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A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

please delete the part where it says “due to technlogical limits, boolean blocks look like reporter blocks” since it is fixed now.

Moving from Scratch? Don't learn C or Java, try Snap!
1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

theonlygusti wrote:

Techno-CAT wrote:

theonlygusti wrote:

And this guide isn't really about tricks, I'd say learning how to do this:
when gf clicked :: operators hat
if :: sound cstart
this {block :: sensing stack} is a [block v] :: custom-arg cstart
these :: motion cstart
amazing {skills :: pen hat} :: extension stack
are what I call tricks :: motion cend cap
and <you should :: custom reporter> :: custom-arg celse
teach [people v] :: variables stack
how to do this :: sensing stack
because :: custom-arg celse
only these {turn cw (20) degrees :: motion hat} :: grey stack
are true tricks :: motion cend

is all that qualifies as [scratchblocks] the rest is self explanatory.

Yes, but what point is it teaching people how to do blocks that Scratch doesn't even support?
For the suggestions forums?
For their signatures?

Don't title your post tricks if it doesn't contain any.
Yeah, I was kinda hoping to learn how to make something like this:
When {Wow a hat block in a hat block with an (input::operators)::hat control} clicked::hat events
Or to learn how to
customize block colors::#66ff99//and add comments
You should really add these. So… Please do!

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5:18 PM 2922-02-06 Updated halloween PFP to regular PFP. (Well, if you count a bunch of rainbow lickies as regular xD)
04-18 3:55PM finally fixed image size lol

The Forums

Have you got a question that would be fit for the forums but you can't post on any because you only have a Scratch Account and the only forums on Scratch only allow you to post Scratch related things?
Well, then use that! It's completely organized in the comments as to allow the same moderation as with other Scratch comments.
But you can say way much more. If you want to open a vote, or any question or guide, you can do so in the forums!

(Sorry everything got shortened)

Appel // Geometry Dash // PolyRhythm
1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

cat_tap wrote:

theonlygusti wrote:

Techno-CAT wrote:

theonlygusti wrote:

And this guide isn't really about tricks, I'd say learning how to do this:
when gf clicked :: operators hat
if :: sound cstart
this {block :: sensing stack} is a [block v] :: custom-arg cstart
these :: motion cstart
amazing {skills :: pen hat} :: extension stack
are what I call tricks :: motion cend cap
and <you should :: custom reporter> :: custom-arg celse
teach [people v] :: variables stack
how to do this :: sensing stack
because :: custom-arg celse
only these {turn cw (20) degrees :: motion hat} :: grey stack
are true tricks :: motion cend

is all that qualifies as [scratchblocks] the rest is self explanatory.

Yes, but what point is it teaching people how to do blocks that Scratch doesn't even support?
For the suggestions forums?
For their signatures?

Don't title your post tricks if it doesn't contain any.
Yeah, I was kinda hoping to learn how to make something like this:
When {Wow a hat block in a hat block with an (input::operators)::hat control} clicked::hat events
Or to learn how to
customize block colors::#66ff99//and add comments
You should really add these. So… Please do!
1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Hearst10 wrote:

please delete the part where it says “due to technlogical limits, boolean blocks look like reporter blocks” since it is fixed now.
they aren't active anymore lol
33 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Im acually a red block :: grey

Forever { say<keep on coding ::hat sensing> :: sensing
} :: motion
Whatcha' lookin' at now
33 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

hi { hi :: hat

Forever { say<keep on coding ::hat sensing> :: sensing
} :: motion
Whatcha' lookin' at now
33 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

thx so much

Forever { say<keep on coding ::hat sensing> :: sensing
} :: motion
Whatcha' lookin' at now
1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Techno-CAT wrote:

There's some other stuff you ought to know too!

Here's a way to generate a big pile of scratchblocks if you already have the code created as a project.

* Shift-click the File menu and save project summary.
* Open the project summary and copy all the text.
* Paste it in between { scratchblocks } tags.
* Delete the parts you don't want.

(As suggested by Noumenon72)

Someone please explain how this works.

April Fools' topics:
New Buildings in Scratch's headquarters
Give every Scratcher an M1 MacBook Air
Scratch should let users edit other Scratchers' projects
Make a statue for Jeffalo
Scratch Tech Tips™
Make a Chiroyce statue emoji

<img src=“x” onerror=“alert('XSS vulnerability discovered')”>

this is a test sentence
1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Chiroyce wrote:

Techno-CAT wrote:

There's some other stuff you ought to know too!

Here's a way to generate a big pile of scratchblocks if you already have the code created as a project.

