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Python Projects

Do code Python? Share your projects here!

Last edited by jackkillian on March 9, 9999
Hi, and welcome to Scratch! Click Here to go to the Scratch home page.
24 posts

Python Projects

Password Creator V 1.0
Make sure you Python 3 installed
Make a new file and paste the following code into it.
Save it as ‘Password Creator V 1.0.py’.
Here's the code:

colors =
adjectives =
animals =

import random
import pip
import pyperclip as ppc
installed = ‘yes’
print('Pyperclip not installed. If you would like to copy the password to the clipboard, please install it.')
install = input('Would you like to install Pyperclip? ‘)
if install == ’y':
installed = ‘y’
installed = ‘no’

new = ‘y’

while new == ‘y’:
print('Creating your new password…')
new_adj = random.choice(adj)
new_ani = random.choice(ani)
password = new_adj + new_ani + color + str(random.randint(0, 1000))
print('Your new password is:')
if installed == ‘yes’:
copy = input('Would you like to copy password to clipboard? ‘)
if copy ==’y':
new = input('Would you like to make a new password? ')

Last edited by jackkillian on March 9, 9999
Hi, and welcome to Scratch! Click Here to go to the Scratch home page.
24 posts

Python Projects

Sorry, on Password Creator V 1.0:
color =
adjectives =
animals =
it is supposed to be:

And where it says ‘pip.main()’ is is supposed to be:


Last edited by jackkillian (March 8, 2018 21:09:23)

Last edited by jackkillian on March 9, 9999
Hi, and welcome to Scratch! Click Here to go to the Scratch home page.
100+ posts

Python Projects

Base64 encoder.
def b64encode(x):
t = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
x = "".join(["0"*(8-len(bin(ord(i))[2:]))+bin(ord(i))[2:] for i in x])
o = ""
for i in [x[c:c+6] for c in range(0,len(x),6)]:
o += t[int(i+"0"*(6-len(i)),2)]+"="*((6-len(i))//2)
return o
1000+ posts

Python Projects

Is there like a online site where you can publish python projects like you can do scratch projects?
24 posts

Python Projects

asqwde wrote:

Is there like a online site where you can publish python projects like you can do scratch projects?
I don't know. I hope there is. Maybe Google it.

Last edited by jackkillian on March 9, 9999
Hi, and welcome to Scratch! Click Here to go to the Scratch home page.
1000+ posts

Python Projects

this one is pretty big

it's a game thing i made

from sys import exit
from time import sleep

areas = {
1:{"type": "mountain"},
2:{"type": "plains"},
3:{"type": "forest"},
4:{"type": "lake"}}

materialtypes = {

buildtypes = {

builds = {}

boost = 0

buildnums = {
"hut":0, "house":0, "shed":0, "mine":0, "farm":0, "cabin":0, "well":0, "ship":0}

types = {
"mountain": {
"resources": ["stone", "water"],
"traversal": "hard",
"buildqual": "hard",
"desc": "Mountains are hard to work on, but provide lots of stone."},
"plains": {
"resources": ["food", "wood"],
"traversal": "easy",
"buildqual": "easy",
"desc": "Plains are plentiful in food, and are good to build on."},
"forest": {
"resources": ["wood", "stone"],
"traversal": "easy",
"buildqual": "hard",
"desc": "Forests give lots of wood, but they're hard to build on."},
"lake": {
"resources": ["water", "food"],
"traversal": "hard",
"buildqual": "easy",
"desc": "Lakes give plenty of water, but can be hard to get around."}

chars = {
1: {"name": "Andrew",
"str": 5,
"stam": 6,
"plan": 4,
"happ": 10,
"nrg": 50,
"hung": 0,
"thirst": 0,
"awake": 15,
"task": {"area": "none", "job": "none"}},
2: {"name": "Beth",
"str": 3,
"stam": 2,
"plan": 9,
"happ": 10,
"nrg": 50,
"hung": 0,
"thirst": 0,
"awake": 15,
"task": {"area": "none", "job": "none"}},
3: {"name": "Charles",
"str": 9,
"stam": 8,
"plan": 1,
"happ": 10,
"nrg": 50,
"hung": 0,
"thirst": 0,
"awake": 15,
"task": {"area": "none", "job": "none"}},
4: {"name": "David",
"str": 8,
"stam": 2,
"plan": 6,
"happ": 10,
"nrg": 50,
"hung": 0,
"thirst": 0,
"awake": 15,
"task": {"area": "none", "job": "none"}}

