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Minecraft Modding

I am a student who is interested in coding his own Minecraft mods and there by learning to type Java Code. I have already taken many courses on line but those courses only take you so far and they DO NOT help you out if by some chance an error comes about. Currently I have made Biomes, Block, Swords, Food, Armor, Mobs and such.
What I am hoping to find is the ability to be able to contact someone that may have experience or knowledge in this area when errors occurs. Someone that I would be able to send my code to and together possibly resolve the error. I understand that it may take some time to resolve an error, but it's better than a dead end with no solution what so ever. I was told to come here (by the below link) to see if you guys would be able to suit my needs better or if you could direct me for further assistance. idtech.com - the official mine craft modding help thread

Sincerely, Wasme
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Minecraft Modding

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