiki?The Scratch Wiki is a collaboratively-written wiki available for free that provides information about the Scratch programming language, its website, history and phenomena surrounding it. The wiki is supported by the Scratch Team but is primarily written by Scratchers. For a link to the wiki go here.
11. How can I make my studios/projects become popular?
12. Can you add ______ to scratch?
13. Why can't I make a topic in the announcements forum?The announcements forum is for updates from the scratch team so only scratch team members can make topics.
14. What is a Sticky?Stickies are topics that the Scratch Team might consider helpful for (New) Scratchers to use. Stickies are listed at the top of all the forums and have a a blue thumbtack as a logo instead of the normal blue dot. If you wish for your topic to be stickied, you can report the post. In “Reason” section, simply put you are requesting for your topic to be stickied.
15 What is bumping a topic?Bumping a topic means posting the reply “bump” in a topic so it gets moved to the top of the list below the Stickies. Bumping is used by users who want their post to be viewed for opinions/answers.
Please do not bump your post twice in a period of 24 hour.
16. How can I edit my post?If you have posted a post click edit in the bottom right corner of the post. If you are a New Scratcher, you will need to become a Scratcher in order to do this.
17. How should I report a post?Click report at the bottom of the post and explain why you are reporting that post.
18. What does _____ stand for?Check out this topic for commonly used scratch words.
19. Why can’t I use cloud variables?You need to be a Scratcher to use cloud variables.
20. How do I make a new topic?To make a new topic, simply go to the forum you want to post on, then click on the button that says “New topic”. Then type in the title of your topic and the contents of the first post.
21. How do I close my topic?If you want to close it you need to wait 24 hours first then you can click close topic. If you want to close it earlier you can report the first post.
22. How do I reopen my topic?If you accidentally close your topic report the first post to reopen it.
23. What is Necroposting?First things first: What is a necropost?
A necropost is generally referred to as a reply to an old, abandoned thread that has been considered “dead” for a while. Basically, a thread that no longer serves any purpose is bumped back up to the top of the forums by someone posting in it.
How old should a thread be before it is considered “dead”?
This depends on the thread and the forum it is in. Some things to consider:
-Has the initial question been resolved?
-Is the subject no longer relevant? (For example: a thread suggesting an input box. Since Scratch 1.4 added this functionality, this thread has no real purpose.)
-Is the thread relatively old? If the original poster was asking for help, they're probably not watching it anymore if it's over a month old.
Is it ever okay to necropost?
Yes. If you believe you have something to add to the subject that no one else has mentioned, and the topic is still relevant or unresolved, you can give your input; it may spark new discussion! However, do some searching and make sure the subject hasn't been resolved or continued on somewhere else since then. In addition, some topics, such as Show and Tell threads, are never too old to post in. Since those are there for you to give feedback, rather than hold a discussion, you can always leave a comment for the maker. There's nothing like bringing a great project that has been forgotten back into the limelight.
For more information, see the Scratch Wiki article on bumping/necroposting.
24. What Where do I post my topic?Check out this article for all the different categories of forums
25. What is NFE?NFE stands for not for everyone.It means your project is not appropriate for all ages and will not show up in search results. You should consider changing your project so it is appropriate for all ages. A NFE project can not get featured or put on the front page.
26. How can I change my username?Scratch does not allow you to change your username as the servers can't handle it with all your comments and studios and it will get all your followers confused.
27. Why doesn't my project show up in search results?Probably because it was marked NFE.
28. How do I search for users?To search for users go to ww.scratch.mit.edu/USERNAME HERE
29. How do I get a signature?A signature is a piece of text or a image or some blocks that go on the bottom of every post you make. To change your signature go to discussion home scroll down and click change signature.
30. What is spam?Spam is a post that is irrelevant to the topic at hand. Spam can apply to forum posts, comments, and even projects / studios.
31. I need help with my script?If you need help with scripts you should ask here.
32. I found a bug in ScratchIf you found a bug with Scratch make a topic about it here.
33. What does the draft button do?It adds the tag “work-in-progress” and basically lets other people viewing your project know that it's not a finished product.
34. Why are numbers I post turning into X's?Scratch will automatically do that to all numbers that could be a phone number because sharing them is against the rules.
34. What is blockspam?Blockspam is inappropriately using scratchblocks or spamming with scratchblocks such as this:roar
([psd]dsfs[asdfhdsuifg](sdiuh [roao]))
35. Where are the pen and music functions?On the left bottom corner you can add extensions. The pen and music functions are there.
36. Why did my topic get closed? I didn't close it myself!Your topic was closed by a Scratch Team member. Probably it was inappropriate or it was a matter settled or a duplicate topic.
37. What is a MAP?Multi-Animator-Project. It's a group of animators that work together to make a final animators, mostly about songs. Each animator only has to animate for a few seconds.
38. What is a backpack?A backpack is a place where you can store soundtracks, sprites or scripts for late use.
39. How do I get noticed? I want more people to know me!!!To start you can go to the Welcoming Committee and make some friends there.
I hope this guide answered your question. If you have any other frequently asked questions and answers feel free to post below. Scratch on!
asqwde for originally creating it
-Vanilly- adding a point to question 8
Haz-_- for suggesting an updated answer to question 28
-ShadowOfTheFuture- for suggesting question and answer 32
neeb132 for suggesting question and answer 33
congyingzhou for 34 - 39
You can make
40- How can I make a save for the progresse for my projects ?
- BlueStarPort
100+ posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Why did you have to quote the whole thing? You can snip. I also suggested making a topic. (and you did)extreme big snippity snip
You can make
40- How can I make a save for the progresse for my projects ?
Also, the one you suggested is fairly rare, and not such a common occurence.
- turtlesrcul
39 posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
How do you add music to your scratch projects?
- turtlesrcul
39 posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
How do you add music to your scratch projects?
- Green_Cookie
100+ posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Please create a new topic for your question. How do you add music to your scratch projects?
- Green_Cookie
100+ posts
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Please make a new topic for your question so it gets more attention. Hi listen if u r teacher, then can u delete a student?