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Thistleclaw's A Monster: A Warriors FanFiction

Hello everyone…XXLightningstarXX here and back with ANOTHER story.
Yes, another one.
Can you believe it? Check this out (it's a small PMV having to do with this): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/66998854/

And admittedly, there are probably going to be more and more. Anyway, this one's another Warriors FanFiction, focusing on the relationship between Snowfur and Thistleclaw.

Before any of you say anything, NO BLUESTAR DID NOT CHASE THISTLECLAW INTO THE DARK FOREST. Look at this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/62669716/

Blurb: Snowfur has been missing Thistleclaw for so long. She fears she can't stay away from him anymore, and she knows she has to cross the border between StarClan in the Dark Forest. But how can she be with her beloved mate when they are separated by StarClan and the Dark Forest, good and evil, and light and dark?

Hope you enjoy!

*If you're reading this, this is my signature guys, not part of whatever post you're reading*

Years ago, I posted several long fanfics here because I had no other platform to utilize. I wrote all of these fics when I was ten or eleven. Please keep that in mind.
100+ posts

Thistleclaw's A Monster: A Warriors FanFiction

Snowfur padded slowly to the edge of StarClan. In her heart, she felt that longing again. She wanted him back with her. She wanted him to come to her.
But he had never come for her. He had chosen to stay in the dark.
Snowfur stared into the darkness beyond her. She dared not step into it, for she would be crossing the barrier, but she was in pain. The heartache got stronger every day.
Snowfur felt a cat’s tail softly brush her spine. She turned her head to see Bluestar standing next to her.
“Missing Thistleclaw again?” Bluestar tried her best to sound sympathetic, but Snowfur knew it was hard.
She always has hated him, Snowfur thought, trying not to show the sadness inside her.
“Yes.” Snowfur admitted. She exhaled slowly.
“Look. I know you love him. And you had a son with him. But after all he’s done…do you really still want to be with him?” Bluestar flicked her tail, motioning to the Dark Forest, which was in front of them. “Thistleclaw died, and he went to the Dark Forest. If he was really a good cat, don’t you think he would’ve gone here?”
“I guess.” Snowfur sighed. She let a tear roll down her face, leaving a darker, wet mark on her white pelt.
“I know what you’re feeling,” Bluestar said softly. “I think. Remember, Oakheart and me…”
“It’s not the same.” Snowfur told her sister miserably. “Thistleclaw and I…once upon a time, we had it all. We were in the same Clan, so our relationship was amazing. And it all worked out. And we had Whitestorm together. Just…I…I can’t believe that every day, I have to spend time without him. I feel like I’m wasting my time, here in StarClan. Every moment I’m not with him, I’m thinking about him.”
Bluestar murmured in her sister’s ear, “You should speak to your son.”
Snowfur turned around. Bluestar was gone, replaced by her beautiful son, Whitestorm.
“I’m so sorry I died,” Snowfur whispered, pressing her body against him.
Whitestorm purred. “You’ve apologized countless times, Snowfur. And I tell you each time that I forgive you.”
“Yes, but…oh, I just can’t forgive myself.” Snowfur looked down. “I watched Bluestar raise you so wonderfully, and I…I just always wished I was there, too.”
“I know. But it’s about time you forgave yourself.” Whitestorm told his mother gently. Then he tensed, and she leaned away from him. “Also…there is something I must talk to you about. Something you…something you seem to miss.”
“Okay. Whitestorm, you know you can tell me anything.” Snowfur nodded, signaling her son to go on.
“All right, here it is.” Whitestorm gave his mother a hard look. “Do you know how dangerous Thistleclaw is?”
Snowfur gasped. “You should not speak about your father that way!”
“I know, Snowfur, but you have to know. Somebody has to tell you!” Whitestorm urged.
“Did Bluestar tell you to say this?” Snowfur growled, beginning to go ballistic. She unsheathed her claws.
“No, no, no!” Whitestorm hissed. Then he calmed himself. “Sheath your claws, Snowfur. Bluestar didn’t tell me to say any of this. This…this is what I really think.”
“So what have I been missing?” Snowfur spat.
“I don’t think you realize what Thistleclaw did to me.” Whitestorm looked away uncomfortably. “What he did to Bluestar.” He turned back to his mother, meeting her eyes. “What he did to ThunderClan.”
