Scratcher Joined 10 years, 9 months ago Christmas Island
About me
i love scratch! i love warriors and pokemon. i enjoy following other scratchers so feel free to ask me to follow you! please remix my projects!
What I'm working on
making clones so i can make them be the same character but do different things!
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (79)
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Pony Coloring Contest! *Open* by jonigiri
coloring CC! *open* remix by jonigiri
wacko art! remix by jonigiri
a snow miracle! by jonigiri
Add Yourself Licking The Screen! remix remix by jonigiri
The New Clans RPG Template remix by jonigiri
Licky CC! Entry remix by jonigiri
Warriors Bio Template remix remix by jonigiri
Licky THING! remix remix-2 remix by jonigiri
first project! remix by jonigiri
-Curiosity- (Coloring Contest) remix remix by jonigiri
scratch information by jonigiri
see what your math grading is! remix remix-2 by jonigiri
see what your math grading is! by jonigiri
never ending math! by jonigiri
Untitled-13 by jonigiri
geronimo stilton following the trail of marco polo by jonigiri
answer questions correctly! by jonigiri
THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR MAKER!! =D remix by jonigiri
the untold stories by jonigiri
Favorite Projects
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Add Yourself Licking The Screen! remix remix remix by Weecoomonster
Pikachu Licky by Licky_God
Pony Coloring Contest! *Open* remix by scratchrainbow
Pony Coloring Contest! *Open* remix by ravenblackenergy
Pony Coloring Contest! *Open* remix by scratchmitedu10
Pony Coloring Contest! *Open* remix by cyborgbluenergy
Pony Coloring Contest! *Open* remix by clear_sky
Pony Coloring Contest! *Open* by jonigiri
Your Licky CC *OPEN* remix by scratchrainbow
Don't even ask by KanyonKitty
same instructions! by scratchrainbow
computer vs scratchpony semifinals part 4 by scratchrainbow
make your own licky cc open remix by scratchrainbow
coloring CC! *open* remix by jonigiri
coloring CC! *open* by scratchrainbow
Thunderclan/All clans RP bio by walkingdead909_cat
wacko art! remix by jonigiri
wacko art! by scratchrainbow
Frozen songs sang by me(love_rainbows) 2.0 by love_rainbows
Megurine Luka Dress Up by ArtySpartyGirl
Studios I'm Following
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licky projects only!
Fancy Studio
i love lickies!
Creepypasta CATS|Rpg
we are the licky family!
licky lovers!
100 curators = a Surprise! (Or more)
Add anything studio!
Scratch camp 2014 July 20th-July 27th
miles854 studio
can we get 4,000 projects by 2017?please curate!
soulclan rp
Cat Clan
ADD EVERY PROJECT or else you are insane!
Tails Doll Studios
Studios I Curate
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licky projects only!
ADD EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ThunderClan RPG
Fancy Studio
Studio for U-N-I-C-O-RN' s followers :)
the amazing spider man 2 tv
My Followers
Creepypasta CATS|Rpg
NightMareMoon Never leaves | Rpg
Scratch airport-10+ flight locations and 10+ hired staff
100 curators = a Surprise! (Or more)
BE you!
Add anything studio!
Scratch camp 2014 July 20th-July 27th
miles854 studio
can we get 4,000 projects by 2017?please curate!
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