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Scratchblocks tag: name?

I'm vaguely hacking on adding the scratchblocks tag to the forums, in order to push the code to the ST on Github.

Should the tag be called [blocks] or [scratchblocks]? I prefer the former ‘cos it’s shorter, but I can see an argument for using the latter, as it's familiar.


EDIT: Forget I said anything, looks like nXIII's already implemented it

Last edited by blob8108 (Aug. 9, 2013 14:54:31)

tosh · slowly becoming a grown-up adult and very confused about it
1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

I vote for [blocks], but my preference is [code scratch]/[code snap].
1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

Hardmath123 wrote:

my preference is [code scratch]/[code snap]
It took me long enough to get this far – no way am I going to try figuring out the internals of the [code] tag!

tosh · slowly becoming a grown-up adult and very confused about it
1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

Interesting. According to this bug, nXIII's already implemented it.

tosh · slowly becoming a grown-up adult and very confused about it
1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?


… or not …

Last edited by Hardmath123 (Aug. 9, 2013 14:50:04)

1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

Aha! It would seem he's pushed to Github, but they haven't updated the server yet.

Forget I said anything!

tosh · slowly becoming a grown-up adult and very confused about it
1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

I implemented it, we haven't quite deployed it yet. I stuck with [scratchblocks] so that we didn't have to explain the change to everyone.

nXIII · GitHub
1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

nXIII wrote:

I stuck with [scratchblocks] so that we didn't have to explain the change to everyone.
Mmm, I figured that might happen. Thanks for implementing it!

Do you know how hard it might be to update it in future?

tosh · slowly becoming a grown-up adult and very confused about it
1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

blob8108 wrote:

nXIII wrote:

I stuck with [scratchblocks] so that we didn't have to explain the change to everyone.
Mmm, I figured that might happen. Thanks for implementing it!

Do you know how hard it might be to update it in future?
You'd have to do it manually—I just stuck the contents of build/ in static/. It might be worth adding scratchblocks2 as a submodule and then symlinking part of it into static/, though.

nXIII · GitHub
100+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

Hardmath123 wrote:

I vote for [blocks], but my preference is [code scratch]/[code snap].
Actually worked on a Scratch lexer for pygments a bit ago-easy enough, really, it can just look at a bunch of regexes-but gave up when I realized I couldn't easily do custom colors, because pygments relies on predefined styles:
class DefaultStyle(Style):
    background_color = "#f8f8f8"
    default_style = ""
    styles = {
        Whitespace:                "#bbbbbb",
        Comment:                   "italic #408080",
        Comment.Preproc:           "noitalic #BC7A00",
        #Keyword:                   "bold #AA22FF",
        Keyword:                   "bold #008000",
        Keyword.Pseudo:            "nobold",
        Keyword.Type:              "nobold #B00040",
        Operator:                  "#666666",
        Operator.Word:             "bold #AA22FF",
        Name.Builtin:              "#008000",
        Name.Function:             "#0000FF",
        Name.Class:                "bold #0000FF",
        Name.Namespace:            "bold #0000FF",
        Name.Exception:            "bold #D2413A",
        Name.Variable:             "#19177C",
        Name.Constant:             "#880000",
        Name.Label:                "#A0A000",
        Name.Entity:               "bold #999999",
        Name.Attribute:            "#7D9029",
        Name.Tag:                  "bold #008000",
        Name.Decorator:            "#AA22FF",
        String:                    "#BA2121",
        String.Doc:                "italic",
        String.Interpol:           "bold #BB6688",
        String.Escape:             "bold #BB6622",
        String.Regex:              "#BB6688",
        String.Symbol:             "#B8860B",
        #String.Symbol:             "#19177C",
        String.Other:              "#008000",
        Number:                    "#666666",
        Generic.Heading:           "bold #000080",
        Generic.Subheading:        "bold #800080",
        Generic.Deleted:           "#A00000",
        Generic.Inserted:          "#00A000",
        Generic.Error:             "#FF0000",
        Generic.Emph:              "italic",
        Generic.Strong:            "bold",
        Generic.Prompt:            "bold #000080",
        Generic.Output:            "#888",
        Generic.Traceback:         "#04D",
        Error:                     "border:#FF0000"
So I would either have to create a new style (and basically lie about all the comment and keyword and operator and stuff) or create new tokens, which I vaguely stabbed at and decided was way above my learned-that-day-knowledge of python.
But if anyone else wants to help with that, I got half started. And I made a sample file for testing.
The double (()), [[]], and <<>> around stuff is for the “hole” and the “block” because of my limited regex skillz and because of coloring (?). Also, I included most of the [something v] along with their related [something] because I wasn't sure if I wanted to interpret the “v” differently. I don't. Another note: I forgot a bunch of “ secs” after wait blocks, would need to be fixed.

clipd • osx clipboard manager and history

1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

Could we also have [blocks] as a shortcut, because i often mess up typing out [scratchblocks]?

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1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

scimonster wrote:

Could we also have [blocks] as a shortcut, because i often mess up typing out [scratchblocks]?

My browser / operating system: Macrosoft Winding XO, Internet Exploder 6.0, Angel Player ver.:1.2.5
1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

nathanprocks wrote:

scimonster wrote:

Could we also have [blocks] as a shortcut, because i often mess up typing out [scratchblocks]?
1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

scimonster wrote:

Could we also have [blocks] as a shortcut, because i often mess up typing out [scratchblocks]?
I don't see why not. You can file an issue in the tracker, if you'd like.

nXIII · GitHub
1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

Hardmath123 wrote:

nathanprocks wrote:

scimonster wrote:

Could we also have [blocks] as a shortcut, because i often mess up typing out [scratchblocks]?

Remember when I looked like this? I still do.

Float, my Scratch 2.0 mod | My (somewhat under-construction) blog
1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

blob8108 wrote:

I'm vaguely hacking on adding the scratchblocks tag to the forums, in order to push the code to the ST on Github.

Should the tag be called [blocks] or [scratchblocks]? I prefer the former ‘cos it’s shorter, but I can see an argument for using the latter, as it's familiar.


EDIT: Forget I said anything, looks like nXIII's already implemented it


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1000+ posts

Scratchblocks tag: name?

hello_smile wrote:

blob8108 wrote:

I'm vaguely hacking on adding the scratchblocks tag to the forums, in order to push the code to the ST on Github.

Should the tag be called [blocks] or [scratchblocks]? I prefer the former ‘cos it’s shorter, but I can see an argument for using the latter, as it's familiar.


EDIT: Forget I said anything, looks like nXIII's already implemented it
Please don't necropost, this topic is 8 years old

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