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11 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

I, Ruby, am from Germany. I went here to the USA to get a better job than the one I had in Germany. In Germany my family is homeless and I had to work as a Washing machine person at a giant restaurant. This meant I had a lot of work to do and all of it was what I didn’t want to do. My parents started working full-time suddenly, and after 3 years of that they announced that I would be going to the United States to live a better life. I was so sad to leave my family, but in the end they convinced me and I convinced myself that I would come back for them. Now I work in a small bakery as a dishwasher. At first I was homeless too, but the baker at the bakery liked me, so much that she said she would let me live with her. Now, I live with the owner of the bakery, Cynthia! We have a great time together, and she helps me through a lot of things. I don’t speak great english, so Cynthia helps me sometimes. I always help her around her house and she gives me money for it. I earn about $50 a week working with her at the bakery. She is supposed to give me $100, but she says the other fifty I am paying her for the house.I love working at the bakery, but I have no form of communication with my parents. I try to tell Cynthia why I am here, but she always just says why does it matter, it only matters what happens now. That is the only reason I don’t like Cynthia. She doesn’t care that this is not my only live and now is not the only time. I hope by the time I get enough money to get my parents I can tell her my story. Today, I will try again to tell her about my family. I don’t want her to think I am a 24 year old, orphan that was born and raised in the United States, but both of my parents died. I can tell she doesn’t understand that I cannot speak English well because I am from another country. She thinks that I just haven’t spoken to anyone in a while. She is way too overprotective as well. I am just 6ft. 4in. and she thinks I need a car seat! Imagine if I had friends, it would be embarrassing! She never lets me drive, she never even asked if I had a drivers licence. I do if you didn’t know, my family wasn’t always poor you know! Our family lost our home in World War ll since, we were Jewish. As a waiter I couldn’t get around the fact that I was different. People left notes like “You don’t belong here.” and “I’m not coming here until they replace their waiter.” Some people just said get another waiter, I’m not coming here until they replace their waiter, I’m not touching something that you touched! Each night I cried to myself, but I never showed my parents any sadness. I knew that they would just cry and say they were terrible parents. This was not true! They were amazing parents, but all of the prejudice was making them feel terrible. I hoped to stop prejudice against Jewish. I tried once more at the bakery to tell my story this time I took a different approach. “Cynthia, so I know you don’t want me to tell about my past, but it is really important to me.” I started. “I am so, sorry, I just-, go on tell your story.” She said. “Well, I grew up in Germany-.” I started. “Oh, I am so sorry I thought you were from here!” Cynthia said. “My parents and I are homeless on the streets of Munich, Since we are Jews. My parents worked really hard to get enough money, so I could come here for a better life. I promised myself that I would go back and get them.” I continued. “Oh, my, I am so sorry!” Cynthia said. “I will definitely try to help get your parents here!” Cynthia said. “Oh, My! Thank you!” I said. “I just thought that you were an orphan like me, and I didn’t want you to go like my parents did-” She started sobbing “I was afraid you would leave me because of your past.” Tears were running down her face now. “An- An- And know I’m afraid that because of your background you will have to leave me, and I will be alone in the world again.” She was sobbing so hard now. Tears ran down her face. She walked to her room and I let her cry in peace. For the next few weeks Cynthia didn’t talk much more than to her customers. I felt as though it was my fault. One day I overheard Cynthia saying “Yes, that is my child, but she has parents in Germany that she wants to come here. Donate here!” and she pointed to a jar filled with bills and coins. One day I decided to look what it said on the jar. I snuck out of the kitchen pretending to talk to the customers. For the first time I heard people commenting my brown hair and bright blue eyes. I looked down at the jar and it said “Help child from Germany! Homeless and parents still in Germany. Help her be happy, and have a better life.” It had a picture of me and tears stained on the paper. I assumed Cynthia wrote it while she was in her room crying. All of the print was shaky. I looked in the jar and I was caught by surprise! The jar was overflowing with bills, all for me! Cynthia is, so nice I thought. I asked if I could go on a walk and Cynthia agreed that I could. I walked down the block and turned. I walked to the woodshop first. I had recently noticed that Cynthia really liked marionettes. She had marionettes of her mother and father. I knew that that was her memory of her parents. I went and got a wood carving tool, felt, beads, and string, before setting to work. I made two eyes with blue beads and hair with brown felt. I painted on the face, and carved out the body. I used the rest of the material to make my mother and father. I cried as I made my dad’s muscular body, and dirty torn clothes. I made his little box of tools that he uses. I was crying even more when I made my mother. I was crying so hard I didn’t notice that Cynthia came in and watched me tears rolling down her cheeks. It surprised me when I turned around to find Cynthia’s face wet with tears. We both sat down and cried, until eventually I went over and gave her the marionette of me. “Th- Th- Th- Thank you.” She said weakly. I went over and got my parents and said “This is my dad. He is a builder in Germany. He works really hard to help other Jews.” I said in the middle of tears. “This is my mother, she works super hard as a dishwasher at a restaurant. She always comes home dirty from people treating her rudely since she is a Jew.” I said tears streaming down my cheeks. Cynthia and I sat in silence until we both got up and went to sleep. The next day Cynthia closed the bakery, but I did not know why. That is when Cynthia showed me the jar and told me we had enough money to go get my parents! “Thank you so much, Cynthia!” I said. “Well, what are you waiting for let's go!” Cynthia said. We went to the airport and flew to Germany. Then we got my parents! I was so happy to see them. When we got home me and my family moved in with Cynthia. My mother got a job as a cook in a German restaurant, and my father got a job as a building engineer. Then when we got enough money we got our own house right next to Cynthia’s. I still help her at the bakery full time. I love having my family and hope it will always be this way. However, I still try to work against prejudice!
11 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