resourc = {"wood":0, "stone":0, "water":0, "food":0}

buildings = {
"well": 30,

def removekey(d, key):
r = dict(d)
del r[key]
return r

def set_task(area, job, person):
chars[person]["task"]["job"] = job
chars[person]["task"]["area"] = area

def cont_tasks():
global boost, builds, buildnums, resourc, buildings, chars, types, areas
for i in chars:
if chars[i]["task"]["job"] == "none":
chars[i]["nrg"] += 1 + (buildnums["hut"] + (buildnums["house"] * 2)) * 2
if chars[i]["nrg"] > 50:
chars[i]["nrg"] = 50
chars[i]["happ"] += 1 + buildnums["hut"] + (buildnums["house"] * 2)
if chars[i]["happ"] >= 20:
chars[i]["happ"] = 20
chars[i]["awake"] += 2
if chars[i]["awake"] >= 15:
chars[i]["awake"] = 15
if chars[i]["nrg"] - (10 - chars[i]["stam"]) <= 0:
print("%s is exhausted..." % chars[i]["name"])
if chars[i]["task"]["job"] not in buildings:
if chars[i]["task"]["job"] == "wood":
boost = buildnums["cabin"] * 2
elif chars[i]["task"]["job"] == "stone":
boost = buildnums["mine"] * 2
elif chars[i]["task"]["job"] == "food":
boost = buildnums["farm"] * 2
boost = buildnums["well"] * 2
if types[areas[chars[i]["task"]["area"]]["type"]]["resources"][0] == chars[i]["task"]["job"]:
resourc[chars[i]["task"]["job"]] += (chars[i]["str"] // 2) + 3 + boost
print("%s collected lots of %s!" % (chars[i]["name"], chars[i]["task"]["job"]))
elif types[areas[chars[i]["task"]["area"]]["type"]]["resources"][1] == chars[i]["task"]["job"]:
resourc[chars[i]["task"]["job"]] += 3 + (chars[i]["str"] // 4) + 1 + (boost / 2)
("%s collected some %s!" % (chars[i]["name"], chars[i]["task"]["job"]))
resourc[chars[i]["task"]["job"]] += boost / 4
("%s collected a bit of %s." % (chars[i]["name"], chars[i]["task"]["job"]))
if types[areas[chars[i]["task"]["area"]]["type"]]["traversal"] == "hard":
chars[i]["nrg"] -= 10 - chars[i]["stam"]
chars[i]["happ"] -= 2
chars[i]["nrg"] -= (10 - chars[i]["stam"]) // 2
chars[i]["happ"] -= 1
if chars[i]["task"]["job"] not in builds:
builds[chars[i]["task"]["job"]] = 0
print ("%s started to build a %s!" % (chars[i]["name"], chars[i]["task"]["job"]))
elif types[areas[chars[i]["task"]["area"]]["type"]]["buildqual"] == "easy":
if resourc["wood"] - chars[i]["plan"] < 0 or resourc["stone"] - (chars[i]["plan"] / 2) < 0:
print ("%s didn't have enough materials to keep building the %s!" % (chars[i]["name"], chars[i]["task"]["job"]))
