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Artemis: A Color Divide Story

Artemis: A Color Divide Story

My name is Artemis. As a girl, I was always treated like an outcast. Maybe they're wrong. Or maybe I am one.
All my life everyone has told me how the colorless don't survive. I know that isn't true. So why do they lie to me? I don't know. What's really out there? I don't know that either. All I know is that what they say is a lie.

They told me I was destined to become a silver, but I failed. I failed the test. Because of them. But I can't live like an outcast anymore. I won't live like an outcast anymore.

Aurora will need to change. For good.

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Word:


Artemis jolted awake. The word echoed in her head.

“Colorless?” she said to herself.

She looked around the room in the orphanage. Kids were getting up and making their beds.

“The Test!” exclaimed Artemis. She grabbed her bow and jumped out of bed. Then the word struck her again. Her steps faltered. “Colorless?” She looked outside at stared at the gates, which were in her view. With a flick of her hand, the trees outside grew slightly. “What if I don't make it?” Her voice grew louder. “Why do I need to make it, anyway?” She slammed her fist on the window sill, and the tree branch broke. Artemis stopped.

“Artemis?” said a small voice. Artemis turned around. It was her friend, Harmony. “C'mon, we'll be late.” She left the room.

Artemis turned back to the window. “I'm going to make it. I have to.” she told herself. She couldn't risk being colorless; that was too dangerous.

With that, she left the room, with the word still echoing in her head.

Chapter 2: The Test

Artemis walked to the Testing area with the other kids in the orphanage.

“What color do you think you'll get?”

“Huh?” Artemis looked to her left, and saw Harmony. She hadn't even known she was speaking.


“I guess, any color, really.”

Harmony laughed. “Yeah, as long as I don't get colorless.”

The word echoed in Artemis's head again.

* * * * *

They soon arrived at the testing room.

“Welcome, young Auroreans.” greeted the tester. “Please place your hand on a pillar.”

Artemis hesitated. Then she carefully placed her hand on a pillar.

* * * * *

Artemis opened her eyes. She found herself in a room with no windows or doors.

“Find a way out.” said a voice.

Artemis thought about it. She knew she could draw power from the moon, but the moon wasn't in her view. “Maybe I should just visualize the moon.” thought Artemis. It was a long shot, but she decided to try it. She closed her eyes, and visualized the moon as clear as she could. Then, she raised her hand and blasted a hole through the wall.

Next stage.

She was then placed in front of a tree that was dying. “Bring the tree back to life.”

Artemis slowly lifted her hand, and the tree grew back to normal. Her fingers shook. She was doing better than she though she was.

Then, she saw the guards in front on her. “Colorless.”

The word boomed in her head. “What? No-!” The guards dragged her on her way out.

She forgot she was in a hallucination.


Artemis woke up from the hallucination. Vines covered the room. The children were staring at her; the tester and guards, glaring. Harmony's eyes widened. Artemis noticed an open door. She knew it was her last chance.

Artemis bolted towards the door, and before the magicians could catch her, she was already outside, running for her life. She jumped over the gates, and made a thick wall of vines, so the magicians couldn't enter. Then she ran as fast as she could, never looking back.


Chapter 3: The Bronze Magician

Chop, chop, chop

Henry drew his axe back and hit the vine wall. He breathed heavily, and thought he could use some help.

“Ash,” he muttered. “A little help here?” He closed his eyes, and saw the gold magician reading a book in her room. “Ash!”

Ash jumped up. “Be right there.” she told him. In a moment, she stood next to Henry. “You called for me?” She stared at the vines “Oh my,” she murmured. “The girl should've been a silver”

This annoyed Henry, because he was a bronze. “Yeah, well,” he started. “Looks like she's already decided her fate. Nothing we can do about it.”

Ash shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.” She looked at Henry. “Couldn't you just teleport in there?”

"I would, but wait! I can't.“

”Fine then. I'll do it“

”Oh really? I thought you were going to help me chop this wall.“ Henry said sarcastically.

Ash rolled her eyes and disappeared in a flash.

”Gold magicians,“ he muttered. ”Always rubbing it in.“

”I HEARD THAT!“ Ash yelled in his mind.

”Whatever, just go save Aurora."

He closed his eyes, and saw the magician making her way to the village. Something kept tugging at him that they would fail, miserably.

Chapter 4: Welcome to Home

Artemis walked to the village. She didn't know where she was going, so she guessed.

Suddenly, she heard a rustle in a bush. A young boy peeked out of the bush. “A new colorless?” Then, he went running off into the woods screaming “A NEW COLORLESS!”

