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New to Scratch
7 posts

equiping weapons and other things READ PLZ!!!!!!!

hi, im trying to make a war game but when i attempt to have him equip his starter weapon,he will equip it and can walk around but MUST touch the other pistol on the ground.how can i get rid of it and make the player walk with the gun even when not touching the other pistol on the ground? do i use the pistol on the ground or draw the player with the pistol????? i can give rewards to users of roblox and lego legends of chima.but script must work in video or just trust me to pay you.or u can be a kind soul and do it for free ;-)
New to Scratch
7 posts

equiping weapons and other things READ PLZ!!!!!!!

oh and i can grant you free powerups for the game, it will be on ios devices
1000+ posts

equiping weapons and other things READ PLZ!!!!!!!

At a time limit after something is picked up:
when gf clicked
reset timer
if <<<(timer) > (2)> and <touching [player v]?>> and <not <(weapon) = (my weapon name)>>>
set [weapon v] to (my weapon name)
reset timer
No reward for me.

New to Scratch
7 posts

equiping weapons and other things READ PLZ!!!!!!!

thx, ill make sure u get a free rocket launcher code for my game or something!

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