Discuss Scratch

56 posts

What's your favorite Movie?

Donnie Darko.

1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

I really like Big Hero 6.

Let's not forget some awesome stop-motion films: Coraline, Kubo and the Two Strings, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Isle of Dogs!

lh70 / nora/tobi / she-they pronouns / pansexual-demisexual / 14 / sagittarius / furry / artist / intp / stop-motion films / lbp / fall out boy / panic! at the disco / twenty one pilots / stranger things / a series of unfortunate events
“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.” -Patrick Stump
“Music seems to hold everything together. It seems to make things not so chaotic sometimes. It seems to make things make more sense sometimes.” -Tyler Joseph
“You'll fear your fears forever if you never do things you're afraid of.” -Josh Dun
“I'm still figuring out who I am, but I know I'm not who I was.” -Brendon Urie
1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

Ready Player One?

It does teach a good lesson about focusing on the real world more than the virtual world.
1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

The Nut Job & it's sequel

EDIT: First post on Page 6!

Last edited by owlannaelsa (June 8, 2018 14:57:17)

IMPORTANT: do not stalk me. just because im active somewhere doesnt mean that you should stalk me to that place. please, its VERY annoying.
1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

Favorite animated movies:

Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Zootopia, Wreck-It Ralph, The LEGO Movie, and Big Hero 6.

Last edited by Spycapt54 (June 8, 2018 19:52:14)

1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

LionHeart70 wrote:

I really like Big Hero 6.

Let's not forget some awesome stop-motion films: Coraline, Kubo and the Two Strings, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Isle of Dogs!
Yes, Fantastic Mr. Fox.
Best stop motion movie.
just quoting the movie, just so you know
1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

scratcherjack9000 wrote:

LionHeart70 wrote:

I really like Big Hero 6.

Let's not forget some awesome stop-motion films: Coraline, Kubo and the Two Strings, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Isle of Dogs!
Yes, Fantastic Mr. Fox.
Best stop motion movie.
just quoting the movie, just so you know
I first saw the movie when I was 4, I didn't really understand it much though (but I recently saw it again since it was at a video rental store, and I enjoyed it!)

lh70 / nora/tobi / she-they pronouns / pansexual-demisexual / 14 / sagittarius / furry / artist / intp / stop-motion films / lbp / fall out boy / panic! at the disco / twenty one pilots / stranger things / a series of unfortunate events
“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.” -Patrick Stump
“Music seems to hold everything together. It seems to make things not so chaotic sometimes. It seems to make things make more sense sometimes.” -Tyler Joseph
“You'll fear your fears forever if you never do things you're afraid of.” -Josh Dun
“I'm still figuring out who I am, but I know I'm not who I was.” -Brendon Urie
500+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

My Top 20 Films
1. Paris, Texas
The most beautiful film ever made.
2. Barry Lyndon
The most incredible visuals ever put to screen, even surpassing 2001. One of the greatest stories as well, about a man whose life gets more and more empty the higher in class he gets. Kubrick's greatest work.
3. Ikiru
This is both a beautiful moral tale and a brilliant satire on bureaucracy. Life affirming and devastating.
4. Citizen Kane
Considered to be the greatest film for a good reason.
5. Grave of The Fireflies
The greatest tearjerker of all time. The only film that I have sobbed at.
6. Mirror
An often confusing but beautiful experience.
7. Fantastic Mr Fox
The most fun and rewatchable film ever. Stop motion is incredible.
8. It's Such A Beautiful Day
This is the film that completely changed my outlook on life, and is also probably responsible for turning me into a pretentious git.
9. Come And See
Absolutely brutal. While I personally prefer Grave of The Fireflies, no film really captures the useless and horrifying nature of war like this one does.
10. Koyaanisqatsi
Absolutely amazing images, music and commentary on human nature.
11. World of Tomorrow
Only 17 minutes but has more interesting ideas than most 2 hour films. Really great deconstruction of sci-fi tropes.
12. Night And Fog
The greatest portrayal of The Holocaust put to screen. There is no dramatization or emotional manipulation, it just shows The Holocaust for what it was, and it ends up being all the more respectful and devastating.
13. Chungking Express
Two stories of loneliness and lost loves told beautifully.
14. Rashomon
Almost 70 years old, yet still one of the most compelling stories of human nature ever.
15. Harakiri
Brilliant deconstruction of the “samurai epic” genre that showcases how absurd the “code of honor” really was. Fantastic twists.
16. 12 Angry Men
Most of the film is set in one room, but the script and acting is so amazing that it's one of the most compelling films ever made.
17. Werckmeister Harmonies
The slowest film on the list, but perhaps the most rewarding. The last 45 minutes are absolutely incredible.
18. Kiki's Delivery Service
My favorite Miyazaki film. Fills my heart with joy and inspiration every time I see it.
19. The Act of Killing
A documentary that observes a little known human tragedy and goes to some pretty incredible lengths to uncover it. Second best of the decade so far.
20. Winter Light
The story of a priest who fails everyone around him over the course of one day. This film terrifies me, though it's a more personal type of fear. I have a deep fear of failure that preoccupies my mind too often, and the events of this film are ultimately my worst nightmare.
1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

petsounds wrote:

I love how you have this whole list of beautiful and emotional films, and meanwhile I just wrote “I liek bak 2 teh futre”

Last edited by PecanPi314 (June 9, 2018 12:25:46)

in west philadelphia born and raised

1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

The Emoji Movie

Okay I’m joking, but to be honest I actually like that movie

Behold, Luna's Mimikyu army!! It got killed for a moment by an evil Lord Dome, but Lord Helix brought them back!!

500+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

3 shots from the film Mishima: A Life In Four Chapters. Watched it a few weeks ago but it's already in my Top 10. An incredible yet forgotten classic.
100+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

My favorite: Nine Lives

100+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

My favourite movies are The Truman Show and the one with the dreams… what's it called… Inception I think. Oh and Inside Out

I've moved back to my old account, @Hahgoot . Read this to see why.
1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

My favourite movie would have to be either Interstella 5555 or Hunt For The WIlderpeople.

pls add

1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

Probably Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva or The Iron Giant.

(as you can see, I haven't seen many good movies)

(You could consider Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva a guilty pleasure)

(I need to watch more more movies)

Edit: I COMPLETELY forgot about Kubo and the Two Strings

Last edited by modedii (Aug. 8, 2018 00:43:55)

I'm Modedii
“Analyse what feelings are made of, hey!
Try to see through everything, hey, give it a try…”

1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

Wonder, it is just heart-warming, and a nice and gentle story.

7 posts

What's your favorite Movie?

My Favorite movie is kids movies action and mysterious
500+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

I would have to say the Bee Movie

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)


7 posts

What's your favorite Movie?


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