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[UNNOFICIAL] 8 bit music-maker exported songs

NOTE: This is not an official topic, however the creator did not make his own. Also, someone already made this, but it was in another forum, so I made this one.
Unofficial save code topic for hmnwilsons's 8 bit music maker

Please do not include save codes for other kinds of scratch projects,
and make sure you give credit if you remixed someone else's song.

Hello! If you are confused, this is my signature! This is not part of the comment.
NOTE: This is a Shift+Down-arrow signature. If you are on mobile, you cant read the rest :(
Hey, its
With some more signature nonsense!
Quote of the day: "Tutorials, tutorials, tutorials. Everywhere you look, there's a tutorial telling you how to do this, how to do that. But what are they really teaching us? Nothing but the bare minimum, just enough to get by. They're a crutch, a crutch that's holding us back from true knowledge and understanding. Why do we need tutorials? Because we've become a society of instant gratification, where we want everything handed to us on a silver platter. We want to be spoon-fed information, instead of taking the time to learn and discover for ourselves. But that's not how true knowledge and understanding is gained.
True knowledge and understanding comes from hard work and perseverance. It comes from trial and error, from making mistakes and learning from them. It comes from diving deep into a subject and uncovering its secrets. But tutorials don't teach us any of that. They teach us just enough to complete a task, but not enough to truly understand it.
Tutorials are the enemy of true knowledge and understanding. They're a trap, a trap that keeps us from reaching our full potential. They make us dependent on them, instead of teaching us how to find knowledge and understanding on our own.
" - @SteelLurker

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