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happy_master wrote:

Cloud variables are very slow to update and don't instantly auto-update between devices

Don't spam the forums, and that can either be a slow internet connection, a port problem, or the cloud variable servers are having problems.

I have left Scratch! Goodbye everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy.
If you want to ever get in contact with me again, please visit my Github instead.
Also, if you need to, you can contact me via Meower. You'll know where to look.
12 posts

Report cloud data glitches here

The previous version seems to be sending a lot of request per second, so I think the value of the variable get reverted back per reloading due to this updating frequency (color indicates the user).

After the modification made to the project (only update when some conditions are met), the update frequency become much lower, but the cloud variable still get reverted back to the one saved in the project after each refresh. (color indicating the variable changes after each refresh)

For reference, this project.
32 posts

Report cloud data glitches here

MikeDEV wrote:

geek62 wrote:

mateohideg wrote:

geek62 wrote:

When my project assigns values to several cloud variables in succession, only the first and last of the bunch seem to actually save their values in the cloud. (I can see this in the “cloud data history” page for that project.)
For instance, this only writes values into cloud variables ☁cv1 and ☁cv8 :

set [☁ cv1 v] to [1]
set [☁ cv2 v] to [2]
set [☁ cv3 v] to [3]
set [☁ cv4 v] to [4]
set [☁ cv5 v] to [5]
set [☁ cv6 v] to [6]
set [☁ cv7 v] to [7]
set [☁ cv8 v] to [8]

However, it seems to work if I make it wait 1/10th of a second before each assignment, like this:

set [☁ cv1 v] to [1]
wait (0.1) secs
set [☁ cv2 v] to [2]
wait (0.1) secs
set [☁ cv3 v] to [3]
wait (0.1) secs
set [☁ cv4 v] to [4]
wait (0.1) secs
set [☁ cv5 v] to [5]
wait (0.1) secs
set [☁ cv6 v] to [6]
wait (0.1) secs
set [☁ cv7 v] to [7]
wait (0.1) secs
set [☁ cv8 v] to [8]

If I make those delays 0.01 instead of 0.1, then about half of the values make it to the cloud.

I have not yet tested with bigger data; if it needs time to write data, maybe it will need more time to write more data?
I think it would be a solution, thanks you

This is not really a solution; at best it might be a workaround. We don''t even know if it works reliably.

Change each delay to 0.2 seconds. It works well for sending data to a bunch of cloud variables at a time. That's what I'm doing for a new project of mine.
Apparently the cloud processes one variable per 0.1 seconds
22 posts

Report cloud data glitches here

MikeDEV wrote:

Please disregard my last few posts. After fixing my project's issues and bugs, cloud apparently seems to be working.
Really? Mine works fine.


Last edited by riskymlg (June 30, 2019 23:41:56)

Please check out my projects!

12 posts

Report cloud data glitches here

wingyintang wrote:

The previous version seems to be sending a lot of request per second, so I think the value of the variable get reverted back per reloading due to this updating frequency (color indicates the user).

After the modification made to the project (only update when some conditions are met), the update frequency become much lower, but the cloud variable still get reverted back to the one saved in the project after each refresh. (color indicating the variable changes after each refresh)

For reference, this project.

Finally find out the problem where the cloud variable doesn't change at all after each refresh.
It is due to the bug in the conversion from Scratch 2.0 project to Scratch 3.0 project.
The cloud variables that are created in Scratch 2.0 are only treated as a variable with a cloud icon, but it just works like a simple local variable after the conversion to Scratch 3.0, so everything in such variables behave like an ordinary variable.

To solve this problem,
first a new cloud variable has to be created, change all the usage of the old variable to the new variable, then delete the old one and rename the new one's name to the old one.
A simpler way, just rename the cloud variable to whatever, then rename it back to the original.

Be aware that the cloud variable value may not be immediately loaded after just clicking the green flag, so if someone needs to load the cloud variable after clicking the green flag, a “wait until (the cloud variable) > (that saved local value)” may have to be used otherwise there may be a chance that saved local value will be returned instead of the updated cloud variable.

Direction towards this discovery:
All searched projects that use cloud variables bounce back to their original value after refresh (search keyword: vote (since there should be a lot of projects containing cloud variables))
There seem to be no reports about the bugs about cloud variable in new projects indicating that hopefully that would be a problem due to some kinds of conversion of the past projects.

Projects used to detect the problem: (try to click the Scratch cat several times, then refresh to see if the value retains, you can also see occasionally in a sudden after the green flag is clicked, a saved local value is changed to the updated cloud value)
(Compare the behaviour and content of these two projects)

Cloud Test in Scratch 2.0
Cloud Test in Scratch 3.0

Last edited by TWY_ (July 2, 2019 04:56:25)

22 posts

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Whenever I make a new project it reads it as undefined and missing.

~ The Confused
17 posts

Report cloud data glitches here

I found a bug with a cloud:
The cloud is updated at all during the game and if you update the game then the cloud outputs the value which was during the save of the game ie when I saved the game I had a 0 value and I set to 66 and when I updated the game it reset back ie put the value 0
Please, fix the bug!
100+ posts

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destime224 wrote:

I found a bug with a cloud:
The cloud is updated at all during the game and if you update the game then the cloud outputs the value which was during the save of the game ie when I saved the game I had a 0 value and I set to 66 and when I updated the game it reset back ie put the value 0
Please, fix the bug!