Artemis followed the boy, wondering what he was doing. She soon reached a village with many people walking around, cooking, folding, and doing other things.

A girl ran up to her. “You must be the new colorless. At least, Luke told us there was another one.” She extended her hand. “I'm Pandora”

“I'm Artemis. Who's Luke?”

“That'll be me.” The same young boy stood next to Pandora.

Pandora rushed to a small hut. “Noah! There's a new colorless!”

“Go away. I'm busy.”



Pandora walked away reluctantly. “Don't mind him.” she told Artemis. “He doesn't really like newcomers.”

Luke looked up at her. “How'd you fail the test?”

“I didn't fail.”

“Oh, so you're a rebel then.” Pandora suggested.

“Uh.. well..” Artemis looked uneasy, like she couldn't explain something.

“Don't worry, we won't say anything.”

“Pandora! Luke! Where's the new colorless?” the boy named Noah called from the hut.

“Out here!” Luke called back.

A tall boy came out of the hut.

“This is Artemis.” explained Luke. “She's a rebel from Aurora.”

Pandora elbowed Luke. “Luke!”

“Oh, sorry.”

Noah's face darkened. “A rebel.” He glared at Artemis. “Welcome to the colorless, kid. You may think you're important and all, but you're just stuck, like us.” He narrowed his eyes. “And remember, the rebels don't win.”

He turned around and walked back to his hut.

“Sorry Artemis,” Pandora started. “Luke has a pretty big mouth.”


Pandora rolled her eyes. She looked up at Artemis. “What are your powers, anyway?”

Artemis looked up. “Controlling plants. Drawing power from the moon. And-”

She fell backwards. Pandora and Luke barely caught her. “Artemis!” they screamed

There was a vision. A girl. Harmony. Harmony was there. And she was.. a- a violet?

Houses were on fire. Harmony ran like crazy. Her eyes widened.

Soon, she couldn't see anything. “MOVE!” a boy yelled. She heard a voice whispering to her. “You'll be fine, Artemis. Don't worry.”

Then, she drifted off into a deep sleep.

Chapter 5: The Search Begins

Artemis woke up with a jolt. She was in a small hut.

Pandora sat beside her. Her face lit up with excitement when she saw she was awake.

“Noah! Luke! She's awake!”

There was no response. Pandora sighed and looked down at Artemis again. “You should've seen what happened when you were out.”


“Yeah. A gold magician came.”

“A gold magician?”

“Yeah.” Pandora took a deep breath. “She, uh, never told us who she was though.”

“What did she say?”

“I-I don't know. A lot of it didn't make sense.”

Artemis laid back down again. “How long was I out?”

“5 days.”

“5 DAYS?!”


Artemis sighed. She managed to get out of the bed. She could see it was night time already.

Pandora looked at her. “You going to go to sleep, or what?”

“I'll stay awake for now.”

Pandora shrugged and left the hut. Artemis slowly walked outside. That gold magician must've been looking for her, no doubt about it.

She hadn't forgotten what had happened on the day of her test. She gripped her bow tightly. An idea of revenge formed in her head. Not revenge, but revolution.

Chapter 6: A Chance of a Lifetime

Noah couldn't sleep that night. The events that happened after the girl went unconscious replayed in his head. He shook his head, trying to shake the memories, but they would forever stay there.

Soon though, he managed to close his eyes. But he could never forget what happened that one day. He drifted asleep, and his dream did the work of reminding him.

The sky was a brilliant blue. The colorless were starting to go about their day. It seemed like nothing would go wrong.

Of course, it would.

They suddenly heard the sound of large heavy footsteps. Pandora and Luke ran inside. A tall girl with came into view, with a flame in her hand.

“LISTEN UP!” she yelled. “I have something to say.” Everyone stayed silent. The girl continued speaking. “I am a gold magician with a message from Aurora.” The colorless gasped and scrambled back, holding their breath.

“Now, don't be scared. I won't hurt you. Unless you hurt me.” She shot a quick glare at everyone that spoke again.

“I'm looking for a girl. Short blonde hair, green eyes, around 5 feet tall. I'm sure you all have seen her. Well, we need her now.” She glanced at the frightened people.“I know most of you won't give her up without a price. So here's what I have to offer.” She took a deep breath.

“Whoever helps me find this girl, will not only have riches and fame, but also..” She hesitated, then went on, “That person will no longer be colorless, and will be invited back to Aurora to live there.”

The people gasped, and she grinned. “I'll give you two weeks to decide who's side you're on, then I'll come back again.” She disappeared from sight.

