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New to Scratch
1 post

New to Scratch

Hi Guys,

I'm new to the whole Scratch system, and having just qualified as a teacher, its something i'd like to bring in to use in the classroom. Are there any online tutorials to get beginners up and running?

500+ posts

New to Scratch

The tips bar on the far right side of the editor has some tutorials.
100+ posts

New to Scratch

Hi! It is very exciting to see Scratch being taught to a classroom! I'm sure that they will enjoy it!

If you like online tutorials, I would recomend this: http://scratch.mit.edu/help/videos/

Since the tutorial videos help a lot, I'll just show terms

when flag clicked // this shape is an event block. It starts a script
point towards [ v] //this shape can have blocks above it, and under. It runs a function
(timer) //blocks with an elipitical shape like this, are called reporter blocks. They report a certain variable 
if <> then //This little oval between the "If" and "then" block. In the editor, it is a hexagon. It is called a Boolean Insert.
<key [ v] pressed?> //This oval, is actually a hexagon shaped block in the editor. It is called a Boolean block, and it fits in Boolean Inserts.
forever //The blocks shaped like a C are called "C Blocks" or "Loop blocks"

I really hope this helps!

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1000+ posts

New to Scratch

Welcome to Scratch! The Scratch Wiki has tons of resources on everything you can imagine about Scratch.

38 posts

New to Scratch

when green flag clicked
point towards [mouse-pointer v]
if <mouse down?> then
move (4) steps

Last edited by ARM32 (Dec. 8, 2013 19:58:19)

when green flag clicked
go to [my profile page v] // http://scratch.mit.edu/users/arm32
point towards [my projects v]
click [my featured project v]::sensing
set [awesome v] to <true::operators>
100+ posts

New to Scratch

Welcome to the forum.
when green flag clicked

move (10) steps
if on edge, bounce

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