Is it a one-time set to 66 or are you putting it in a forever loop? For me, the problem is that since I'm pinging the cloud too often it shuts me out and/or doesn't write the data to cloud. If you're thinking of making a multiplayer game, expect a 0.2 second refresh delay. and allow variables to change every 0.1 second for the most stability, and only one variable change at a time.

(ARC) Phantom
Seven. One for the friends along the way, one for the adventures we've had, one for the struggles we overcame, one for those that have passed on, one for those who have chosen to stay, and one for those we've left behind.
The last, my own.
100+ posts

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My perfect game it has cloud glitch,
some guy survived for 27 seconds but it turns into 27.2000000000000000172

Last edited by great_elmo (July 9, 2019 21:20:15)

Total weeaboo.

17 posts

Report cloud data glitches here

PhantomForcesX wrote:

destime224 wrote:

I found a bug with a cloud:
The cloud is updated at all during the game and if you update the game then the cloud outputs the value which was during the save of the game ie when I saved the game I had a 0 value and I set to 66 and when I updated the game it reset back ie put the value 0
Please, fix the bug!

Is it a one-time set to 66 or are you putting it in a forever loop? For me, the problem is that since I'm pinging the cloud too often it shuts me out and/or doesn't write the data to cloud. If you're thinking of making a multiplayer game, expect a 0.2 second refresh delay. and allow variables to change every 0.1 second for the most stability, and only one variable change at a time.
No. My variable is like the best record and when you set a new record, it resets to the previous one, that is 0
13 posts

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Sometimes when a cloud variable is 30 I (manually) set it to 1 but when I click see project page it goes back to 30
when green flag clicked
set [☁Cloud variable] to [0]
if <(☁Cloud variable) = [30]> then
say [Glitch]

And of course, it says glitch at project page

Last edited by ccc1ccc (July 19, 2019 10:58:21)

500+ posts

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Cloud data has not been saved, is it BUG,? please guide me.
I tried to do this (but it didn't work):
when green flag clicked
change [☁data v] by (☁ data)

Substitute SDS Translators SDS Translations
I'm a Scratcher, who loves math and space. My favorite game is Minecraft,. Come and follow me!
9 posts

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Hi, my project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/324154254/ needs more then 128 maximum cloud data digets, as I am making a mini platform for people to create pixel art and share it. I was wondering if there is any way for me to increase the amount of data I am allowed to store?
Thanks, Death-Eye.
100+ posts

Report cloud data glitches here

Death-Eye wrote:

Hi, my project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/324154254/ needs more then 128 maximum cloud data digets, as I am making a mini platform for people to create pixel art and share it. I was wondering if there is any way for me to increase the amount of data I am allowed to store?
Thanks, Death-Eye.
One cloud variable can store 256 digits and you can have 10 variables per project.

3D graphics, advanced physics - sailing, driving, ski jumping; cloud multiplayer and storage, automated map role-play engine
Pro . . . . . . | 3D rendering, code optimisation, high-level physics simulations, custom blocks, all kinds of math, pen
Amateur . . | clones, data storage in variables&lists, UI design, cloud data storage, sound
Beginner . . | animations, graphics, gameplay, cloud multiplayer
90 posts

Report cloud data glitches here

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome 76.0.3809.100, No Flash version detected

On https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/312962723/, users cannot download data from the servers (it seems like this from my end). I would appreciate if anyone could vote, reload, and check if the project still says what their current vote is. Their activity DOES show up in the logs though. It is NOT a bug, I saved the project as is about an hour ago. It was working before the save, and cloud data stopped downloading after the save.

This issue started on Thursday, and became universal for all versions of the project (only this project). I've done a ton of testing.

If this can't be fixed, I'll have lost many hours of hard work. MANY hours, not like six or seven… way more…

Last edited by SirFlimFlam (Aug. 31, 2019 20:54:41)

             “There's no time like the present.” ~ @SirFlimFlam
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5 posts

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More often than not, the variable update is clientside (variable changes on the side of the person changing it, but not on the server.) I have used the maximum amount of variables (10). Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

Still trying to avoid getting confused with the cat groups of a similar name..
30 posts

Report cloud data glitches here

SirFlimFlam wrote:

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome 76.0.3809.100, No Flash version detected

On https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/312962723/, users cannot download data from the servers (it seems like this from my end). I would appreciate if anyone could vote, reload, and check if the project still says what their current vote is. Their activity DOES show up in the logs though. It is NOT a bug, I saved the project as is about an hour ago. It was working before the save, and cloud data stopped downloading after the save.

This issue started on Thursday, and became universal for all versions of the project (only this project). I've done a ton of testing.

If this can't be fixed, I'll have lost many hours of hard work. MANY hours, not like six or seven… way more…

This has just happened to me too. I can see changes in the logs and I have remade the script 3 times to make sure it wasn’t me. The variable gets reset to whatever I left it as before people started changing it. Have you found a solution?

with three i's
30 posts

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My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome 78.0.3904.70

Every time I either exit out of a project or I click to see the project page, my singular cloud variable gets reset to undefined. Its not shared which may explain the issue. In the console the following gets printed:
gui Successfully connected to clouddata server.
gui Request close cloud connection without reconnecting (<———- this is when I go to the project page)
gui Successfully connected to clouddata server.

I am assuming the problem is that the variable never gets saved to the server and, when switching views, the project gets the variable which is undefined. This is an issue for closed cloud testing purposes.
1 post

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you can get a cloud variable through the backpack system before you are supposed to have one
New to Scratch
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i've ben trying to creat this but its hard, please help. https://hipxclusive.com/

Last edited by miraclethrone (Nov. 25, 2019 09:43:51)

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