Scratcher Joined 7 years, 4 months ago United States
About me
These days, I work on Github projects. 15 years old btw.
OS: PopOS 22.04 LTS
CPU: Ryzen 5 5600X
RAM: 16GBs 3200MHZ
GPU: RX 6600 XT
What I'm working on
I hope to form a company that works on open-source, similar to Red Hat or something like that.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (11)
View all- Debian Donuts by GamesGuyTV
- what just happened? by GamesGuyTV
- New IP ban page by GamesGuyTV
- 410 mockup by GamesGuyTV
- Project of the luck by GamesGuyTV
- Propose a project by GamesGuyTV
- Happy birthday SCRATCH!!!!!! by GamesGuyTV
- Scratch Party alpha v1 by GamesGuyTV
- Super Mario Odyssey Map: Part 2 by GamesGuyTV
- alpha test scratchOS!!! by GamesGuyTV
- doodle jump [scratch edition] WIP by GamesGuyTV
Favorite Projects
View all- Birth of the Scratch Cat by mres
- what just happened? by GamesGuyTV
- Browser history by LionHeart70
- Mario Kart Scratch V1.3 by waaaa24
- bonziBuddy: The Game DX by Cowchow5
- bonziBuddy: The Game by Turret3471
- lego Gobo by robotmananimator
- scratch bloopers mad dox778 part forever by robotman_5
- scratch playing roblox on windows 99 by robotman_5
- windows xp end of life by robotman_5
- debian end of life by alecer16
- Watching you by scratchU8
- Wii Bowling in a Nutshell... by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
- Մկնիկ by goharparsyan
- Mario by Doctor_What_
- N64 Toad's Turnpike - Mario Kart 8 VGM by ToadsTunes
- homework helper - addition by robotmanani_test
- 2D 3 drawing pen by robotmanani_test
- super dodge kart by robotmananimator
- Beneath The Ruins Soundtrack Flood Escape 2 by the_white_dog
Studios I'm Following
View all- The Waluigi for Smash Cult
- computer scratch virus
- The Original Forum Helpers
- Net Neutrality
- Prank the ST 2K17! #MerryAprilFools!
- Scratchers of the Year
- Pray for the UK - A Targeted Island
- Burgerman64 Official Studio
- New D_i_a_v_l_o project out!
- BobbyF's World
- Scratch in Space
- Animated People™
- Unity3D
- The A+ Animators
- MathMathMath's Cloud Tutorials
- Scratch Party Day (Will_Wam)
- The Best Animators Ever
- scratch troubles
- Blender
- Boss Animators
Studios I Curate
View all- The SmartySmarfie Fanclub
- ScratchNite - Official Studio
- The Waluigi for Smash Cult
- Nintendo
- made up clup
- Fandom Crossover RP
- -ninja12001 squad-
- New D_i_a_v_l_o project out!
- Animated People™
- What Scratch Is All About
- GGTV tutorials
- [Everything RP Studio]
- Friends!
- D_i_a_v_l_o's Fan Club
- porky_pigums fan club
- Episodes of The Wand
- My follower studio
- Hermione995619's Friends and Followers
View allFollowers
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