Noah opened his eyes. He sighed. Two weeks, he thought. I have two weeks.

Chapter 6: Back in Aurora

Harmony paced around nervously. She never knew this could happen.

All her life, she had heard how Artemis was destined to become a silver magician. Now she was out in the Outside. What had gone wrong?

She looked down at the violet spiral on her arm, and she felt guilty. She needed to find Artemis, now.

Suddenly, she crashed into something. She stepped back, a bit dizzy, then looked up. There was a boy who looked older the her, rubbing his shoulder, and looking quite annoyed. “Ow!”

“Sorry. I didn't see where I was going.”

“You sure didn't.”

He looked angry now, as if Harmony had gotten in the way of his plans. “Who are you, anyway?” he asked.

“I'm Harmony.”

He looked at the violet ribbon on Harmony's wrist, and his frown vanished. “Oh.”

"Who are you?“

”My name is Henry.“ He held out his hand, like he was hoping to introduce himself properly now. Harmony refused to shake his hand. He lowered it awkwardly. ”Um.. uh..“

”What's your color?“ Harmony asked.

”Bronze. You?“


He stayed quiet for a moment, then spoke up again. ”Do you know a girl with short wavy blonde hair and green eyes? About 5' 2“? Supposed to be a silver?”

Harmony felt panic rising in her. “Y-Yes…”

“What's her name?”


“Artemis, is it?” he murmured.

She nodded. “Do you know how I could find her?”

He shook his head. “Nope, sorry. If I could teleport in there, I would.” He stared at her for a while. “Do you want to help? Y'know, help find her?”

“Really?” she asked excitedly. He nodded. “I'd be honored.” she answered. He smiled, then walked away.

Harmony turned back. She would find Artemis again.

She had some explaining to do.

Chapter 7: The Idea

Artemis picked up her bow and shot it into the distance. She heard a loud thud. She then started towards the noise and found her arrow in the middle of the target. A perfect shot.

After prying her arrow from the target, she went back to the village. Now again she thought Just-

“You must be Artemis.” said a voice from behind her.

She yelped and turned around. Noah stood there. “Right?”


“Your name is Artemis, correct?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I have something to tell you. A gold magician-”

“A gold magician came a couple days ago, looking for me. Yeah, I know.”

He looked puzzled. “How did you know?”

“Pandora told me.”

“Oh.” He looked down. Artemis rolled her eyes and was about to walk away.

“Listen, Artemis. I-I think you need a proper introduction to the colorless.”

She stopped. “And why would you think I need that?”

“Because you're new here.” He shrugged. “What are you doing, anyway?” He eyed the bow and arrows.


“For what?”

“For something you don't need to know of.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Revolution, is it?”

“How did you-”

“You seemed like that kid of person.”

“You don't know me yet.” she said, glaring at Noah.

“Am I correct or not?”

“Well, um, yes.” she admitted.

He sighed. “You're not going to get anywhere.”

“And why is that?”

“You need help.”

“And who would help me?”

He shrugged. “I will.”

“Says the person who said rebels are nothing.”

“I never said that!”

“You implied it.”

He glared at Artemis. “Listen, you need some help, whether you like it or not. I'm sure Pandora and Luke would be able to help, as well as a few others.”

“Then go find them.”

“Fine.” He looked like he had given up on Artemis.

Artemis turned away and shot another arrow into the woods.

She had a feeling her plan would work.

Chapter 8: Breaking the Wall

Harmony never knew others would be willing to help. She, along with many other indigo and violet magicians faced Henry, waiting for instructions.

“Okay, here's how this is going to work.” he said, looking down at his paper. “You all are going to break down this wall,” he said, nodding towards the plant wall, “As you are all some of the most strongest magicians. Once you all do that, we continue.”

A girl next to Harmony raised her hand, then yelled. “REALLY?! ALL WE'RE GOING TO DO IS BREAK DOWN SOME PLANT WALL?!”

“Quiet, Red.”

The girl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

Harmony looked at her. “Your name is Red?”

“Um, yeah.”


“Listen, I'm a violet, and I do NOT appreciate sarcasm.”

“Sorry,” Harmony apologized quickly. Red scowled and looked forward.

Henry had moved out of the way, leaving the fate of the wall up to the magicians. Red stepped forward. “Alright, gimme a shot at this.” she said, pushing her way though the crowd. Harmony looked away for a moment. After a while, Red made her way back. “I-I can't do this.” she said, sighing.

Harmony stepped up. “I'll do it.” she said firmly. She shot a blast at the vines, over and over again, each blast more powerful than the previous one, until there was a hole in the wall. Everyone gasped, but then the plants grew to fill in the hole. The crowed groaned. Harmony sighed. She walked back to where she was standing. Henry nodded in approval. “Anyone else?”