“What did you say?” Snowfur narrowed her eyes.
“Snowfur,” Whitestorm looked into his mother’s eyes, willing her to take him seriously. “Thistleclaw has always been dangerous. He’s bloodthirsty, and all he wants is to hurt every cat who ever questioned him. He hates Bluestar, you know.”
“And Bluestar hates him.” Snowfur meowed sternly, trying to defend her mate.
“Yes, but she only hates him because she can see how evil he really is.” Whitestorm tried not to cry. “Thistleclaw wanted me to be as battle-hungry as him. Don’t argue, Snowfur. You can’t argue with that. I was the one who was his son.”
Snowfur was trembling. Is Whitestorm telling the truth? Why did I never notice Thistleclaw’s evilness?
“You can’t go after him.” Whitestorm said quietly.
“How do you know that I want to go after him?” Snowfur seethed.
“Snowfur, every cat in StarClan knows.” Whitestorm confessed. “You’re always standing at the border, staring into the Dark Forest. And you always make references about Thistleclaw, almost whenever some cat speaks.”
Snowfur winced. She felt like her pelt had been clawed off. “But how can I not go after him, Whitestorm? Just because…” her voice was shaking. She didn’t want to say this. But she had to. “Just because he did all these horrible things…doesn’t mean I don’t still love him.”
Whitestorm gained a disappointed look on his face. “Oh. Okay…but Snowfur.” He looked deep into her eyes. “Please, don’t go after my father. He isn’t worth going after.” His gaze darkened. “He’s a monster.”
Snowfur watched her son walk away. She wanted to defend Thistleclaw, but how could she? If Whitestorm thought Thistleclaw was a monster, chances were he was right.
Snowfur felt a sharp stab in her heart. She still loved Thistleclaw, though. Nothing could quench her desire to be with him except being with him.
How can I not go after Thistleclaw when I just need to be with him? Otherwise, I’ll be miserable, thought Snowfur.
And there, she knew she had to do it.
Snowfur stepped over the border.
She felt a cold blast of air the moment all of her body entered the Dark Forest. StarClan was the perfect temperature, but the Dark Forest wasn’t. And it was so dark there!
It’s called the Dark Forest for a reason, Snowfur told herself sharply in her mind.
The Dark Forest gave Snowfur an uneasily feeling. She didn’t like this place, but she had to find her mate.
Suddenly, Tigerstar landed in front of her.
“What do we have here?” Tigerstar growled. “A StarClan cat in the Dark Forest?” he pretended to be confused. Then he thrust his face very near Snowfur’s. “What do you want? Go crying back to your StarClan ancestors, Snowfur.”
Snowfur’s paws trembled. But she had to keep going, for the sake of Thistleclaw. “I…I’m looking for Thistleclaw.”
“Looking for Thistleclaw, huh?” Tigerstar snarled. “Don’t expect a warm welcome. He may have been your mate once upon a time, but he’s a Dark Forest cat know.” He spun around and yowled, “Thistleclaw!”
Thistleclaw stepped out of a dark, prickly bush. “What?” he asked angrily.
Snowfur stared at him. There he was, in all his glory. Snowfur could do nothing but stare into his eyes.
“Snowfur’s here.” Tigerstar told him. There was a rumble in his throat.
Suddenly, Thistleclaw’s expression softened. He stepped towards her and whispered, “Snowfur? Is it really you?”
Snowfur purred. “Yes, and I came all the way from StarClan just for you.”
Thistleclaw nuzzled her softly. “You have all the stars in the forest lighting your fur.”
“I don’t understand why you came here when you died.” Snowfur murmured.
Thistleclaw’s expression darkened. “I do.”
“You do?” Snowfur asked slowly.
Thistleclaw nodded. “Yes, of course I do. Those fools in StarClan—for example, Bluestar, not you—thought I was being evil by wanting to make ThunderClan stronger. Really, I was just trying to help the Clan. The only way to win is to destroy your enemy! But StarClan doesn’t think that, because they are ¬mouse-brains. Honorable cats come to the Dark Forest.”
Snowfur backed away a step. Maybe Bluestar and Whitestorm were right! “Are you saying I’m not honorable?”
Thistleclaw’s expression turned warm again, and all her doubts went away. “Of course you’re honorable, Snowfur.”
They spent a long time just staring into each other’s eyes.
At last, they both noticed a bunch of Dark Forest cats, staring grimly at Thistleclaw and scowling.
“What?” Thistleclaw asked petulantly. “I’m spending some time with Snowfur.”