builds[chars[i]["task"]["job"]] += chars[i]["plan"]
print ("%s continued building the %s!" % (chars[i]["name"], chars[i]["task"]["job"]))
resourc["wood"] -= chars[i]["plan"]
resourc["stone"] -= chars[i]["plan"] / 2
if resourc["wood"] - (chars[i]["plan"] / 2) < 0 or resourc["stone"] - (chars[i]["plan"] / 4) < 0:
print ("%s didn't have enough materials to keep building the %s!" % (chars[i]["name"], chars[i]["task"]["job"]))
builds[chars[i]["task"]["job"]] += chars[i]["plan"] / 2
print ("%s continued building the %s!" % (chars[i]["name"], chars[i]["task"]["job"]))
resourc["wood"] -= chars[i]["plan"] / 2
resourc["stone"] -= chars[i]["plan"] / 4
if builds[chars[i]["task"]["job"]] >= buildings[chars[i]["task"]["job"]]:
print ("The %s is built!" % chars[i]["task"]["job"])
buildnums[chars[i]["task"]["job"]] += 1
builds = removekey(builds, chars[i]["task"]["job"])
for j in chars:
if chars[j]["task"]["job"] == chars[i]["task"]["job"] and j != i:
chars[j]["task"]["job"] = "none"
chars[j]["task"]["area"] = "none"
chars[i]["task"]["job"] = "none"
chars[i]["task"]["area"] = "none"
chars[i]["awake"] -= 1
chars[i]["hung"] += 1
chars[i]["thirst"] += 1
if chars[i]["hung"] >= 10:
print ("%s is starving!!!" % chars[i]["name"])
chars[i]["happ"] = 0
chars[i]["nrg"] = 0
elif chars[i]["hung"] >= 7:
print ("%s is starting to feel hungry..." % chars[i]["name"])
if chars[i]["thirst"] >= 10:
print ("%s is dehydrated!!!" % chars[i]["name"])
elif chars[i]["thirst"] >= 7:
print ("%s is feeling thirsty..." % chars[i]["name"])
if chars[i]["happ"] <= 0:
print ("%s is feeling terrible..." % chars[i]["name"])
chars[i]["nrg"] -= 15
if chars[i]["nrg"] <= 0:
chars[i]["nrg"] = 0
elif chars[i]["happ"] <= 3:
print ("%s feeling pretty bad." % chars[i]["name"])
if chars[i]["awake"] == 0:
print ("%s fell asleep on the spot!!!" % chars[i]["name"])
chars[i]["nrg"] = 0
chars[i]["happ"] = 1
chars[i]["task"]["job"] = "none"
chars[i]["task"]["area"] = "none"
elif chars[i]["awake"] <= 3:
print ("%s is feeling VERY tired..." % chars[i]["name"])
elif chars[i]["awake"] <= 5:
print ("%s is pretty tired..." % chars[i]["name"])
for j in resourc:
if resourc[j] >= (buildnums["shed"] + 1) * 20:
print ("The group is full on %s!" % j)
resourc[j] = (buildnums["shed"] + 1) * 20