More and more magicians tried their hand at breaking the wall, but none were successful. Henry shook his head. “Alright, let's stop here. We'll pick up tomorrow.” The crowd quickly dispersed. Henry sighed and walked towards the Magicians' Palace.

A voice that sounded like Ash's spoke in his head. “Everything go well?”

“Not really.” he grumbled. “The closest we could get was one tiny hole!”

“At least you made some progress.”

“I don't think so.” he said, kicking a stone.

Ash didn't answer, and he knew that she had gone to sleep. He headed towards the palace, wondering what tomorrow would be like.

Chapter 9: Destined for Power

The woman peeked out the window. Upon spotting a gold magician, she called out. “Please, sir, come in. It's terribly cold out today.” The man smiled and came in. He shook hands with the woman's husband, and they all sat down.

“I heard you have a daughter. Is that correct?”

“Yes, sir.” answered the woman's husband.“

”What's her name?“


”Can I meet her?“

The woman nodded. ”Of course!“ she said, quickly getting up. ”Artemis!“ she called. ”Come here!“

A small girl with short blonde hair, entered the room, quickly rushing to her mother's side. The man smiled. ”Hello.“ Artemis didn't answered, quite afraid of the man. The man held out his hand, and Artemis shook it.

”How old is she?“

”Five,“ answered the woman.

”I see.“ he said, looking back at Artemis.

Suddenly, every light in the house went out, leaving them in the dark. The woman started to panic, but she stopped. A light was appearing, and it was right where Artemis stood. Once they could see better, they saw Artemis holding the light. ”Is everyone alright?“ she asked.

”How did you do that?“ asked the man.

”It's my power.“ she answered shyly.

Later, when Artemis was out of the room, she could still hear what the man and her parents talked about.

”The girl is no ordinary one.“

The woman and her husband's eyes widened. The man noticed this. ”Nothing to be frightened about. She is - what's the word? - extraordinary.“

”Then what do you think her color will be?“ the woman asked.

He paused. ”This girl is destined for power. She is destined to become a silver."

* * *

Artemis's eyes flew open, and she stared at the ceiling. It was the middle of the night, like all of the other times she woke up. She turned to her side. Ever since that day, she had always been treated as the odd one out, and worst of all, she knew why.

She had never wanted to be destined for power.

Chapter 10: Daring to Dream

Harmony sat in her room of the Academy, looking out the window. From her view, she could see the magnificent palaces, the scattered dots of people, and gigantic gold gates.

The gates.

She didn't know what was out there; nobody did. Of course, except for the Special Missions team and the Colorless. Harmony sighed, and looked around the room, but stopped when a violet shine caught her eye.

She reached for what seemed to be giving the shine, and picked it up. It seemed like an amulet. Harmony hesitantly put it around her neck, trying to be careful.


I'll be adding more to this story, hopefully it will be updated 2-3 times a week.
If you have a magician character, or a colorless character (a regular character is fine too!), the feel free to tell me and I may use it in this.

Last edited by TheAwesomeMaster (June 5, 2016 16:07:35)

I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
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^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
1000+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story


I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
| Profile | Wiki Page | Scratch String Orchestra | ᎪρᏂεℓ༏Ꮻ₪~ A Space Odyssey by Novakitty |
If you are reading this, comment “I have superpowers.” on my profile.
^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
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Artemis: A Color Divide Story

Bump (again).

I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
| Profile | Wiki Page | Scratch String Orchestra | ᎪρᏂεℓ༏Ꮻ₪~ A Space Odyssey by Novakitty |
If you are reading this, comment “I have superpowers.” on my profile.
^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
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Artemis: A Color Divide Story

Looks cool
1000+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story

powershack wrote:

Looks cool


I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
| Profile | Wiki Page | Scratch String Orchestra | ᎪρᏂεℓ༏Ꮻ₪~ A Space Odyssey by Novakitty |
If you are reading this, comment “I have superpowers.” on my profile.
^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
1000+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story


I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
| Profile | Wiki Page | Scratch String Orchestra | ᎪρᏂεℓ༏Ꮻ₪~ A Space Odyssey by Novakitty |
If you are reading this, comment “I have superpowers.” on my profile.
^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
1000+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story


I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
| Profile | Wiki Page | Scratch String Orchestra | ᎪρᏂεℓ༏Ꮻ₪~ A Space Odyssey by Novakitty |
If you are reading this, comment “I have superpowers.” on my profile.
^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
1000+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story


I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
| Profile | Wiki Page | Scratch String Orchestra | ᎪρᏂεℓ༏Ꮻ₪~ A Space Odyssey by Novakitty |
If you are reading this, comment “I have superpowers.” on my profile.
^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
76 posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story

my character Red ((we have role played together))

1000+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story

eeveexxx wrote:

my character Red ((we have role played together))

Awesome, I'll probably use her as a background character or something like that.