“Bring!” The school bell rang. “Yes! Time for history!” whispered Lily. Lily loved history class. Then as everyone was rushing out, two of the mayors guards grabbed Sarah, Lily’s best friend. Sarah’s long blond hair was flying, and her bright blue eyes were filled with rage and sadness at the same time. Then Lily realized that both of Sarah’s parents had died from Blue fever and her best friend she had ever had was going to the foster care.
Blue Fever is a terrible disease that kills almost anyone who gets it. If you are lucky enough to not get killed you get zombified. All zombified gnomes get sacrificed to the gnome god, Esale. If one parent dies the other parent dies too. This scared Lily, but what scared her more was that if both of your parents die and you are a child then you disappear. This meant that Sarah would disappear and never be seen again!
What would happen to Sarah? Where would she go? From Lily’s theories she thought that you would go to some other world, but there was no proof to anything, so no one knew which theories were correct. Gnome town was a very poor town that relied on the Mayor for everything. There was no police or firefighters, or anything of the sort. Just the Mayor’s rude guards if there was anything that happened about Blue Fever or to the rich people. All poor gnomes would own small stores and get robbed quite often. Each time this happened they will complain to the Mayor about the lack of security and safety in the town. Weirdly enough every time a gnome complained they would get Blue Fever the next day. Lily took notes in her handy notebook.
She always made sure her parents never complained so that they wouldn’t get Blue Fever. Her parents owned a small shop the sells paper and pens. Lily often had to stack paper or see which pens worked as her chores so that the store was always up to date. Her parents shop was known as the nicest shop in town. Since her family was also relatively poor, they lived at the shop as well. Their shop was not robbed as often as the restaurants, but it was still robbed quite often. Sometimes they had to go days without food. When Lily got older she wanted to have a good job so that her kids wouldn’t have to go through the same thing as she did, but she knew her parents were trying their best.
Sarah’s parents also owned a small shop. They owned a small restaurant. Their restaurant got robbed more than any other place in town! Sarah loved to help her parents cook. She wanted to work at a restaurant when she got older. Lily also helped Sarah’s family sometimes, but she did more of the serving and dishwashing.
When school finally ended (It was boring without Sarah), Lily went home and told her parents about Sarah. They said they were sorry hugged her and let her be alone in her room.They even let her skip doing chores for once! Lily did her history homework and all of the other homework for school. Then she got in bed and went to sleep. In history the next day their history teacher gave them a book to read through. Lily had already read half because becoming recently interested in history she asked if she could borrow the “History Of Tree Gnomes” book. Since the town was so small there was only one history book for the whole town and no copys.
Because of this you could only have the book for three days before having to turn it in to the Gnome Library Tree. Lily, Being a smart gnome, copied all of the important information down into her notepad. When Lily got to the section about ten years ago, 1990, 10 pages had been torn out. This ment no information about 1990 where recorded. She noticed that after the ten pages, a new disease called Blue Fever was in every event.
A couple of weeks later, Lily was at a stop. All of her information pointed to two different people.
The Mayor
A Ground Gnome
This is because the Mayor always seemed to be around when it happened. And when gnomes complained to the Mayor, they were killed the next day. No one, but the mayor knew of the complaints. And the guards were always present when it happened. Then the Ground Gnomes always bring diseases to town. Other than that Lily had no idea what who caused blue fever.
Ground Gnomes were the Gnomes from the west of Gnome town. They lived in a town called Knoeu. It is a more ranch style town were most jobs have to do with the rich planting soil they have there. The main difference between Ground and Tree Gnomes is that Ground Gnomes have hats.Tree Gnomes don’t other than the Mayor who has a Mayor hat. Tree Gnomes wear hats occasionally, but not often. Now what Lily needed to know i what happened 10 years ago where the pages were torn out. The only person she knew of that could tell her that was Willie Randolph, the old man that lived down the street. He was kind and loved solving mysteries. No one in town knew as much as Wille. Lily decided she wouldn’t disturb him during his nightly tea .
The next morning Lily ate breakfast and then headed off to Willie's house. Willie’s house was a little shaggy nut like house that had blue paint. The paint was peeling off the walls of the house and the two windows looked loose. She knocked on the door the special “bump, bump, bu-bump, bu-bump” to signal that it was her knocking. She was always went to Willie’s house for mysteries. She came so often that Lily mada knock so he knew it was her. Wille hated people coming to the door, so before that she had to answer five questions before being able to come inside. This had to do with the fact that he was a detective. Wille slowly opened the door and saw it was Lily. He then ushered her in making sure no one was watching.
“What do you want, Lily?” he asked. He was short and gruffy. He had a long white beard that went down to his waist. He also had long white hair put up in a bun, so he looked like the ninja from ninja turtles. “I have some suspects for the cause of Blue Fever, but the history book has pages missing.” Lily said. “Where are they missing?” He asked. “Ten years ago” Lily answered. “ That was a difficult year. Two people were running for mayor, the one we have now, and a friendly man that wanted the town to be a better place. The Mayor we have now, Sonja, wanted to be Mayor extremely bad, so she it was rumored killed the other man. Then she took away any proof that she had done so. She has tried to kill me many times, and I am still afraid that she is going to get me eventually.” Wille explained. “Is that all you know?” Lily wondered. “It was a very hard time” He said.
Lily took this as a cue to leave so she took some notes and left the house. As she walked home she knew that Wille knew more he just didn’t want to tell. Why had the mayor wanted to kill him? Maybe it was because he had the information that could make her kicked off the job of Mayor. If that was true, the Mayor would be trying to get Lily too. What strategy would the Mayor use to do that? She got home and reminded her parents not to complain to the mayor and did her chores. She then went to her room and finished the history project for school. Then she looked at her notes and came to some conclusions:
Mayor does not want people to know she is a murderer
Mayor probably causes Blue Fever
Mayor does not like Lily and might kill her
Mayor is EVIL
With these conclusions she decided that Lily would not survive to become an adult. This was a bit scary to know that she would be killed before she became an adult and she had to accept it. She decided now she would devote her research to figuring out how the Mayor was going to try and Kill her.
In art class weeks later Lily was assigned to make a poster for Gnome Festival. Then Lily remembered that the Mayor was going to kill her in public meaning she would be killed at the festival. Then a thought struck her. The Mayor wasn’t certain that she hadn’t told her parents all about it. To be sure she would they got rid of the suspicion they would kill both of Lily’s parents so that Lily would disappear. Lily continued studying and trying to figure out information, but she found nothing until her conclusions were confirmed….
Lilly! Wake up! Lily slowly got out of bed looking at the clock wondering why she was waking up so early, but then she remembered that today was the great gnome ceremony where all of the tree gnomes would have a celebration of another year passing. She, as a Tree gnome, had to go! She had been dreading this for a long time now since she knew it was her death day.
“Time to go Lily”. Lily got dressed quickly and headed out the door. Of course along with her notepad. She had started to notice recently that wherever she went there was something to write about in her notepad.
As they entered the Tree, the mayor's place, different types of gnomes filled the room. Some had pretty pink dresses, some had sports jerseys, some had clothing that only the richest could have, and some just had regular clothes like Lily! When everyone had packed into the Tree, the mayor started the regular “we have a great city” speech. When she finished Lily heard a yelp from over by the adults. Lily ran over there just to find her mother and father laying dead on the floor with Blue Fever. Two guards carted them of and two others grabbed Lily by the arm and carried her away. Before she had time to cry she tugged trying to get out of the guards grasp, but it was no use Lily was going to the foster house where she would stay one night before disappearing and never being seen again.
It was a big question at the school among the children what happens when you disappeared, and the answers ranged from “maybe you die” to “Maybe you go to CandyLand”, but no one actually knew, not even the adults. As you got older less people discussed this because it happened less and less to the older gnomes. Lily by now had jotted down lots of notes about the disease, but she never came to a clear conclusion on what caused Blue Fever. However as all detectives should have she had some theories All of those theories would depend on what happens tomorrow!
She held her notebook tight in her hand so that she would wake up with them no matter where that was.However, she couldn’t find a good way to lay down and she found herself staring at the dreary wall of the foster room. The wall was grey and worn, with nothing on it. It was like a jail cell with a door. The Head Mistress of the foster care told her specifically that she couldn’t go to get water or go to the bathroom at any time during the night. To make sure she couldn’t do so she locked the door to her room, which made it more like a jail cell.
Finally, she got to sleep, but since when she fell asleep it was 10:30 pm she woke up at 9:45 am the next morning. When she woke up she was in a comfortable bed in a small house. On the little Table beside her bed was a paper, her notebook, and her pen. She picked up the paper and started to read….
Welcome to Littleville

As you know both of your parents recently died from Blue Fever, so we decided to take you in. Our Founder Ryan Zohese created this for all of the children whose parents died from Blue fever. You will be trained for half of a year with a personal trainer. Your Personal Trainer will train you for lots of jobs in littleville and choose some job recommendations for you. You will also choose two jobs you want. With that data a job will be chosen for you. Your map and schedule are below. Your schedule will change sometimes.