* Shift-click the File menu and save project summary.
* Open the project summary and copy all the text.
* Paste it in between { scratchblocks } tags.
* Delete the parts you don't want.

(As suggested by Noumenon72)

Someone please explain how this works.
It used to work in s2.0 but in their infinite wisdom the ST removed the ‘shift-click to access advanced functions’ feature make Scratch “kid friendly”

See what people have created by clicking here.
32 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Techno-CAT wrote:

Hello there!

Have any of you found it confusing to use the Scratchblocks plugin on the forums? Today I'll be explaining how to make them step-by-step in this easy to understand guide.

For more info, see the wiki.
If you want to test any of this out, please see here instead

Reporter blocks can be made using:

For example:

Boolean blocks are similar to reporter blocks, however they use <'s and >'s instead of ('s and )'s.


For example:
<mouse down?>
Due to technological limits, boolean blocks look like reporter blocks.

Stack Blocks
Stack blocks can be formed by the following script:


For example:
But what if it has a dropdown menu, number entry or string thread?

Well, we do this instead
choose [input v]
Which will turn out to be
choose [input v]

For number entries, do
input ( )

C block
C blocks must be closed by typing “end” after the last stack block inside it.

repeat (10)

If there is no number input, leave out the ()'s
which makes:

repeat (10)


That's great! We now know the basics of the ScratchBlocks plugin.
But how does it all piece together?

Well, just piece together the blocks like this:


when green flag clicked
if <mouse down?> then

play drum (3 v) for (0.2) beats


Which will turn out to look like this:

when green flag clicked
if <mouse down?> then

play drum (3 v) for (0.2) beats

Other BBCode (BulletinBoardCode) help

Have you ever seen Colour Text but not known how to do it? Well, enter the following code:

Have you also wanted some coding show up? Then do this:

There's some other stuff you ought to know too!

Here's a way to generate a big pile of scratchblocks if you already have the code created as a project.

* Shift-click the File menu and save project summary.
* Open the project summary and copy all the text.
* Paste it in between { scratchblocks } tags.
* Delete the parts you don't want.

(As suggested by Noumenon72)

Well, that hopefully sums it all up

Thank You For explaining
when key pressed
say for (Happy) secs

Hello, Nice To Meet You! <(^w^)>

If You Want, Follow Me At @LiuLiuGaming Or @-KittyCuratorArtz-.
100+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat
is this too much? :: motion stack

Last edited by issac_the_scratcher (May 12, 2021 23:10:47)

Thanks for checking in on my signature.
Some scratchers may not know what “necropost” means. Allow me to give an explanation.

A necropost is a post on an old, abandoned thread in the Discussion Forums. Many times, people will do this to answer questions. It does not matter what type of pot it is, (with the exception for collab efforts (except for really old ones)) It is still considered a necropost.
Necroposting is seen as a form of spam and clogs up the forums with old and unneeded topics.

For more information on necroposting, check the Wiktionary or Scratch Wiki page.
No kumquats have eaten my siggy yet, but just to be safe,

(jOj) // This is Swiss. He has blades and is the most powerful siggy defender known to mankind!

no new major projects right now
1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

issac_the_scratcher wrote:

wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {wow {} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat} :: events hat
is this too much? :: motion stack
Haha, yep.

See what people have created by clicking here.
98 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

whitelily1196 wrote:

InsaniacGuru77 wrote:

excelguru wrote:

Blocks new to BYOB 3.0:

run ({} @addInput) :: control // runs the blocks in it

launch ({} @addInput) :: control // runs the blocks in it simultaneously to the script
call (() @addInput) :: control reporter // allows the user to call a variable that is a reporter
report [] :: control cap // for custom reporters and Booleans, it tells what to report
stop block :: control cap // stops a custom block without reporting anything
debug :: control // an experimental block
debug () :: control reporter // ''
true :: operators boolean // reports true
false :: operators boolean // reports false
ascii code of [] :: operators reporter // reports the ascii code of a character
ascii () as letter :: operators reporter // reports the character for an ascii code
is [] a [number v] ? :: operators boolean // dropdown also contains text, boolean, list, command, reporter, and predicate; reports whether the input is of that
// data type (yes, BYOB has more data types than scratch)
(the script ({} @addInput)::operators) // returns the script inside. It is supposed to be a hybrid c-reporter thing, but scratchblocks doesn't support that type of block.
the () block :: operators reporter // works like [the script] but with a reporter/predicate block.
script variables (a) @addInput :: grey // this block creates variables that can only be used in the script. It is a variable block, but it is gray.