I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
| Profile | Wiki Page | Scratch String Orchestra | ᎪρᏂεℓ༏Ꮻ₪~ A Space Odyssey by Novakitty |
If you are reading this, comment “I have superpowers.” on my profile.
^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
1000+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story


I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
| Profile | Wiki Page | Scratch String Orchestra | ᎪρᏂεℓ༏Ꮻ₪~ A Space Odyssey by Novakitty |
If you are reading this, comment “I have superpowers.” on my profile.
^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
1000+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story


I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
| Profile | Wiki Page | Scratch String Orchestra | ᎪρᏂεℓ༏Ꮻ₪~ A Space Odyssey by Novakitty |
If you are reading this, comment “I have superpowers.” on my profile.
^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
76 posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story

TheAwesomeMaster wrote:

eeveexxx wrote:

my character Red ((we have role played together))

Awesome, I'll probably use her as a background character or something like that.
Ok sure

4 posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story

1000+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story

Heroes_of_Olympus wrote:



I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
| Profile | Wiki Page | Scratch String Orchestra | ᎪρᏂεℓ༏Ꮻ₪~ A Space Odyssey by Novakitty |
If you are reading this, comment “I have superpowers.” on my profile.
^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
500+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story

Whoa, this story is brilliant! You're a great writer - you on Wattpad?

⋆✴ ✧ ✩ Voice-Acting Shop!✩ ✧ ✴⋆

"Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world." - Bill Bullard

"People are human beings, produced by the society in which they live. You encourage people by seeing good in them." - Nelson Mandela
1000+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story

bubble103 wrote:

Whoa, this story is brilliant! You're a great writer - you on Wattpad?

Wow, thanks! Nope, I'm not on Wattpad, I don't even know what it is. Is it some writing website?

I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
| Profile | Wiki Page | Scratch String Orchestra | ᎪρᏂεℓ༏Ꮻ₪~ A Space Odyssey by Novakitty |
If you are reading this, comment “I have superpowers.” on my profile.
^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
500+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story

TheAwesomeMaster wrote:

bubble103 wrote:

Whoa, this story is brilliant! You're a great writer - you on Wattpad?

Wow, thanks! Nope, I'm not on Wattpad, I don't even know what it is. Is it some writing website?
Yeah, it's a website where writers from all over can share their writing. All for free. Anyone can join it - whether you're a complete beginner or publishing your 234th novel. Kinda like scratch, in a way ~ that same kind of creative community. But not as moderated as scratch, so if you're like under 13 you'd probably wanna ask your parents before joining. Anyway, I just wondered if you had an account there ‘cause I’ve just joined Wattpad and I don't know anyone there. X3

⋆✴ ✧ ✩ Voice-Acting Shop!✩ ✧ ✴⋆

"Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world." - Bill Bullard

"People are human beings, produced by the society in which they live. You encourage people by seeing good in them." - Nelson Mandela
1000+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story

bubble103 wrote:

TheAwesomeMaster wrote:

bubble103 wrote:

Whoa, this story is brilliant! You're a great writer - you on Wattpad?

Wow, thanks! Nope, I'm not on Wattpad, I don't even know what it is. Is it some writing website?
Yeah, it's a website where writers from all over can share their writing. All for free. Anyone can join it - whether you're a complete beginner or publishing your 234th novel. Kinda like scratch, in a way ~ that same kind of creative community. But not as moderated as scratch, so if you're like under 13 you'd probably wanna ask your parents before joining. Anyway, I just wondered if you had an account there ‘cause I’ve just joined Wattpad and I don't know anyone there. X3

Oh, I see. That sounds really cool.

I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
| Profile | Wiki Page | Scratch String Orchestra | ᎪρᏂεℓ༏Ꮻ₪~ A Space Odyssey by Novakitty |
If you are reading this, comment “I have superpowers.” on my profile.
^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
1000+ posts

Artemis: A Color Divide Story


I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
| Profile | Wiki Page | Scratch String Orchestra | ᎪρᏂεℓ༏Ꮻ₪~ A Space Odyssey by Novakitty |
If you are reading this, comment “I have superpowers.” on my profile.
^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.

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