9:00- 10:00 Gym
10:30- 11:00 lunch (get at cook)
11:30- 2:00 School
2:00- 4:00 studying (home)
4:00- 5:30 job assigning ceremony
5:30- 6:00 dinner (get at cook)
6:00 pm- 9:00 am home

Wow, Lilly thought! It was like she woke up in another world! Lily looked over her schedule and followed the map to the Gym. Of course since it was her first day the trainer excused her lateness. “First of all, name is Salm and I will be your trainer for half of the year!” the trainer said. “What happens after that?” Lily asked. “You get assigned your job of course!” At this Lily jotted down some quick notes in her notebook. “Where is this town relative to the gnome village do you know?” Lily asked. She of course wanted to know as much as she could about Littleville! “I heard once, from my friend that is a saver, that it was directly below the gnome village. However, it is supposed to be secret information.” He answered. “Then why did you tell me?”she asked. “Well I can see that you are taking a lot of notes so I can tell that you are perfect for the detective job even on the first day!” he said. “You still have to do the half year training.” he said. “So, what do detectives normally do in the town” Lily asked. “They normally solve mysteries, but what they do is secret. Oh my! It is time for you to go to lunch. See you tomorrow!” He said. “Bye” Lily shouted as she headed out the door and sprinted to the Cook.
When she got there she hurried to get in line, but she wasn’t able to get there in time. There was already half of the population in line to go to the cook! She waited in line for five minutes before getting to the front of the line. When she got there she ordered a pancake plate and some fruit. When she got her food and walked toward the tables. Then, she saw someone waving to her. It was her friend Sarah that had disappeared last year because both of her parents died! She sat down by Sarah and the other people that Sarah was sitting with. “This was my friend in Gnomeville!” Sarah told her friend. “Kaylee and Kat this is Lily, Lily this is Kaylee and this is Kat!” Sarah said. “Nice to meet you!” Lily said.
Kaylee and Kat were identical twins. They both had short brown hair that was a bit rough on the ends. They had jeans and a white shirt on like they were from the country.”Where are you from?” Lily asked. “We are from west of Gnome town. We are from a town called Knoeu. We came because Littleville has a good education and our dad wanted us to be doctors.” Kat and Kaylee said. “We don’t want to be doctors though.”Kat said. “I am trying to become a detective. My Trainer told me I would be great for the job!” Lily said. “Wow, that’s one pf the most important jobs in the town!” Kaylee said.
“Mmm… These pancakes are, so good! I wonder if we have anything else at the same time. What is next in your schedule?” Lily wondered. “We have School, You?” Sarah said. “ I have school too, but I don’t know what classes to go to! Can you help?” Lily said. “We can help you! First everyone goes to Homeroom, then the homeroom teacher, Mr. Casey, will give you your schedule and map!” Kat answered. “We better start walking to the school, it’s 10 minutes until it starts!” Kaylee reminded. “Good idea Kaylee!” Kat said. They walked over to the trash can and threw away their trash. Then, they started walking to the school.
When they got to school, Kat, Kaylee, and Sarah led Lily to Homeroom with Mr. Casey. Mr. Casey was a tall skinny man, with short black hair. He was Asian and had long muscular arms. He seemed like the kind of teacher that would be extremely nice to the children in the class. The classroom had many desks with chairs behind them. The desks where in long rows facing towards Mr. Caseys desk. When they walked in Mr. Casey greeted them and gave Lily a schedule. Sarah, Kat, and Kaylee sat down at desks next to each other, and Lily choose the seat next to Sarah.
5 minutes later the class was full of young gnomes. When the bell rang, Mr. Casey started by greeting the students and noting the four students that were not at class. “Welcome gnomes to my class again! Everyone but Lily please take out your homework so we can go over it.” Everyone looked through their backpacks and took out a sheet of paper. “Question number one, anyone know?” he asked the class. A couple of gnomes raised their hands and Mr. Casey called on a gnome named Jakel. “I think number on is D!” Jakel said. “Correct! Now Question number 2-” Mr. Casey was interrupted by a little gnome rushing into the classroom. “Yoder, please take your seat and don’t come late again or I am forced to give you detention” Mr. Casey said to him. So, Yoder was the “bad kid’ in class she noted. “Let’s continue students. Now Question number 2…”
Lily stopped listening. She wanted go go to history class and learn about the history of Littleville. All of the things she might learn and experience. History had never been the same after Sarah left Gnome town. She couldn’t wait until she could experience that again. She still had some worries about Kat and Kaylee, what if they ruined the fun that Sarah and Lily were going to have. What if Sarah stops being Lily’s friend? She decided to take a look at her schedule to get out of the bad thoughts…

Schedule Group A:
11:30- 11:40 Homeroom
11:40- 12:00 Math
12:00- 12:20 Art
12:20- 12:40 Break
12:40- 1:00 History
1:00- 1:20 Music
1:20- 1:40 Language
1:40- 2:00 Athletics

Map of School:

