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filling in a sprite

I was working on editing one of my sprites in the “Vector mode” setting on the ‘Costumes’ tab. I realized that I could fill inside an area in “Bitmap mode”, but not in “Vector mode”. Can this be fixed?
1000+ posts

filling in a sprite

In order to fill something in vector, the lines need to be snapped together rather than just next to each other- this is due to how vector works.

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New to Scratch
2 posts

filling in a sprite

With some sprites this may be difficult, but thank you for your instruction.
1000+ posts

filling in a sprite

If you'd like fill in disconnected lines in the vector editor, you can create a filled-in “effect” by placing down a circle, reshaping it into the lines, and sending it back a few layers until the lines are in front of it. If done right, it should look like you filled it in, despite technically just being another shape.

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