def eat():
if resourc["food"] >= 8:
resourc["food"] -= 8
print("Everyone ate some food!")
for i in chars:
chars[i]["hung"] = 0
chars[i]["happ"] += 2
if chars[i]["happ"] > 20:
chars[i]["happ"] = 20
print("There isn't enough food to feed everyone!")

def drink():
if resourc["water"] >= 8:
print("Everyone drank some water!")
resourc["water"] -= 8
for i in chars:
chars[i]["thirst"] = 0
chars[i]["happ"] += 2
if chars[i]["happ"] > 20:
chars[i]["happ"] = 20
print ("There isn't enough water for everyone to drink!")

def check_builds():
for i in buildnums:
if buildnums[i] == 1:
print ("There is one %s built." % i)
print ("There are %d %ss built." % (buildnums[i], i))

print ("Andrew, Beth, Charles and David are shipwrecked!")
while True:
done = 0
print ("Actions:\n1: Set task: Tell group members what to do.\n2: Cancel all tasks: Stops all current tasks.\n3: View terrain info: Shows info about the different terrain types.\n4: View character statistics: Show strengths & weaknesses of the characters.\n5: Eat & drink: Reset hunger & thirst with food & water.\n6: View resources: List how many of each resource you have.\n7: View building info: Shows perks of different buildings.\n8: View building numbers: See how many of each building you have built.\n9: Skip time forwards: Do the actions you've assigned!\n0: Set sail: Set sail with a ship!!")
action = input("Choose an action: ")
if action == "1":
while done == 0:
char = input("Who should do the job?\n1: Andrew, 2: Beth, 3: Charles, 4: David\nChoose one: ")
if char.isdigit():
if int(char) not in chars:
print ("Not a valid selection!")
print ("Not a valid selection!")
area = input("Where should they work?\n1: Mountain, 2: Plains, 3: Forest, 4: Lake\nChoose one: ")
if area.isdigit():
if int(area) not in areas:
print ("Not a valid selection!")
print ("Not a valid selection!")
task = input("What should they do?\n1: Collect materials, 2: Build something\nChoose one: ")
if task.isdigit():
if int(task) not in range(1, 3):
print ("Not a valid selection!")
print ("Not a valid selection!")
if task == "1":
selec = input("What to collect? (view terrain info for what has what)\n1: wood, 2: stone, 3: food, 4: water\nChoose one: ")
if selec in materialtypes:
set_task(int(area), materialtypes[selec], int(char))
done = 1
print ("Not a valid selection!")
elif task == "2":
selec = input("What to build?\n1: hut, 2: house, 3: shed, 4: farm, 5: cabin, 6: mine, 7: well, 8: ship\nChoose one: ")
if selec in buildtypes:
set_task(int(area), buildtypes[selec], int(char))
done = 1
print ("Not a valid selection!")
elif action == "2":
for i in chars:
set_task("none", "none", i)
elif action == "3":
for i in types:
print ("%s: %s" % (i, types[i]["desc"]))
elif action == "4":
select = input("1: Andrew, 2: Beth, 3: Charles, 4: David\nSelect one: ")
if select.isdigit():
print("Strength: %d. Strength increases yield from gathering." % chars[int(select)]["str"])
print("Stamina: %d. Stamina decreases energy uses." % chars[int(select)]["stam"])
print("Planning: %d. Planning speeds up building construction." % chars[int(select)]["plan"])
print("Morale: %d. Low morale increases energy use." % chars[int(select)]["happ"])
print("Awakeness: %d/15. Instant 0 energy if you run out." % chars[int(select)]["awake"])
print("Hunger: %d/10. Eat to reset!" % chars[int(select)]["hung"])
print("Thirst: %d/10. Drink to reset!" % chars[int(select)]["thirst"])
print("Energy: %d/50. Don't do anything to recover." % chars[int(select)]["nrg"])
except KeyError:
print("Not a valid selection!")
print("Not a valid selection!")
elif action == "5":
elif action == "6":
for i in resourc:
print ("%s: %d" % (i, resourc[i]))
elif action == "7":
print("Hut: Provides bonus to energy regen.\nHouse: Provides large bonus to energy regen.\nShed: Increases resource storage.\nFarm: When gathering food, you get more.\nMine: When gathering stone, you get more.\nCabin: When gathering wood, you get more.\nWell: When gathering water, you get more.\nShip: Takes tons of resources to make. Escape the island!")
elif action == "8":
elif action == "9":
elif action == "0":
if buildnums["ship"] >= 1:
if resourc["food"] >= 50 and resourc["water"] >= 50:
print ("The group set sail!!!")
sleep (1)
print ("You managed to escape the island!")
print ("You win!!!")
print ("You need at least 50 food and 50 water to set sail.")
print ("How do you expect to set sail without a ship?")
elif action == "exit":
print("Not a valid action!")
out = 0
for i in chars:
if chars[i]["hung"] == 10 or chars[i]["thirst"] == 10:
out += 1
if out == 4:
if resourc["food"] < 8 or resourc["water"] < 8:
print ("The group is out of supplies...", end = "")
for i in range(5):
print("...", end = "")
print ("\nYou failed...")

And all the world over, each nation's the same,
They've simply no notion of playing the game.
They argue with umpires, they cheer when they've won,
And they practice beforehand, which ruins the fun!
24 posts

Python Projects

DaEpikDude wrote:

this one is pretty big

it's a game thing i made


Last edited by jackkillian on March 9, 9999
Hi, and welcome to Scratch! Click Here to go to the Scratch home page.
9 posts

Python Projects

I coded python but didn't like it.

don't ask

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