Ugh… History was in so long!! How would she survive? By the time Lily had looked through it all the class had finished and everyone hurried to the next class. Apparently everyone in Group A had the same schedule. Sarah, Kat, and Kaylee where also in Group A so, they all hurried off to Math with Mrs. Timberyern! In math all they did was multiply candy bars. It was really easy to for Lily considering she was the smartest gnome in her class in gnome town. She quickly went to art class where they learned how to paint 3D art. Then after break it was finally history!
The History teacher was a long, and skinny with long blond hair. She had all of her hair tied up in a bun on the very top of her head. The history teachers name was Mrs. Oleek The desks in the History room all had a giant book on them along with a work book. Lily sat down and started to read through the History book as Mrs. Oleek had instructed. She started at the very beginning which said…. “ In 1990 Ryan Zohese created a town called Littleville where all children that have two parents who died, would go. Since his parents had both died from Blue Fever he wanted a new life, which he got by creating Littleville. Since then, it has grown and changed. However there is one thing that is, and will always be the same. The savers save the kids who parents got Blue Fever.” Before she could continue Mrs. Oleek started to talk.
“Welcome class to History class! Today we will be looking at when Ryan Zohese created Littleville. He created littleville because….” she said. “Because he was at the foster home and he was lonely!” Lily answered. “Yes, but Lily please wait to be called on next time.” Mrs. Oleek said. “Sorry!” Lily whispered. Lily had been so excited to be in History class again that she totally forgot about the rules of the school! Lily felt so embarrassed! She had always been the rule follower that never did anything wrong and now through her excitement she had messed up her reputation on the FIRST DAY!!! She sat there bummed for the rest of class. Finally Mrs. Oleek assigned homework and they left the classroom to go to the next class.
After school Lily went home to study more in her history book and do homework. She started to read in her history book… “Littleville started out as a poor town with only kids. Then as it grew there are now both kids and adults. There are two types of people in Littleville, Born and Saved. Saved are people who were saved from gnome town, and born are those born in Littleville. When you turn 11 you get a personal trainer and start your training. Then 6 months later you get a job. You have half of a year as a trainee training to do that job with an assistant to teach you. Then when you turn 12 you can start working full-time.” Lily jotted down notebook and finished her homework.
Two weeks later, Lily woke up and got dressed like a regular day. She started to walk outside to go to gym, but she had a feeling that she had forgotten something. She scanned the room and decided that she hadn’t forgotten anything and walked out the door. As she walked out Sarah, Kat, and Kaylee threw confetti on her! They had lots of balloons and presents in their hands. Then, Lily remembered what she had forgotten. It was her birthday! “Happy 12th Birthday!!” they all yelled together. They walked inside and set down the presents. “Open them!” Kat said.
“Thank you guys.” Lily answered, as she opened the present from Kaylee. Inside was a new hat and a small kitten. “Awww” Lily said. “Open mine” Sarah pleaded. Lily opened Sarah’s and inside was Lily’s favorite food from Sarah's parents restaurant, their peach wrap. “Oo, My favorite!” Lily said happily. She opened the present from Kat. Inside was a detective kit and and tablet. Lily thanked everyone for their gifts and said she needed to go to gym. “No, on your birthday you don’t have to go anywhere! It’s like a free day.” Sarah said. “Well what about you three?” Lily questioned. “It’s our job assigning day so we also have a free day!” Kat said.
“Yay, congratulations! I am definitely going to watch.” Lily said excitedly. “What job are you trying to get?” Lily asked. “I am going for School teacher” Kat said. “I am trying to get builder, but you need to be really good in school” Kaylee answered. “And I am trying to be a Cook!” “Cool!” Lily said. Did you do good enough in school, Kaylee?” Lily wondered. “Yes, I did, but my trainer also recommended school teacher for me, but I don’t want to be one! Maybe me and Kat could switch” Kaylee said. “Where you recommended to be a cook, Sarah?” Lily asked. “Yes, the trainer said he couldn’t think of another job that would suit me!” Sarah said excitedly. “I wonder what I am going to get. I have about five months left until I get my job.” Lily said. “That’s a long time.” Kat answered. “ I wish I could get my job now, like you guys are!” Lily said. “Lets go get some food at the cook” Sarah said. Kat wanted to talk longer, but in the end their grumbling stomachs agreed.
After eating and talking for a bit, Kat, Kaylee and Sarah had to get ready for the job assigning. Lily went home and put on some clothes that matched the occasion. Then she started walking to where the celebration was being held. By the time she got there the square was already full of people. Lily tried her best to get through some people to get to the from, but it didn’t work great. By the time she got to the front so she could see the stage a Gnome named Lucy had already gotten her job as saver. Next Gnomes were Ophelia, Nelly, Jace, Jackal, and Olivia. Olivia got the job of detective, maybe she would be working with Lily. Next, were more gnomes before they called Kat to the stage. “And Kat you are now…… School Teacher!” the man on the stage said. Yes! Lily thought that is what Kat wanted. Next was Kaylee! “And Kaylee you are now…. Trainer!” The man said. Oh no! Something must be wrong the Trainer only choose school teacher and builder for her! You could see the disappointment on her face as she walked down from the stage. Then after a couple more Gnomes Sarah was called up on the stage. “And Sarah you are now….. Cook!” the man said. “Yes! Yes! Yes” She said from the stage. Then she sprinted off the stage smiling. Lily, Kat, Sarah, and Kaylee joined up. The smile on Sarah’s face was no longer and Kaylee was crying. Kat was trying to get Kaylee to stop crying, but it wasn’t working. “I am so sorry, Kaylee” Lily said. There must be something wrong the trainer didn’t recommend Trainer for you.” Kat said. “What trainer did you have maybe I can ask him” Lily asked. “I- I- I- H-h-had Salm” Kaylee said sadly. “I have him too, so I can ask!” Lily said excitedly. “O- o- o- k” Kaylee said sniffling. “Lets go to the cook and look at your schedules and eat!” Lily suggested. They all agreed and headed off to the cook. Before long they were sitting at their table with food in front of them looking at their schedules. They all had pretty much the same Schedule:
9:00- 10:00 Training for job
10:30- 11:00 lunch (get at the cook)
11:30- 2:00 Training for job
2:00- 4:00 studying (home)
4:00- 5:30 job assigning ceremony
5:30- 6:00 dinner (get at the cook)
6:00 pm- 9:00 am home
“So we can still meet at night and during studying time.” Kat said. “And at lunch and dinner.” Lily reminded. “Ok, let's meet up at lunch and dinner tomorrow to discuss further meetings.” Sarah said in a business like voice. They all a agreed laughing at Sarah’s funny voice.
When Lily got home she finished her report for language and went to sleep in no time. In the morning she woke up and went to gym as normal. As she was walking to gym she remembered Kaylee and thought up a plan of what to say. When she got there salm asked how she was doing. “Good, but do you know your student Kaylee?”Lily asked. “Well of course! She is my favorite student” Salm answered. “Then why did you give her the job of trainer?” she asked. “Oh, I didn’t I said builder was the perfect job for her and that if they really wanted to they could give her School teacher, but not anything else!” He said. “Well, she is now a trainer so maybe you could fix that for her?” Lily asked. “ I will talk to the officials” he said. What a relief Lily thought! She did the rest of her training and walked to the cook excited to tell Kaylee the news. “Kaylee! I fixed it he said he would talk to the officials!” Lily yelled. “Yes!” Kaylee said back.
They all got there food and discussed how there job training was. “Mine was boring, since I have the wrong job” Kaylee moaned. “Mine was amazing!” Sarah said. “I got to show the cook how good I could cook and I got to cook some of the meal you are eating now!!” “I got to help the teacher in the class with the students! It was amazing besides the fact that this one student kept bothering me!” Kat said. “Well, I had a good training, but it was sort of boring since I have done the same thing for a long time now!” Lily said. Next we have more training!” Kat said. “And you have school, I guess” Sarah said. “Yes, I do” Lily said. Then they all walked there seperate ways to the next thing on their schedule. Lily at school had been thinking about the fact that Blue Fever has never happened in Littleville. This meant that the cause of Blue fever was not Ground Gnomes, and the cause was The Mayor. She wished she was already a detective so she could tell people and get people to kill the mayor, or put her in jail. She couldn’t though because she was in Littleville and she wasn’t a detective.
When she met up with Sarah, Kat, and Kaylee, they had more stories to tell. “They fixed my job so I am now a builder!” Kaylee sad happily. “I got to help the cook, cook dinner!” Sarah said. “I have a project to do for history!” Lily said. “Oo, what is it?” Kaylee asked. “It is where we have to make a suitcase with things that relate to a historical person!” Lily answered. “Cool, who is your person?” Kat asked. “I have the Mayor of Gnome town right now,Sonja!” Lily answered excitedly. “You can’t like her she is pure evil!” Sarah said. “Oh yes, that is why I want to study her. I figured out that most likely Sonja is the cause of Blue Fever. That means if I can study more about her I might figure out more!” Lily said. “Oh, my! But what might I ask is Blue Fever” Kaylee asked. “Well, Blue Fever is a disease that kills people. It is a big thing in our village and it happens almost every week! And saying that there isn’t Blue Fever in your town means that it has to be the mayor.” Lily said. “So, it is very, very terrible?” Kat asked. “Yes, very, very, very!” Sarah answered. “That is actually why both of us came! Both of our parents died from Blue Fever, so we were brought here.” Lily said. “You guys have a much more interesting story than us!” Kat said. “Yeah, we just came here to get a better education.” Kaylee said. Then Kaylee started crying. “Why are you crying Kaylee?” Sarah asked. “I- I- miss my parents so much! I just long to be able to go back to Knoeu to see them.” Kaylee said sniffing. “But we have to work a bit longer before we are eligible to ask for a break.” Kat said. “Oh, no! That is so sad! I wish I could have parents to go back to in Gnome Town!” Lily said. “Sorry, I need to go home to do my history project, sorry guys!” Lily said. “Bye!” They said all together. Lily walked home and got to her house and turned on her computer. She searched up The mayor and clicked on a page it said…. “In 1990, Sonja and Willie Randolph…”Wait so that was the friendly old man? She had known that he wasn’t telling the whole story! She continued to read… “were trying to become Mayor. It was known that Sonja tried to kill Wille so that she would win. She then erased all information about her trying to kill people. However she still kills using____________ and no one knows that she does….” Wait, it doesn’t say how she kills which means someone needs to figure it out! She continued to read…. “She also tries to kill kids by killing their parents.” Lily stopped reading here and started on her project. She took a suitcase from the closet and decorated it with Mayor badges and put a replica of the Mayor hat inside. Then she put a vial to represent her disease. And an important trend of 1990 to show that that is when she ran for Mayor. Then she wrote a two page essay about Sonja. Then she was so exhausted that she fell asleep!
The next morning Lily went to Gym a bit late. First in Gym she did lots of cardio to test if she would be a good saver. Then she did a math test to see if she would be a good school teacher. Afterward she did an escape room to see if she would be a good detective. Of course she had 30:00 minutes to do it and she finished in 20:00. And she didn’t use any clues. As she did each test the Trainer took notes on how she was doing. He showed her the results and it said:
Job recommendations:
Detective ll 100%
School Teacher ll 80%
Leader ll 60%

