Scratcher Joined 5 years, 5 months ago United Kingdom
About me
FNF is mediocre
Change my mind.
Also I'm a he/him so don't misgender me.
What I'm working on
Imagine banning social media on scratch smh
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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vector teaser thingy by ponseth
by ponseth
shirt gang by ponseth
haha yes by ponseth
some old concept art for an old idea ig by ponseth
Remake thingy + New species by ponseth
Untitled-Teaser by ponseth
After almost 2 whole years, I redubbed it. by ponseth
look. by ponseth
fixed the jittering. by ponseth
hmmm.. by ponseth
ah yes, a remake. by ponseth
"also you are a good person cuz you got a free follow" by ponseth
if you know, you know. by ponseth
by ponseth
Galactic demon Jaby artwork n stuff by ponseth
HOME - Shemonance by ponseth
My current status by ponseth
the dipsy sprite inside the project be like: by ponseth
new pon vector again yay by ponseth
Favorite Projects
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Pain by Newgrounds_bomb
Unused Super Mario Bros. Enemies (Sprite Recreations) by Its-A-Me_Austin
The destroyed fnaf crew by coolpnmickey163
Sid music video by goatgone
(Remastered) THE T- by -quackstudios-
This user supports Ukraine in the Ukrainian war. by Usercards
SHREREREKK!!! by oofdalightning
31/3/1997 by oofdalightning
i changed nothing by zvardin
Vs Donut Battle (item asylum inspired) by cs908066
We want our Scratch back!! by _TheBlackSwan_
but if you close your eyes.. by -quackstudios-
st: they're coming vectors by oofdalightning
Pablo by creativemarc
the Elf variant vector pack by oofdalightning
berick cook's pacman thing by oofdalightning
it starts by oofdalightning
the problems with scratch by JaydenCoolguy_
one day, in teletubby land by oofdalightning
Flumpty teaches you how to create women. by Highcell713
Studios I'm Following
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TELETUBBY SHORTS [Formerly Tubby Shorts]
Tubby OCs as real Teletubbies.
stand up for Ukraine!
CORRUPTOUS (Official studio)
Roses for Rosella [OFFICIAL STUDIO]
Unnamed Studios
Jaby's Slendytubbies III Vectors
outside im
your sleep paralysis demon
zvardin remakes his old fnati vectors
Follow this studio if you want Freddy9207 Unbanned
Hanna_Ling Studio
Follow This Studio If Your Happy That Steves In SSB
Studios I Curate
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Duck's Lore Mixtape
TELETUBBY SHORTS [Formerly Tubby Shorts]
Unnamed Studios
Jaby's Slendytubbies III Vectors
The Shemon Race
JBB's Tubby OCs: Complete Collection
TEAM: Scratchers Unite
One Night at Israel's Frostee
The Covert Island Studio
Fan-Made Bear Skins Studio
Pon's Cryptids.
Blocc: the studio
Nights At The Gang
Totally normal studio my dudes
Six Nights at Scratcher1049's - The Offical Studio
Five Nights At Pico's 3 Redux Official Studio
Mick studio
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