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62 posts

How to use items on a list as buttons

I'm making a Game that uses RPG style battles. I list the Soldiers and the enemy soldiers on lists. how do i make a script that lets you click on a soldier to select it and then attack it?
500+ posts

How to use items on a list as buttons

I dont think this is possible
1000+ posts

How to use items on a list as buttons

Okay, allow me to brainstorm some scripts…
when gf clicked
delete (all v) of [Enemies v] //Clear all records of clone info from these lists
delete (all v) of [Allies v]
set [ID v] to [Sprite] //ID, num, myHealth, myATK and myDEF are Local variables
set [num v] to [0]
set [myHealth v] to [0]
set [myATK v] to [0]
set [myDEF v] to [0]
set [ATK points v] to [0] //ATK points, DEF points, type and faction are Global variables
set [DEF points v] to [0]
set [type v] to [none] //This can be used to give clones certain values for ATK and DEF, as well as special effects
set [faction v] to [n] //"n" as in Neutral

when I receive [Create Ally v]
if <(ID) = [Sprite]> then
change [num v] by (1)
set [faction v] to [a] //"a" as in Ally
set [type v] to [Soldier]
create clone of [myself v]

when I receive [Create Enemy v]
if <(ID) = [Sprite]> then
change [num v] by (1)
set [faction v] to [e] //"e" as in Enemy
set [type v] to [Soldier]
create clone of [myself v]

when I start as a clone
set [ID v] to (join (faction)(num)) //This is crucial for selecting clones
if <(letter (1) of (ID)) = [a]> then
add (ID) to [Allies v]
set [myListPref v] to (length of [Allies v]) //Local variable; allows the clone to access its item in a list
add (ID) to [Enemies v]
set [myListPref v] to (length of [Enemies v])
if <(type) = [Soldier]> then //Just an example. You can do more if/else statements with different stats for other types of units
set [myATK v] to [5]
set [myDEF v] to [3]
set [myHealth v] to [10]
//then whatever you want after this initialization.

when this sprite clicked //This is for selecting clones; the "Defending" and "Attacking" variables are global
if <(letter (1) of (ID)) = [a]> then
set [Attacking v] to (ID)
broadcast [Get attacking clone's ATK v]
set [Defending v] to (ID)
broadcast [Get defending clone's DEF v]

when I receive [Get attacking clone's ATK v]
if <(Attacking) = (ID)> then
set [ATK points v] to (myATK) //This clone attacks, so we need to know how strong it is

when I receive [Get defending clone's DEF v]
if <(Defending) = (ID)> then
set [DEF points v] to (myDEF) //This clone defends, so we need to know how defensive it is

when I receive [Ally Selects Enemy to Attack v]
if <(ID) = [Sprite]> then //Can't have all the allies choose the targets, so we leave this up to the user/main sprite
set [OK v] to [0]
set [Attacking v] to [0]
set [Defending v] to [0]
repeat until <(OK) = [1]>
wait until <not <(Attacking) = [0]>>
if <(letter (1) of (Attacking)) = [a]> then //Ally selected
wait until <not <(Defending) = [0]>
if <(letter (1) of (Defending)) = [e]> then //Enemy selected
set [OK v] to [1]
else //An invalid selection; reset "Attacking" and "Defending"
set [Attacking v] to [0]
set [Defending v] to [0]
else //An invalid selection; reset "Attacking" and "Defending"
set [Attacking v] to [0]
set [Defending v] to [0]
if <<not <(Attacking) = [0]>> and <not <(Defending) = [0]>>> then
broadcast [Attack! v] //If attacking clone and defending clone are selected, then battle! Else, skip.

when I receive [Enemy Selects Ally to Attack v]
if <(ID) = [Sprite]> then //Because we can't have all the enemies choose who battles who, we instead let the main sprite choose it
set [Attacking v] to (item (random v) of [Enemies v])
repeat until <not <(Attacking) = []> //Can't have a dead/nonexistent enemy fight, right?
set [Attacking v] to (item (random v) of [Enemies v])
set [Defending v] to (item (random v) of [Allies v])
repeat until <not <(Defending) = []> //Can't select a dead/nonexistent target, right?
set [Defending v] to (item (random v) of [Allies v])
broadcast [Get attacking clone's ATK v] and wait //Get those stats ready for battle
broadcast [Get defending clone's DEF v] and wait
broadcast [Attack! v]

when I receive [Attack! v] //This can be used for either side :D
if <not <(ID) = [Sprite]>> then
if <(Attacking) = (ID)> then
if <(ATK points) < (DEF points)> then
change [myHealth v] by ((ATK points) - (DEF points)) //Attacking clone takes damage because its ATK was lower than its enemy's DEF
if <(Defending) = (ID)> then
if <(DEF points) < (ATK points)> then
change [myHealth v] by ((DEF points) - (ATK points)) //Defending clone takes damage because its DEF was lower than its enemy's ATK
if <not <(myHealth) > [0]>> then //A clone has died! Nullify its preference and delete it (or do something before finally dying)
if <(letter (1) of (ID)) = [a]> then
replace item (myListPref) of [Allies v] with []
replace item (myListPref) of [Enemies v] with []
delete this clone

Hopefully you can figure out the rest. If you need any more help, let me know.

Last edited by ProdigyZeta7 (Sept. 3, 2013 05:55:23)

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