So that meant that she got 100% in her detective class! She was going to become a detective and she knew it!
Later she went to the cook, and she found Kat and Kaylee, but not Sarah! “Where is Sarah?” Lily asked. “Over here” Kat said as she led them towards the line. When they got to the front Sarah was standing behind cooking! “Yes, she got upgraded she has a new schedule here take a look:
9:00- 10:00 Prepare meals
10:30- 11:00 Serve lunch
11:30- 12:00 Eat
12:00-2:00 Rest
2:00- 4:00 Prepare meals
4:00- 5:30 job assigning ceremony
5:30- 6:00 Serve dinner
6:00- 6:30 Dinner
6:30 pm- 9:00 am home

“Wait, she has a full time job now?” Lily asked. “Yes, which means that other than her home time we cannot be with her” Kat said. “Oh no! That is when I study and sleep so I won’t see her often at all!” Lily said sadly. “Yep, that’s the sad part.” Kat said. “I need to go to School, now. See you guys at dinner.” Lily said as she walked away. How was she going to ever be with Sarah again? At school they did nothing interesting. They presented their suitcases and Lily of course got a 100%!
The next day, Lily was walking to the Cook, when she saw a huddle of gnomes. Lily hurried over to see what all of the commotion was. Doctors surrounded the scene. “Does anyone know who did this? It seems as though they just fell dead on the street right here.” a doctor said. “I know!” Lily shouted. “She’s just a kid.” One doctor whispered. “Just give her a chance!” the other one said. “Well, young lady. What go you know?” He asked. “Well, in my town there is a terrible disease that kills almost anyone who gets it. It is called Blue Fever. Anyone from Gnome Town here should know because that is why you came here. I think this gnome got Blue Fever and died.” She explained. However, she wondered why they had gotten Blue Fever. The Mayor was still in gnome town and she was the only one who could do it! Something terribly wrong was happening and Lily had to help fix it!
She ran over to meet up with Kat and Kaylee. “Guess what? Sarah is going to take a break to go to Gnome town to see her Aunt and Uncle. She asked if there is anything you wanted her to do.”Kat said. “Tell her that she needs to see if the mayor had any kids close to her that she might have taught her evilness to. It is really important to my investigation” Lily said. “Ok, I will definitely tell her! Could you tell me why though?” Kaylee said. “Well, today someone died from Blue Fever on the street. But only the Mayor knows how to make Blue Fever. This leads me to believe that she taught someone and they came here because she couldn’t have come here.” Lily explained. “Got it!” Kat said. They ate lunch and Lily went to school. Later they ate dinner and discussed Blue Fever and their jobs.
“Today Sarah is going to Gnome Town!” Kat announced at dinner one night. “Oh, Cool!” Lily said. She missed seeing Sarah often and the fact that she wouldn’t be there until tomorrow was terrible. “Hey, I was thinking that maybe you two could move to my house?” Lily asked. “Great idea!” Kat said. “I overheard the Builders saying that the population was growing, so much that they might have to do a population control. They are building houses everyday. If they got a small break they would be so appreciative.” Kaylee added. “So, do you want to move your stuff now?” Lily asked. “Sure!” They said together. They packed up all of their stuff and moved it to Lily’s place. Lily’s house had been designed as a home for four, so the three agreed that they would move Sarah’s stuff too, as a surprise. They worked until 9:00 at night before they finished carrying and organizing. Kaylee said she would tell the builders about the two available houses. They went to bed in their rooms and woke up pleasantly the next morning, all except Lily. She was woken up by two twins jumping up and down on top of her in excitement. “Wh- Wh- Wh- What is it?” Lily asked groggily. “It’s your job assigning day!” They yelled excitedly. “We took the day off, so we could celebrate!” Kat said. “Oh.” Lily said. “Now could I go get ready?” She asked. “Oh.” They said and walked off. Yesterday, Lily had chosen Detective as her number one choice. She got dressed and ate some breakfast.
11 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

