Scratcher Joined 7 months, 1 week ago Poland
About me
Hello! Polish soldier is back from mental hospital, and is back in service
Feel free to chat at anytime
(don’t worry I won’t shoot)
Any of y’all seen my squad?
Shoot me I dare
What I'm working on
Feel free to collaborate with me
[ this account definitely has nothing to do with @ALPHA_1_A ]
Shoot me if your not nice >:(
I may seem Canadian but I’m not.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (76)
View all- add yourself on the Never Opening Elevator! remix remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- WIP by the_1_polish_soldier
- New pfp by the_1_polish_soldier
- collab with happy, alex style! remix remix-26 remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix… remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- collab with happy, alex style! remix remix-26 remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix… remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- collab with happy, alex style! remix remix-26 remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- collab with happy, alex style! remix remix-26 remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- collab with happy, alex style! remix remix-26 remix remix remix remix remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- collab with happy, alex style! remix remix-26 remix remix remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- collab with happy, alex style! remix remix-26 remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- collab with happy, alex style! remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- (ay) Speak to Dr,Niko! remix remix-6 remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- (ay) Speak to Dr,Niko! remix remix-6 remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- (ay) Speak to Dr,Niko! remix remix-6 remix remix remix remix remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- (ay) Speak to Dr,Niko! remix remix-6 remix remix remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- (ay) Speak to Dr,Niko! remix remix-6 remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- (ay) Speak to Dr,Niko! remix by the_1_polish_soldier
- EB logo by the_1_polish_soldier
- Meet the EB team by the_1_polish_soldier
- What logo do I use? by the_1_polish_soldier
Favorite Projects
View all- ██╗░░██╗██╗██╗ ██║░░██║██║██║ ███████║██║██║ ██╔══██║██║╚═╝ ██║░░██║██║██╗ ╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝ by x_C00L_C00Kie_x
- What logo do I use? by the_1_polish_soldier
- Chase but I’ve edited it by the_1_polish_soldier
- Kick your enemy V2.7 by Tkeis-
- Battle of Patagonian by the_1_polish_soldier
- The Job Interview by _Lemon_Life_
- Everyone polish guy worked with by the_1_polish_soldier
- Collab w/the polish soldier by the_1_polish_soldier
- Polish soldier acquired the NK-1 by the_1_polish_soldier
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