(list [] @delInput @addInput :: list) // it reports a list with that name.
[ v] as text :: list reporter // in BYOB, lists do not normally report as text, but as list monitors do. This converts a list to text.
copy of () :: list reporter // if a variable is set to a list, it updates with the list. Here is how to avoid that.

Blocks new to BYOB 3.1:

object [ v] :: sensing reporter // reports a sprite, a list of all sprites, or the stage
attribute [ v] :: sensing reporter // reports an attribute of the sprite
[ v] of [ v] :: sensing reporter // now you can drag any sprite to the right and any sprite to the left
clone :: operators reporter // reports a clone of the sprite
is [] a [ v] :: operators boolean // now has object in the menu of types
delete [ v] :: operators // deletes the object, attribute, or variable

Blocks new to snap 4.0

warp {} :: grey // it is a control block, but it is gray. It runs everything in it at once

Some of the blocks seem meaningless, but that is because of BYOB's expanded data types.
I've always wanted a block that says,

repeat until <I receive [] :: events boolean>

Just like Snap!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

And you can also use :: {Insert block category here} {Insert block shape here}

this is a signature, it goes beneath my posts and a link here isn't considered advertising

meh youtube channel is here
38 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Cloneable wrote:

whitelily1196 wrote:

InsaniacGuru77 wrote:

excelguru wrote:

Blocks new to BYOB 3.0:

run ({} @addInput) :: control // runs the blocks in it

launch ({} @addInput) :: control // runs the blocks in it simultaneously to the script
call (() @addInput) :: control reporter // allows the user to call a variable that is a reporter
report [] :: control cap // for custom reporters and Booleans, it tells what to report
stop block :: control cap // stops a custom block without reporting anything
debug :: control // an experimental block
debug () :: control reporter // ''
true :: operators boolean // reports true
false :: operators boolean // reports false
ascii code of [] :: operators reporter // reports the ascii code of a character
ascii () as letter :: operators reporter // reports the character for an ascii code
is [] a [number v] ? :: operators boolean // dropdown also contains text, boolean, list, command, reporter, and predicate; reports whether the input is of that
// data type (yes, BYOB has more data types than scratch)
(the script ({} @addInput)::operators) // returns the script inside. It is supposed to be a hybrid c-reporter thing, but scratchblocks doesn't support that type of block.
the () block :: operators reporter // works like [the script] but with a reporter/predicate block.
script variables (a) @addInput :: grey // this block creates variables that can only be used in the script. It is a variable block, but it is gray.

(list [] @delInput @addInput :: list) // it reports a list with that name.
[ v] as text:: list reporter // in BYOB, lists do not normally report as text, but as list monitors do. This converts a list to text.
copy of ():: list reporter // if a variable is set to a list, it updates with the list. Here is how to avoid that.

Blocks new to BYOB 3.1:

object [ v]:: sensing reporter // reports a sprite, a list of all sprites, or the stage
attribute [ v] :: sensing reporter // reports an attribute of the sprite
[ v] of [ v]:: sensing reporter // now you can drag any sprite to the right and any sprite to the left
clone:: operators reporter // reports a clone of the sprite
is [] a [ v] :: operators boolean // now has object in the menu of types
delete [ v] :: operators // deletes the object, attribute, or variable

Blocks new to snap 4.0

warp {} :: grey // it is a control block, but it is gray. It runs everything in it at once

Some of the blocks seem meaningless, but that is because of BYOB's expanded data types.
I've always wanted a block that says,

repeat until <I receive [ v] :: events boolean>

Just like Snap!

Last edited by working_on (June 30, 2021 19:42:21)

No signature currently stored in profile.
38 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

To make Snap! version, use this:

No signature currently stored in profile.
19 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help


define My Custom Blocks
Lag | Low ::sensing
Lag | Med () ::sensing
Lag | High <> <> <> <> <> ::sensing
} ::control //https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/490893401
Say () for () secs | Typing wait () ::looks //https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/489984280
WHAT HOW | Frame Wait: () ::motion // https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/490741809

define Blocks I Am Currently Working On
Animation | Start Frame () End Frame () FPS () ::looks
Physics ::operators
When keys () pressed in order then ::sensing
cloud broadcast [ v] ::events
1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

define report [report] :: reporter
report (report) :: custom cap

this is a signature, it goes beneath my posts and a link here isn't considered advertising

meh youtube channel is here
12 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

when green flag clicked : :  operators
oh my god : : operators

Last edited by MathTechCat (Aug. 8, 2021 17:12:40)

12 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

when green flag clicked
make ({Its over 9000!!!!!!!!!!}: :ring)

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