The wind blows and I see a shadow of something large, lightning crackles and I hear the moaning of something deep. I tiptoe down the stairs to find… a large Wardrobe. I decided to see what is inside so I slowly open the door to the wardrobe and climb inside. Then I close the door behind me, and it clicks. Oh, no! I have locked myself in this wardrobe! How am I supposed to get out? I search all corners of the wardrobe and find a slip of paper. However, I don't have a light, so I can't read it. I check the walls of the wardrobe and I find a light switch. I flip the switch to find that the wardrobe is oddly large. Then I start to read the paper…. “Hello, welcome to a story you have already heard. You will be transported to another world at noon. Then only way you can get back is remembering your Grandfather.” What about my Grandfather? The only thing I know about him is he used to say Rah Opela all the time! I waited until noon, then it felt like I was being pulled from the wall of the wardrobe and out of the house. Out of the city, state, and country. Out of the world. I felt like I was spinning and then I felt it stop. My head was spinning for a few minutes before I could see anything clearly. Then I saw a landscape like none I had ever seen, the sea was so blue, and the trees glowed like you had put a filter on them. I never wanted to leave. Then I remembered how my Grandfather had gone to this place and a lot of bad stuff happened. I wanted to go home! “I remember my Grandfather, I remember him!” I yelled over and over again. It was useless. I decided to think deeper about what I remembered about him. I tried yelling his name, what he did, what his last name was, who I am, what family he was in. I tried everything and then I decided to sit and rest in the shade of one of the tree's. I waited until dark and found shelter in a little cave. Then as I was laying there I heard a thump, thump. I looked up to find that I was laying in a giant's house. He grabbed me and held me in a stone grip. I tugged and tugged, but I couldn't get out! I was going to be stuck in here forever! I asked what do you want of me in a strong voice. “I want you to help me find the four ingredients for the stew!” He said. “And why can't you?” I asked. “Well, the witch cursed me by not allowing me to see them.” he said. Little did he know that my Grandfather killed the witch, so he could see them now, but I kept that to myself. I asked what the four ingredients for the stew were and he said “The lettuce, the tomato, the crab, and the okra.” “Ok, I will find them for you in this house.” I said. “Well, one rule, don't go through the blue door!” he said. ‘Well, what if it is in there?“ I asked. ”I have checked." he said. I decided not to argue with him that he shouldn’t be able to see them, but that would be boring and time wasting, so I set to work. I looked in 10 rooms that looked the same. Then I looked in a desert room, and decided that none of the things would be in there. I continued searching from room to room for the next week until I find a beach room! I decide to search the room for the crab. Sure enough I grab the crab and it bites me! Ouch! That is why I always from then on have a scar on my hand. I bring the crab to the giant and he says put it in the pot. I do and it starts to bubble a bit before he orders me to find the rest. I look through rooms over again for the next two weeks before I found a promising room that looked like a village. I search the village gardens jut to find the all dead and no lettuce, tomato, or okra living in them. Disappointed I walked out and checked more rooms for the next week and I still didn’t find anything! I searched and searched until I found a room with lots of plants growing in it. I thought how am I supposed to know how which plant is okra, tomato, otr lettuce, then I noticed that the plants were labeled and I found the okra plant! I put it in the stew and continued looking for more stuff. I looked for a whole month before finding a room with a painting in it. “Hello” someone said. I searched the room to see who had talked, but there was only a painting in the room. “Yes it was me taking” Said the painting. “I can see everything in this entire house, so I know that you are looking for two more things. I also know that you don’t know that the rooms change every 10 minutes? I could tell you which room the okra is, but you have to go fast, and you won’t be able to find me again.” “Ok.” I said. “Well right now the tomato is right next door! If you get there quickly you can get the tomato before the room moves! You won’t be able to see me again, but I can tell you that the lettuce is in a giant room with nothing in it, but lettuce on the floor.” The painting said. “Ok!” I hurried over to the room next door and got the tomato. I ran and put it in the pot. I then searched every room multiple times and I still couldn’t find a lettuce on the floor in the middle of a room.
After another week of searching I found a room with the lettuce. I went to grab the lettuce and it bit me! Ouch! That is why I have the scar on my leg that I have today. Was so hungry that I tried some of the lettuce, which was (I didn’t know at the time) a magical lettuce that could make you become rich. I put the lettuce in the stew and told the giant that it was finished. He greedily ate all of the stew. He suddenly grew bigger (for the okra made you big) and stronger (for the tomato made you strong) and smarter (for the crab made you smarter) and richer (for the lettuce made you richer). “Yes, richer, bigger, stronger, and smarter than any giant ever before.” That is when I noticed what I had done. I found some dust on the ground and put it in the pot. (It was to my convenience a backwards dust). Suddenly, the giant shrunk smaller than before grew weaker than before, poorer than before, and dumber than before. “Oh no! He wailed then he turned on me. WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY STEW!!!!! He yelled. “I just put in the ingredients” stretching the truth a bit. “I know you did something and you cannot deny it! I am now the smallest, dumbest, poorest, weakest giant ever! I’m not even a giant really! Then he punched me so hard that i didn’t wake up for the next hour. When I woke up I ran out the door as fast as I could. I was going so fast that I didn’t notice I had jumped off of a cliff. I tried to remember my Grandfather and then I remembered…”Rah Opela”
11 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

I have wanted to go to candy Mountain since I was 5! Now I am 13 and I get to go! My parents took a lot of convincing before they agreed. Candy Mountain is the biggest theme park in the world! They have candy themed roller coasters and, candy cane droppers, and chocolate water rides. There record holding dropper “The Mountain” reaches higher than the empire state building in New York! I have been wanting to go on it forever! I know I can do it. Candy Mountain is in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Since I live in Kansas city, Kansas it is a _______hour drive. My family and I have been going on long trips to prepare for the long drive.
I packed my bag and headed out the door. I got into the car preparing myself for the long drive ahead of me. We start our trip trip at 4:45 in the morning. Until 8:00 I just slept. Then because it is light outside I wrote in my journal that I have made for this trip. Then at 12:00 we stopped and ate lunch at an amazing buffet called Australian Grill.
Now, we are on the home stretch only an hour left. Them, I heard struggling from the front seat. My dad is hitting the breaks, but the car won’t stop! We speed down the mountain and crash into a tree on the side of the road. My dreams are crushed! I will never get to go to Candy Mountain now! “Out of the car Auburn!” My dad yelled. Thats me. I scrambled out of the car of the care hoping all will be fine and I can still go to Candy Mountain. The car is a terrible sight. The front of the car is a wreck parts are scattered, the tree is caved in, and the silver paint on the car is chipped. I take out my phone and make sure it is safe and gladly it is. Then I check to make sure that my parents are ok. They are completely fine, however they look shaken. They instructed me to call the police.
I did and minutes later the police came and asked my dad some questions. Then they asked me if I had anything to do with the car crash, and I said no. He inspected the car and said “Sorry, the car is not driveable. You do have insurance….” I stopped listening. It was quite boring to listen to that kind of thing. I took a picture of the wildlife and posted it on Instagram. I also checked my messages and snapchat. Finally they finished talking and we walked to the bus a mile from where we were. When we got there our legs hurt and our bodys ached. We waited an hour, got on the bus, and rode on the bus to Candy Mountain. The bus was hot and filled with people. And worst of all, it had no Wifi! Then we got to Candy Mountain and got our tickets. We went on lots of water rides! My favorite water ride was Candy river, where we went on a raft trip with lots of white water and drops! I tried “The Mountain”, but it was so far down every person on the ride threw up. There was a large hold-up as they cleaned it up. I also went on a ride called the candy cane. You would go up and down on a rollercoaster, then you would drop ride a dropper down into a water raft. As a finally you would go down a waterfall and get super wet!
11 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

These are all from SWC 2018! I am in Mystery cabin
11 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

Curiosity-club wrote:


I am not done with this story

Last edited by Curiosity-club (July 12, 2018 12:43:38)

11 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

Is it worth it? Do I really think I will be able to clean this room? I am in a Clean it finals competition. In this you can risk money to say that you can clean the room faster than the other person. This is the seceret round were you cannot tell the opponent the bid. I decide to bid high. 3, 2, 1, go! The bell rings and I start to clean the room. I run around putting things away and bing! I hit the buzzer. Then I hear ing! That means that we pushed it almost the same time! And the winner is…… Sally! Yes, I win! I get 10 thousand from my opponent and I am bringing home…. 20,000 dollars! I cannot wait to spend that money on! For now what I am going to spend it on is a Mysteryee! <– Cabin
66 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

