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Silphaer's Weekly FC

Silphaer here! Now, the first question you will be asking is probably “What does FC stand for?”. The answer is: Follower's Competition.

What is a Follower's Competition?

It's a competition that can either be Weekly, or Monthly, what happens in this competition is that the followers of the person hosting the competition all have a 1% of the # of my followers chance of having two of their projects loved and favorited. This particular one will happen every Sunday except if the 24th of November is a Sunday. Then that day it won't happen that day. REASON: I'll be busy doing other stuff on the 24th November. It's my birthday on the 24th on November.

What Chance do I have of winning?
How many followers do I have? 1% of that.

Which of my projects will get loved and favorited?
Completely random, just like who gets chosen to have two of their projects loved and favorited.

-Y.O.L.O. You Only Live Once. Make the best of life. Do what you want to do.-

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