Scratcher Joined 9 years, 10 months ago United States
About me
love pusheen,cats,gravity falls staying
adventure time!
shout out!
What I'm working on
stuff pusheen,gravity fall and to not get any people who unlike my stuff 99% of the time ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ Random ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁
derpy,cats,funny pusheen pics, and more
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (59)
View all- Derpy Drop The Dass!!! by _pusheen_swag_
- I WANT "IT" NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :I by _pusheen_swag_
- The Pusheen Game! by _pusheen_swag_
- the hateful truth by _pusheen_swag_
- a v-k movie LOL by _pusheen_swag_
- Ocelot Party by _pusheen_swag_
- BMO slyle dubstep! by _pusheen_swag_
- Christmas Countdown 2014 dubstep by _pusheen_swag_
- top hat!!! by _pusheen_swag_
- Scratch Art Battles Sign Up firestar! by _pusheen_swag_
- look.. :( but! :1 by _pusheen_swag_
- Dat Crazy Pusheen by _pusheen_swag_
- my pony! name:christmas happy by _pusheen_swag_
- the awesome pusheen easter gift by _pusheen_swag_
- deal with it! by _pusheen_swag_
- cindercatwarrior's second CC yeah by _pusheen_swag_
- swaggy pusheen! by _pusheen_swag_
- Add yourself to the hospital remix by _pusheen_swag_
- derpy? by _pusheen_swag_
- NO PONY DUBSTEP! by _pusheen_swag_
Favorite Projects
View all- I WANT "IT" NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Agpegusister36596
- Sir Shield (Platformer) by JamesOuO
- Just Dance Scratch Small Dance Test by DonnyCraft
- School's Out! by MoreBetter
- -D.A.R.K- -2- by easyScratcher
- ★scratchU8 Generations★ by scratchU8
- LOST v1.4 by nickydroids
- World of Pen by DarkLava
- What do you see? by ghhg67754
- Buggy by macio6
- Flappy Pony Touch Screen! (Flappy Bird MLP ripoff) by zanzolo
- Villager's Secret by PlZZAZZ
- Grid Guardians by theChAOTiC
- Penguin Attack by superpeabody
- Scratchnapped (A mario style platform game) by griffpatch
- Placid Pigs Balloon Pump v0.2 by griffpatch
- Scratcharia v2.8.3 by griffpatch
- Rain by kavz
- 1 Year On Scratch! by Pickle-Productions
- Meg's Party by Pickle-Productions
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
- Pusheen's Biggest Fans!
- The Pusheen Game
- The Hateful Truth :(
- The Arcade
- Jofoxes studio for followers
- BMO Fan Club
- STAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Leiadog's followers, Friends and More!!!
- ❤All About You❤
- Pikachugirl101's followers and friends!
- Can we get 1000 Projects?
- MLP Stuff And Role Play
- AmeliaM2005 Followers Studio!
- AmeliaM2005 is awesome
- Party Hard studio
- My big giant robot dinobattle DOGslayer
- Animations with cats and Games with birds!
- Save Derpy Foundation!
View allFollowers
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