Lydia loves to sing. She lives on a little prairie in the middle of…. no were. She lives in a small house, with a cozy fire, and everything a family might need. They have a garden to get food, and rely on that garden for everything. If they have a bad year they won’t have any food to eat and starve. From their little town they see nothing, but emptiness, in all directions. She has always asked her parents if she could walk past the horizon, into the sunset, to the other side, but the always mumble “some day..” and change the subject. Lydia had grown used to this, but she was a curious girl, and curious girls never stop asking until they get the answer, so every day since she was five Lydia asked her parents what was on the other side. She was also a girl who liked action, so she always changed the question to “What is beyyyyyond?” Or “Beyond the sunset something lays, what is it might I ask of you?” Sometimes these sentences don’t make any sense, but her parents always seem to have a far away look in their eyes when she asks. Their eyes turn a darker shade of grey then they are in the first place. This family of three thrives on this little prairie just fine sticking to the schedule and everything exactly the same. However, Lydia does not like this sameness so she decides one day to pull a prank on her parents to make the sameness go away. She gives her mom, her dad’s cup and the other way around. She switches her mom and dad’s soap. She even changes the garden clippers with the pruners! The next turn of events are quite odd. Her mom uses her dad’s soap like she knows it was change and same for her dad. They politely hand each other their cups and laugh as they do it. Then when mom goes to clip the plants, she heads straight to were the pruners usually are like she always knows exactly where they are. This disappoints Lydia so she goes to her room and sings a song about having another person to be with on the lonely prairie and having someone to run around with. When her parents come in they hear her singing and listen for a bit. Then when Lydia gets to the chorus they say “Lydia, it is time to eat!” With worried looks on their faces. Like her song made something happen that shouldn’t happen! After dinner they put her to bed and politely said “Now, no more singing tonight you need to get to sleep!” Worry filled their voices as they spoke. Then next morning everything was out of ordinary at the house. Lydia’s parents were scrambling around, closing the shades, turning out the lights, and ushering Lydia into the basement room. She sat in there in silence wondering what happened, or what was happening. She enjoyed the feel of adventure and difference in the little house, but she felt uneasy. She sat there waiting for her parents to come down and wondering what they were doing to prepare. Then finally they come into the basement. Lydia asked them her regular question, and they didn’t say some day… Instead they said “No time for that now! First we need to make sure we are safe!” “From what?” Lydia asked. “From the man of course!” mom said then shut her mouth like she was guilty. “What she meant, was from the storm that is going to hit in a couple hours.” Her dad said. They whispered together for a bit before saying well, I guess we better just wait here. “Did I do something?” Lydia asked. “Ye- No, it is just a storm passing by our little house! That happens all the time, am I right?” Dad said. “Well, when there is a storm we never hide out in the basement!” Lydia said. “Well, it is never one this bad!” mom said. “And how do you know there is going to be a storm worse than I have ever seen before?” Lydia burst back. “H-” mom started. “That is beside the point! The point is there is a big storm and we are waiting it out in here.” Dad said. “The point is, I have done something wrong, and you are trying to hide something from me!” Lydia yelled. Both her parent looked surprised, but they just sat in silence. They sat like this for the next hours upon hours until finally dad said, “Well, now the storm has probably passed!” and they walked up to the main floor. When Lydia looked outside it was sunny and did not look like a single storm had happened. Something fishy was going on and Lydia knew it. Then when she looked outside another person was sitting on the porch looking out on the horizon. “Finally, I get someone to play with!” Lydia said. When her parents see the man their eyes droop. They sigh and whisper to each other before saying “Lydia, don’t spend too much time with that man.”, but Lydia is convinced she has to find out where they came from. She goes out to ask the man some questions. “Hello, what is your name?” She asks him. “Well, my name is Gregory! I have come from way over there across the horizon to help you!” He said as he pointed to the horizon. “You walked?” Lydia asked. “Well, as a Heepler you have to walk everywhere no matter where you are summoned!” Gregory answered. “What’s a Heepler?” Lydia asked. “Full of questions you are!” The old man chuckled. “A heepler helps people that have a wish. Each wish is a ball of light. If a wish enters you, you have to fulfill that wish. Your wishing powers must be strong to be able to reach me from here!” Gregory said. “Well, do you want to play a game?” Lydia asked. “Sure! What kind of game? Where I am from they have things called Video Games! Do you have any of that?” He asked. “No…. How about we play hide! That is where you hide and the other person tries to find you!” Lydia said. “Sure! You can hide first and I will try to find you!” He said. He chuckled. “But first I need a tour around the house so I know where you might hide!” He said. “Ok, I will give you a tour!” Lydia said. She lead him through each room and said what they were for. If he had any questions she answered them for him. Once he asked where he would sleep so they had to go get her mom. She agreed he could sleep in the living room, since all of the bedroom’s where taken already. This is how it is when there are unexpected guests, mom told him. When the tour was finished, they decided Lydia would hide first. She hid under the couch. It was not long before Gregory found her. The next round took an hour as Lydia tried to find Gregory. While she was looking she started singing “I need to find Gregory, that is what I need. But I can’t find gregory. Can I find him Can I find him.” Then when she finished the song she found him! What a coincidence she thought. In the end she found him in the closet in the hall! Then when Gregory and Lydia where walking out a glass fell out of the cabinet, but the cabinet wasn’t open and no one was by the cabinet. The glass had just fallen by itself. Her mom rushed over to clean it up, glaring at Lydia like it was her fault. “It’s not my fault mom! I promise!” She said. “Hmph” Mom sighed. Lydia and Gregory went outside to start another round of hide. They played hide for the rest of the day. The next morning, Lydia wakes up on the floor instead of in her bed. She remembered going to sleep in her bed so she knows something out of the ordinary happened. She thinks about Gregory, but decides that she should figure out more about him. She goes to him when he wakes up and asks him what he did in the world where he was before. He told her that he would have a normal life, forever waiting for a wish to enter him. Because that is what a Heepler does all day everyday! He said. “What is it like? Does it have many houses instead of one?” Lydia asked. “Well, it has many houses and buildings way taller than houses. When all of them are together It is called a city! I live in a big city called Yoir.” He said with a faraway look in his eyes. “Is that what is beyond the horizon? Is that the answer to my endless question that is never answered? Is it a city?” Lydia asked, more talking to herself then him. “Well, more or less. There are lots of people, but the area is so….” He trailed off. “Lots of people?? That would mean you could have lots of friends an you would have a much better life then you do here! Why do we live in this tiny town in a prairie that stretches endlessly if we could live with other people?” Lydia asked. She thought about her question for a moment. Then she remembered that Gregory was supposed to answer. After a while she noticed that she noticed that he wasn’t going to answer, so she went in and asked her mom. She just mumbled something and made a mental note to have a word with Gregory. Later that day Lydia was walking to her room, she heard voices shouting. SHe decided to listen in. “Why did you tell her?” Came her mom’s voice. “I didn’t tell her the Secret madam!” Gregory yelled back. “You basically did! And now she thinks it is amazing in Yoir and she will never help us! She won’t ever understand now!” Her mom yelled. “Well, I can slowly reveal it to her if you want me to!” Gregory said. “Ok, fine, you can do that if you want.” Mom said. “Just make sure that you reveal it slowly! Otherwise it will be a big shock, to her and she will think it is just a big lie!” mom said. Lydia knew that they were talking about her. SHe went to her bedroom and wondered what it was that Gregory shouldn’t have told her and what she needed to know. She went to sleep, and the next morning, she woke up in her bed, That was a relief. Then, when she went outside to water the plants they were all almost dead. Lydia sprinkled water on them and they grew again! “That’s odd!” Lydia thought. She went inside to tell her mom leaving one plant untouched, but when she got back outside they were all fully grown. Her mom said you must have been seeing things. “No I wasn’t!” Lydia complained, but mom wouldn’t believe her. She decided to talk to Gregory. “Hello, Good morning, Lydia!” Gregory said in greetings. “Hello, Good morning, Gregory!” Lydia said. “Have you ever heard of pollution?” Gregory asked. “No, what is it?” Lydia asked. “It is were people let bad things into the water and air. It is bad for plants and animals.” Gregory explains. “What are animals?” Lydia asked. “Animals are like people except most have four legs and they don’t speak the same language as we do! Humans are a type of animal.” Gregory explained. “So, pollution is bad for us?” Lydia asked. “Yes, it is!” Gregory answered. “So why do people do it?” Lydia asked. “Well, people do it un meaning fully, or they don’t care.” Gregory said. “Is this common in cities? Is it here?” Lydia said worried. “It is very common in cities! However it is not here. You are, so friendly to the environment here in this little house.” Gregory explained. “Wait a minute. If the city of Yoir has a name then does this place?” Lydia asked. “In the city this is known as the lonely prairie.” Gregory said. “That’s why there is only one house. I think no one goes here because 1. There is no one else around, and 2. It is probably home to many beasts.” Lydia said. “You are actually exactly correct. However, there aren't actually monsters here people only think there are. As a Heepler it is an honor to come to the lonely prairie for a job! I haven’t thanked you yet, but thank you!” He said and bowed. “I knew it! O, and your welcome! I love having you here. I hope you never have to leave.” Lydia said. “Well, sing!” Gregory said. So she sang.. “I got a new friend named Gregory. And he has made my life BEtter. And I hope he never has to leave, for he is my best friend.” A glowing ball started to form in Lydia’s heart. Her parents gathered around to watch. “And I hope, this wish will spread through, the city beyooooooooooond, oooooooooond. And maybe this wish could go to Gregory, so he could stay forever and be my best friend forever……..” She ended. The glowing ball in her heart flew into Gregory’s heart and he said “Well, I guess I will stay with you forever!” He chuckled. “I think you are the only one I have ever met that can control their wishes!” Gregory exclaimed. Mom and dad whispered to each other and all Lydia heard was Dream Catcher. Was that a good thing? They had a talk with Gregory, but Lydia didn’t listen, for she thought it would be boring. She then goes to her room and finds a little key on her shelf. She picks up the key and finds a tiny keyhole in her bed. Inside is a book. The book is titled Dream catcher. She opens the book and starts to read. “One day it will conquer, stronger than any man, but not man. Not living, but causing destruction across the world. One day a Dream Catcher will wake, with powers more than any before. To save the world from the force.” That was it. It must be talking about me! Lydia thought. I am the one in this prophecy. And the big force is pollution!