“If you are really a Dark Forest cat,” a she-cat hissed, “you’d be able to kill this fool. You’d be able to send her spirit away from StarClan and banish it forever.”
“Mapleshade, no,” Thistleclaw replied firmly.
“Why?” Mapleshade taunted. “If you’re too afraid—if your loyalty to your mate overcomes your loyalty to us—we might as well kill you now. We can banish your spirit forever, too, you know.”
For a moment, Snowfur saw real fear light Thistleclaw’s eyes.
Then Thistleclaw drawled, “I can have loyalty to both Snowfur and the Dark Forest.”
Snowfur couldn’t stop the warm glow in her heart that developed as Thistleclaw stood up for her.
Tigerstar flattened his ears threateningly. “Oh, I see. But the question is, which loyalty is greater?” he turned away. “My loyalty to the Dark Forest overcomes my loyalty to any cat else. Back in ThunderClan, you were my mentor, Thistleclaw. I expected you to be just as worthy as me, but you aren’t proving yourself.”
“That worthless scrap of fur isn’t worth fighting for!” Mapleshade screeched, actually sounding angry.
“Hey!” Snowfur forced herself not to unsheathe her claws and launch herself at Mapleshade.
“Be quiet,” Mapleshade hissed. She turned to Thistleclaw. “Our friend here has to make this decision himself.”
Snowfur gulped, trying to stay confident that Thistleclaw would pick her.
Thistleclaw stayed silent for a few moments before turning away from Snowfur. “Why are you making me do this?”
Tigerstar rolled his eyes. “It’s obvious. Where has your loyalty gone, Thistleclaw? You’re making me regret ever listening to your mentoring.”
Thistleclaw let out a puff of air. Snowfur, pressing against him to comfort him, could hear his heart beating rapidly. What was he going to do?
Snowfur watched in horror as her mate’s eyes turned cold, and he unsheathed his claws. Her heart stopped.
“I’m sorry, Snowfur,” but there was no pity in Thistleclaw’s voice. “I have to do this.”
Snowfur yowled in agony as Thistleclaw’s claws ripped through her pelt. Tears flowed out from her eyes. I thought he loved me…I thought he loved me…
Thistleclaw got ready to strike her again.
“I told you!”
Snowfur’s eyes shot open to see Bluestar, looking over her shoulder at her. Bluestar had claw marks on her shoulder from blocking Thistleclaw’s second blow.
“Bluestar,” Snowfur rasped. “You were right. They…they’re going to kill me…”
“I never trusted you.” Bluestar turned a searing glare on Thistleclaw.
“You always hated me. But I have always been better than you.” Thistleclaw meowed dismissively. “My loyalty is with the Dark Forest, now and forever.”
Snowfur shook her head, not believing her ears. “Thistleclaw…b-but, how could you?”
Thistleclaw turned piercing eyes on her. “How could I? I can. The Dark Forest means everything to me. I earned my place here. I don’t have time for weaklings from StarClan.”
Snowfur began crying harder.
“You fox-heart,” Bluestar gritted her teeth, facing Thistleclaw. “I’ve always hated you, like you said. But I’ve always waited for you to prove yourself. I never really believed you would, but I hoped someday you’d surprise me.” She growled. “No shock you never did.”
Thistleclaw got in the she-cat’s face. “I have no regrets,” he sneered. “You’ll never make me want to change my life decisions!”
“I know. But I will never let you take over,” Bluestar narrowed her eyes. “I didn’t let you take over ThunderClan. I can stop you.”
“Maybe you think you can.” Thistleclaw began darkly, “but you can never stop me, Bluestar.”
Bluestar rested her tail lightly on her sister’s back. “Come on, Snowfur. Let’s go back to StarClan.”
Snowfur nodded silently, trying to ignore the pain squeezing her throat. She turned to face Bluestar and began padding after her.
Snowfur swung around to see Thistleclaw, staring straight at her.
“You know,” Thistleclaw shuffled his paws, “we could be mates if…if you joined us. If you agreed to join the Dark Forest, if you abandoned StarClan and if you followed our ways…we could be mates.”
Snowfur swallowed. She didn’t know what she was supposed to do. So badly she wanted to be with Thistleclaw, but after all this? What about Bluestar? Was she supposed to abandon her sister and StarClan just like that?
And there was no way Snowfur could believe in the Dark Forest’s cruel ways. Not truly.
“I’m sorry, Thistleclaw.” Snowfur whispered. “I will never stop loving you. But I could never join the Dark Forest.”
Snowfur followed Bluestar back across the border into StarClan, where they belonged.
Thistleclaw spat furiously and wandered back into the everlasting darkness of the Dark Forest, where he belonged.

