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We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

eventexception wrote:

Anyone willing to set up a beta html5 player for all of us?

I´d like to paste some simple project urls into
instead of setting up my own server.

I´d like to see what happens with Flash disabled.

Similar to the beta Flash testplayer http://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/18275/
Cool idea! Set up a page on scratch, and let anyone use it. I like it.
1000+ posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

PullJosh wrote:

ihaveamac wrote:

This would be good for people who can't use or hate Adobe and Flash, which I know a few.
lol. You probably know me then. xD

Remember when I looked like this? I still do.

Float, my Scratch 2.0 mod | My (somewhat under-construction) blog
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We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

I'll help. I'm taking an HTML course right now.

Pretty much inactive here tbh. Game dev/musician/mega-nerd.

My signature is a proud soldier in the kumquat war.

Soundcloud | Soundcloud | Soundcloud
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We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

I think my computer teacher is good with HTML…

This made me cry. NO!!! NOT THE BOW TIE!!!
1000+ posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

jkl0l wrote:

I think my computer teacher is good with HTML5
That part is vital.

100+ posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

I may not know HTML5, but I do know HTML (not revision 5), CSS, and a small bit of JavaScript, so I could probably help you with the mobile website design, etc., and I am taking more JavaScript courses and am about to begin JQuery, so I can probably help.
1000+ posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

I'm not great at javascript yet, but I'd be happy to help with anything I can! I'm your guy for random tasks.
100+ posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

Lightnin wrote:

singmajesty wrote:

Have you guys considered OpenFL? It uses the same Flash API, but compiles to iOS and Android natively. It also has the ability to compile to HTML5

No - hadn't heard of that! We'll have to check it out and see if it could be a good fit. To work, it would have to be really well made – it's challenging to port things.

The multi-device back-end for Stencyl 3 (http://stencyl.com/) is now being built using OpenFL. The actual Stencyl 3 back-end engine has also been open-sourced at: https://github.com/Stencyl/stencyl-engine. Maybe drop them a line if OpenFL seems interesting. The Stencyl block metaphor was inspired by Scratch, so I'm sure they would be willing to give you some advice.

2.0 Alpha Tester • Scratch instructor and fan!

“Some like to build and some like to play. You can do both with Scratch every single day.”
100+ posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)


You won't be unknown anymore
1000+ posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

Hey, just a small but in case you already didn't know, small problem on IOS music seriously slowed down, but that's not a main problem tbh:

My browser / operating system: MacOS IPad X, ChromeiOS 30.0.1599.16, No Flash version detected
500+ posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

Wii this replace the Flash Player on PC?

Hi, I am a person! (I'm pretty sure I'm a person. Can someone confirm that I am a person for me?)

life is beautiful, except when it's not
1000+ posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

Dets65 wrote:

Wii this replace the Flash Player on PC?
Sometime in the distant future, I think. For now we'll be stuck with flash, though.
100+ posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

Wel, I'm not an advanced html5 encoder, Right now Scratch is the only programming language I know. This is the only Flash command I know, and I don't even know what it does:

Scratching since 2010
when green flag clicked
Keep Smiling, Homie
New Scratcher
1 post

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

I know JavaScript & HTML5 and would love to help contribute. Thanks.
100+ posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

I am using IOS now, I am so greatful of the developers of the HTML5 version, I i will be able to use scratch anywhere :d

Last edited by WASDgamer (Dec. 2, 2013 18:10:27)

A 3D Space role-playing game, where you can mine, explore and fight your way through a massive galaxy!
100+ posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

WASDgamer wrote:

I am using IOS now, I am so greatful of the developers of the HTML5 version, I i will be able to use scratch anywhere :d
Have you tried the Puffin Browser, I use Scratch with it when I am on my iPad

Last edited by GadgetAndyMan (Dec. 2, 2013 19:04:14)

Latest project updated: X-Y Coordinates Challenge - 14 Jan 2014: Various improvements.

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We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

Im not very good when it comes to programming. But I can try!

SDS Curator
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1000+ posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

joletole wrote:

Im not very good when it comes to programming.
Says Joletole. I hope you aren't counting scratch in your definition of programming.
21 posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

cool i want to help plz let me just send instructions _waffle_
21 posts

We're seeking contributors to help finish our HTML5 Scratch player (now open sourced!)

“ _waffle_” (_waffle_) <(")

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