Hai! I am a Scratcher who loves to code, animate, and draw! I love to play instruments and challenge myself to be creative. Talk to me on my profile, I love to chat!
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Want to make Frozen Yougurt? Go Here for a little game!
If you want a rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
11 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

I like it!
11 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

Curiosity-club wrote:

I like it!
xD I just said that to myself….
66 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

I hope you like them!

Hai! I am a Scratcher who loves to code, animate, and draw! I love to play instruments and challenge myself to be creative. Talk to me on my profile, I love to chat!
Want some art? Ask Here
Want to make Frozen Yougurt? Go Here for a little game!
If you want a rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
38 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

66 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

fillystar wrote:

What do you mean? I've never seen a dinosaur, no….

Hai! I am a Scratcher who loves to code, animate, and draw! I love to play instruments and challenge myself to be creative. Talk to me on my profile, I love to chat!
Want some art? Ask Here
Want to make Frozen Yougurt? Go Here for a little game!
If you want a rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
66 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

Welcome to The Waterpark. I am your guide for your first day here. By the way my name is Callie, and I am a Calima, the main species here in The Waterpark. O, your wondering what a Calima is like? Oh, that’s normal. A Calima is a half human half animal, I am half cat! Ok, so let me start showing you around. Your wondering what that is? Ok, that is the ticket station! Each time you do something around town you get a ticket. You can use tickets to play games. Here’s thirty tickets for your first day!
Oh, you want to play a game? Well, the best beginner game is catch the frog. Let me bring you over to it. You paid a ticket and started to play. “Catch the Frogs in your basket!” The sign said. WAITTT, I yelled at you, you have to listen to the rules of Waterpark games first. You sighed and listened. "You need to be friendly to the game, next, you need to help the game not go against it. I know you might find the urge to cheat but DON'T! I hope you enjoy playing! You go into the game and play for a bit before coming out. Now, I need to show you our sweets! First of all here is the famous Cotton Candyshop! Do you like cotton candy? How about you try some. You try some cotton and candy and you really like it! You make a mental note to come back to try it again during your stay at Waterpark. Next I will show you to the famous burger shop! Here we sell World famous burgers that everyone loves. Go inside and get one, it's lunch time anyway. You walk inside, but cannot find the menu. You ask the man up front, but he just scans you for a bit before saying Vanillacotton to his partner. His partner went and told the cook and the man at the front told you to sit down. You find a table and sit down waiting for a waiter. After a couple of minutes a man comes with a burger. He sets it down in front of you and asks you for a token. You give him one and try your burger. It is the best burger you ever tried, they got everything right. When you finish you go out to Callie, and ask her how the burger shop works. She said that the manager scans you and based on the results you get a burger for a token! This is always the burger of your dreams that is why they scan you. You had the very best burger you had ever had right? Sounding a bit worried. Of course you answer and tell her to lead you to another place in The Waterpark. Well, there are no Waterparks without a water park! Callie said. She lead you to a waterpark and told you to jump into your bathing suit. You go into the Bathroom, and get one your bathing suit. You dive into the water and swim around. You play in the splash area until you can barely walk anymore. You get out and Callie notices your tiredness.”well it seems like you are super tired! Let me show you to your room.” She says. She shows you to your room and you hop into your bed tuckered out. You fall fast asleep excited for your next day in The Waterpark!

Hai! I am a Scratcher who loves to code, animate, and draw! I love to play instruments and challenge myself to be creative. Talk to me on my profile, I love to chat!
Want some art? Ask Here
Want to make Frozen Yougurt? Go Here for a little game!
If you want a rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
38 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

CandyCat1oo wrote:

fillystar wrote:

What do you mean? I've never seen a dinosaur, no….
oh just joking
66 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

fillystar wrote:

CandyCat1oo wrote:

fillystar wrote:

What do you mean? I've never seen a dinosaur, no….
oh just joking

Hai! I am a Scratcher who loves to code, animate, and draw! I love to play instruments and challenge myself to be creative. Talk to me on my profile, I love to chat!
Want some art? Ask Here
Want to make Frozen Yougurt? Go Here for a little game!
If you want a rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
66 posts

My Stories! Curiosity-club

Out in an Ocean,
far away.
Dodging Commotion,
that is at bay.

Shining bright,
in the night,
From the sun,
it gets no shun.

You see a moon,
I see hope.
You see stars,
I see an escape.

I am a little one,
still bright.
I am one of you,
but one of them.

I walk the moon,
in my free time.
Though I don't have much,
for I have you,

I am a star,
a moon,
a person,
a soul,
a heart,
I am a spirit.

Last edited by CandyCat1oo (Oct. 14, 2018 20:49:53)

Hai! I am a Scratcher who loves to code, animate, and draw! I love to play instruments and challenge myself to be creative. Talk to me on my profile, I love to chat!
Want some art? Ask Here
Want to make Frozen Yougurt? Go Here for a little game!
If you want a rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

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