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Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

In getting the 10 dollar one I love my Nintendo Switch which looks like the Wikipad plus I'm perhaps buying it

This is Bob, he is here to save my signature

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100+ posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

It's out

Anyone who has the kit deserves a free cookie
1000+ posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

Project_Corruptor wrote:

It's out

Anyone who has the kit deserves a free cookie
Your icon is Labo Faceplant

IMPORTANT: do not stalk me. just because im active somewhere doesnt mean that you should stalk me to that place. please, its VERY annoying.
1000+ posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

Project_Corruptor wrote:

It's out

Anyone who has the kit deserves a free cookie
I'm poor

in west philadelphia born and raised

75 posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

GamesGuyTV wrote:

In getting the 10 dollar one I love my Nintendo Switch which looks like the Wikipad plus I'm perhaps buying it
where is there a 10 dollar one
1000+ posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

tranqy wrote:

GamesGuyTV wrote:

In getting the 10 dollar one I love my Nintendo Switch which looks like the Wikipad plus I'm perhaps buying it
where is there a 10 dollar one
I think he means $10 as in there's a $60 “game” that comes with it

Just a baseball nerd with an absurdist sense of humor.

creator of more than 7 posts, each one stupider than the one before

1000+ posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

-ColorMaster- wrote:

tranqy wrote:

GamesGuyTV wrote:

In getting the 10 dollar one I love my Nintendo Switch which looks like the Wikipad plus I'm perhaps buying it
where is there a 10 dollar one
I think he means $10 as in there's a $60 “game” that comes with it
TBH looking at reactions to em, they're really underwhelming

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

braxbroscratcher wrote:

-ColorMaster- wrote:

tranqy wrote:

GamesGuyTV wrote:

In getting the 10 dollar one I love my Nintendo Switch which looks like the Wikipad plus I'm perhaps buying it
where is there a 10 dollar one
I think he means $10 as in there's a $60 “game” that comes with it
TBH looking at reactions to em, they're really underwhelming
Idk why people keep saying that it's $10 for cardboard and $60 for the game, because I feel like it's more $20 cardboard $20 game and $30 for R&D, seeing as the games appear to be rather underwhelming, and it's more of a construction kit for kids rather than an actual game.

in west philadelphia born and raised

1000+ posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

It's too bad that the Labo motorcycle can't be used with MK8DX.

If you're seeing this signature, that means I've come out of my social anxiety hole.

Also, I edit the Scratch Wiki. Check it out sometime it's cool I guess.
500+ posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

Project_Corruptor wrote:

It's out

Anyone who has the kit deserves a free cookie
plan on getting variety kit soon

Just a weirdo who chills here from time to time.
1000+ posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

PecanPi314 wrote:

braxbroscratcher wrote:

-ColorMaster- wrote:

tranqy wrote:

GamesGuyTV wrote:

In getting the 10 dollar one I love my Nintendo Switch which looks like the Wikipad plus I'm perhaps buying it
where is there a 10 dollar one
I think he means $10 as in there's a $60 “game” that comes with it
TBH looking at reactions to em, they're really underwhelming
Idk why people keep saying that it's $10 for cardboard and $60 for the game, because I feel like it's more $20 cardboard $20 game and $30 for R&D, seeing as the games appear to be rather underwhelming, and it's more of a construction kit for kids rather than an actual game.
exactly. if they had made the labo decorative peripherals or alternate grips (to replace all of the wii peripherals) it'd be better.

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
12 posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

Nintendo Labo is well worth it would highly recommend it. if you have any questions you can ask me!

Please check out my projects and my friend kubusia5008
100+ posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

People THINK that Nintendo Labo is just $80 of pure cardboard.It isn't. To actually program all the things, Make the pop-outs, and actually make sure people ENJOY it. That's a lot of stuff. People who think “It's only cardboard that we can get from our trash can.” You're wrong. (not supposed to be offensive, just proving a point.)
when green flag clicked
Enjoy Nintendo Labo
12 posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

cs1077048 wrote:

People THINK that Nintendo Labo is just $80 of pure cardboard.It isn't. To actually program all the things, Make the pop-outs, and actually make sure people ENJOY it. That's a lot of stuff. People who think “It's only cardboard that we can get from our trash can.” You're wrong. (not supposed to be offensive, just proving a point.)
when green flag clicked
Enjoy Nintendo Labo

I wold totally agree I love my nintendo labo and would really miss it if I had to get rid of it and would say it is well worth the money

Please check out my projects and my friend kubusia5008
24 posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

68 posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

I wanna get Labo but I feel like I would just do the things and move on.. anyone else?

I tinker around with Scratch sometimes. I primarily do gamedev with Fusion 2.5.
when [space v] key pressed
say [Scratch 2 is nice.] for (2.0) secs
1000+ posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

It's too bad that they haven't made a fifth kit…

i'd plug my socials but… you know how scratch is. :P
500+ posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

I think that labo is really cool and a creative concept but, nmo after you complete the kit I dont find myself picking it back up again. I think that if nintendo really believes in this concept then they should make more games that use that kits

1000+ posts

Nintendo Labo Discussion Topic

nintendo labo seems to get a lot of unnecessary hate nowadays due to being considered “a failure”, but there's one thing labo did absolutely correctly, and i have yet to see anyone do better at it since.

the cardboard assembly tutorials.

you have clear, easy-to-understand 3d models that you can spin and zoom around to see all of the important details, with some text above the model telling you what to do. to keep things fresh, this text sometimes throws in a joke or two, such as assigning names to all the incredibly tiny cardboard pieces that would otherwise be really boring to assemble. below the model, however, are two buttons: one to go back, and one to go forward in the tutorial. you can hold down the buttons to move the tutorial at its normal speed, but you can also move your finger to the direction the button is pointing towards to speed it up in case you're a fast assembler. the assembly process is divided into individual parts, and you can go back or forward to different parts. oh, and at certain points in the tutorial, you're prompted to test out what you've made with the joy-cons to verify everything is working correctly. when you finish your build, there's a very satisfying end animation where you hold down the a button for three seconds to verify that you're finished, and then your build model blasts off like it's a rocket.

i am TERRIBLE at origami or folding cardboard to make art, and this very tool is the one time i have been able to understand 95% of the entire process. nintendo really did a good job with their research testing to make sure they were making a good tutorial, because it paid off in the end. i've talked about the software, but the hardware was also very cool. it was a little inconvenient to have to juggle through different templates, but getting the cardboard out of the stencil (assuming you didn't cause any rips or anything!) was a very fun process, and the process of inserting tabs into other cardboard pieces was very snug and secure.

in short, nintendo labo is seen nowadays as a complete failure on nintendo's part that absolutely nobody liked. and i don't get that. the price was a little on the “huh?!” side (and not in a good way), but while the games you used the cardboard with certainly varied in quality (frog hop was the best. change my mind), there was something about making the actual controller yourself that was so incredibly satisfying. i applaud nintendo's efforts, and seriously hope they consider doing something similar to labo in the future.


i'd plug my socials but… you know how scratch is. :P

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