Last edited by XXLightningstarXX (June 22, 2015 19:52:02)

*If you're reading this, this is my signature guys, not part of whatever post you're reading*

Years ago, I posted several long fanfics here because I had no other platform to utilize. I wrote all of these fics when I was ten or eleven. Please keep that in mind.
100+ posts

Thistleclaw's A Monster: A Warriors FanFiction

Well. I see you struggled through this entire FanFiction? Well done.

…Or you just skipped to the end. If so, please read the FanFiction. XD

So, if you read the whole thing, please comment on this and tell me what you thought! Also, Erin Hunter rightfully owns Warriors.

*If you're reading this, this is my signature guys, not part of whatever post you're reading*

Years ago, I posted several long fanfics here because I had no other platform to utilize. I wrote all of these fics when I was ten or eleven. Please keep that in mind.
12 posts

Thistleclaw's A Monster: A Warriors FanFiction

AWESOME! You are such a good writer! You really captured Snowfur's feelings! By the way, how do you do the bottom line?

when green flag clicked

say [SCRATCH IS COOL] for (2) secs
say [SCRATCH IS COOL] for (2) secs


100+ posts

Thistleclaw's A Monster: A Warriors FanFiction

PrincessKittyKat wrote:

AWESOME! You are such a good writer! You really captured Snowfur's feelings! By the way, how do you do the bottom line?

Thank you!
Also, the bottom line thing is my signature. It appears at the bottom of any of my posts. If you want to make one, click discussion home, go to the bottom of the screen, and click on the thing that says change signature.

*If you're reading this, this is my signature guys, not part of whatever post you're reading*

Years ago, I posted several long fanfics here because I had no other platform to utilize. I wrote all of these fics when I was ten or eleven. Please keep that in mind.
43 posts

Thistleclaw's A Monster: A Warriors FanFiction

I love it!
100+ posts

Thistleclaw's A Monster: A Warriors FanFiction

bmazzaferro wrote:

I love it!

Thanks! I'm glad! :3

*If you're reading this, this is my signature guys, not part of whatever post you're reading*

Years ago, I posted several long fanfics here because I had no other platform to utilize. I wrote all of these fics when I was ten or eleven. Please keep that in mind.
8 posts

Thistleclaw's A Monster: A Warriors FanFiction

This was really good. I love warriors and am still waiting for the 4th book to come to my library, but I previewed the series before I read it (I didn't think I was going to read it, clearly XD).
To me, Thistleclaw is an argument. In my secret mind, he is innocent. ( I could've read the wrong info before I write this) He still served his clan, in fact, HE DIED FOR HIS CLAN. He was killed by a rival clan, and he fought, as if to protect his clan. (Plus, he and Snowfur were the cutest couple before the DEATHS!!)
A blood-thirsty cat shouldn't be deputy, so I cannot blame Bluestar's caution, but I can blame her rudeness.

But you have better facts, and that was an amazing piece of writing, THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME READ IT!!! It was like eating biirthday cake: awesome but does't last because you finish it.
1000+ posts

Thistleclaw's A Monster: A Warriors FanFiction

Pinerain wrote:


100+ posts

Thistleclaw's A Monster: A Warriors FanFiction

Pinerain wrote:

This was really good. I love warriors and am still waiting for the 4th book to come to my library, but I previewed the series before I read it (I didn't think I was going to read it, clearly XD).
To me, Thistleclaw is an argument. In my secret mind, he is innocent. ( I could've read the wrong info before I write this) He still served his clan, in fact, HE DIED FOR HIS CLAN. He was killed by a rival clan, and he fought, as if to protect his clan. (Plus, he and Snowfur were the cutest couple before the DEATHS!!)
A blood-thirsty cat shouldn't be deputy, so I cannot blame Bluestar's caution, but I can blame her rudeness.

But you have better facts, and that was an amazing piece of writing, THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME READ IT!!! It was like eating biirthday cake: awesome but does't last because you finish it.

Hmm, a lot of people feel that way about Thistleclaw. Having read Bluestar's Prophecy, I very much understand people's standpoints and get why people would go to Thistleclaw's side. Thistleclaw did not actually directly kill any cat. Personally, I do not like Thistleclaw at all. I believe that he would have been like Brokenstar eventually. It was obvious in the book while he was training Tigerstar as his apprentice that he was bloodthirsty and cared nothing of much besides battle. (Thistleclaw's training was what pushed Tigerstar to being bloodthirsty.) And despite what some people think, Bluestar did not chase Thistleclaw into the Dark Forest. Erin Hunter contradicted her original statement and said he went to the Dark Forest right away.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the story! ^^

*If you're reading this, this is my signature guys, not part of whatever post you're reading*

Years ago, I posted several long fanfics here because I had no other platform to utilize. I wrote all of these fics when I was ten or eleven. Please keep that in mind.
3 posts

Thistleclaw's A Monster: A Warriors FanFiction

Did you now: Thistleclaw went to Starclan, but Bluestar chased him into the dark forest?

(Your Favorite Weird Scratcher)
100+ posts

Thistleclaw's A Monster: A Warriors FanFiction

qwertyuiopqazqaz wrote:

Did you now: Thistleclaw went to Starclan, but Bluestar chased him into the dark forest?

That's what Erin Hunter originally said but then she changed her mind. Thistleclaw has actually been in the Dark Forest all along ^^' (If you want more info on that check my “Thistleclaw Theory Falsified” project)

*If you're reading this, this is my signature guys, not part of whatever post you're reading*

Years ago, I posted several long fanfics here because I had no other platform to utilize. I wrote all of these fics when I was ten or eleven. Please keep that in mind.

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