Scratcher Joined 4 years, 6 months ago Poland
About me
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What I'm working on
Nad fajnymi projektami :)
Over cool projects :)
Koniecznie zobacz ten projekt :)
Be sure to see this project :)
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (25)
View all- слава Україні(glory Ukraine) remix by netoper
- Szafa grająca by netoper
- Tajemnicza postać by netoper
- Kartka Wielkanocna by netoper
- Papier, kamień, nożyce, jaszczurka, spock - GRA by netoper
- Labirynt by netoper
- Magic Butterfly-Happy Valentines Day by netoper
- Magic butterfly by netoper
- Night and day platformer game by netoper
- Kolędy / carrols by netoper
- Konkursik na 70. remix by netoper
- Wspomnienie lata-krzyżówka by netoper
- Test osobowości by netoper
- Zabawa czarami cz.1 by netoper
- praca dowolna by netoper
- muzyka by netoper
- Untitled by netoper
- Gra jabłka by netoper
- pawie oko by netoper
- kartka Wielkanocna by netoper
Favorite Projects
View all- zupa romana by ZombiakKraftPolska
- Landmarks/Sights 2.5D v.1.0 #all #2.5D #epic_fire_ghost by epic_fire_ghost
- Dziennik Scratcherski nr. 81 27.02.2022 by Ellenberg
- Kingdom Wars #games #all by Mr-Mathmatical
- Is Griffpatch following you? (social connections experiment) #all by Mr-Mathmatical
- Peace for Ukraine! by leszpio
- Слава великій Україні! by leszpio
- a hedgehog in a bouncy house by writer375
- The Guardian [Game] by RacingAce
- Level Legend [Game] by RacingAce
- SANTA SPRINT v1.0 - Merry Christmas ! | #Games by RacingAce
- Spin 'n' Shoot! | Games by RacingAce
- Tatooine Defense | #pssgamejam4 by PMJ_MJBCS27
- Escape by -PixelParty-
- Scratch platformer beta 0.3b by GappieTheGoldenApple
- ➢ ARROW ➢ v1.1 (MOBILE FRIENDLY!) by -HelloYellow-
- Absolute War 1936 by kajtolmation
- Norbi śnieżny jest potężny by PMJ_Studio
- Szafa grająca by netoper
- STAR WARS CLONE BATTLE 2 by pierogigames
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
View all- bartolopl OFICJALNE STUDIO
- ✪ Polskie Projekty ✪
- Przygody scratchcata
- New specjal project!!!
- Invite!
- Popularni Polscy Scratcherzy
- Dziennik Scratcherski
- Studio Pika Pi
- Republika Polskiego Scratcha ⭐ RPS
- Wojna prowincji (Koniec zapisów) (16/16 miejsc)
- Przyszłość Europy
- Bandit Game
- 600 śledzeń :o
- 1000 śledzi-1000 herring
- Wszystkie PeeMJoty
- Gifted Greens: Gifted Ed
- subnautica studios
- Polisz Team | zapraszam do nowego studia!
- Konkurs!
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