Scratcher Joined 8 years ago Philippines
About me
Phil's from frisco jacks from the pi.
Call me meikatefu
What I'm working on
it's the Well it's shade and random projects
I made shade and loves the ladys. including swip mily_sonic_tails_4 Dreamgirl04 chita and more
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (20)
View all- Jaffa Man! by jacksfromthepi
- Dwayne Greenscreen by jacksfromthepi
- Scratch Rules In A Nutshell by jacksfromthepi
- Waidy's Shorts Pants Random.avi by jacksfromthepi
- Bleop.avi by jacksfromthepi
- Blop 2 revisted final boss by jacksfromthepi
- Waidy in a nutshell. by jacksfromthepi
- the scratchshack intro by jacksfromthepi
- Add yourself running from thomas the dank engine remix by jacksfromthepi
- THE SWIP QUIZ (Sam quiz 2) by jacksfromthepi
- BLOP 2 Revisted by jacksfromthepi
- No Nump Meme. remix by jacksfromthepi
- Swip Aka Amy rose as a blop recolor. by jacksfromthepi
- Blop Revisted Final Boss SPOILERS. by jacksfromthepi
- BLOP REVISTED by jacksfromthepi
- 2 Things. by jacksfromthepi
- AY Talking to Tara! remix by jacksfromthepi
- NUMP!!! by jacksfromthepi
- Blop Vs ??? by jacksfromthepi
- the Super Scratchers! (And ttboy and kid utut) by jacksfromthepi
Favorite Projects
View all- SCP-134 StarEyes (original) by lightspeedmind134
- DIAN SHI MA LI demo by asicthehedgehog
- A WEEKEND AT THE FACTROY! by BarfingMushroom
- top 10 anime battles by FireGoz
- Shoujo_Anime_Opening_Template[1] by kitkat1995
- The Shrekoning Sister Swamp Night 1 and 2 [Demo] by CBBURT
- Super Mario World Challenge! by EpicCoder2002
- ThE fIrSt ImAgE by Geizer
- FINE! by -Hibot-
- lazytown"dont let your kids watch it!" by notem
- Whumple Dumple by RandomFudge2234
- aarex in 2017 by -BluHead-
- the nutshack but it's made on scratch but it's made with Scratchers. by BecuzWhyNot
- Try your name in japanese! by CatTart-Person
- Blop Mimikyu! by Kkf64
- Onab: Sister Location Teaser by Convin42
- Five Nights with Peashooter's 2 (REAL GAME!!!) by firepeashootergamer
- Super Mario World! by Zelda123
- those nights at springtraps3 by thegamemachine10
- BLOP 2 by Bloplol07
Studios I'm Following
View all- It's All Ogre
- Project Storage
- EveryWorld's Top 10 Projects
- Fnaf Fan Game Club!
- Why are we making hate studios?
- meme
- Anti-Nutshack Studio
- :(
- Fan Games
- FNAF fan-made games!
- Alzter's Nightmare RP SOON CLOSING
- FNAF Fangames
- Anti-FNAF, Undertale & Minecraft Haters
- Sister Location : Rusted Rebooted
- Reviving FNaF
- My 1st Tennis Chain
- FNAF Fan Games Studio
Studios I Curate
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