Scratcher Joined 11 years ago United States
About me
Black veil brides army, for one thing, im just a guy that programs on his free time in somewhere between 12 and 1000000, you take a guess,
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u guys rock, its all for u, BVB a7x. emos,
What I'm working on
ALOT sorry if im not commenting much, working on scripting quite a few games
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (32)
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Taking a break by Whoovian_stuff
DRUMMING by Whoovian_stuff
controllable Gaara sprite by Whoovian_stuff
Trailer for new horror game by Whoovian_stuff
IM BACK, JACK by Whoovian_stuff
Random freehand I did by Whoovian_stuff
happy new year and sturf by Whoovian_stuff
manga madness sprites by Whoovian_stuff
Manga madness (Beta 0.2) voice acting by Whoovian_stuff
NARUTO AMV, bad boys by Whoovian_stuff
Sakura Hurano script by Whoovian_stuff
Sasuke Uchiha, script by Whoovian_stuff
A NEW ANNOUNCEMENT by Whoovian_stuff
For the bad boys by Whoovian_stuff
akastuki assemble movie 1 by Whoovian_stuff
manga madness trailer (unofficial) redone by Whoovian_stuff
era lesson, WITH GAARA KAKASHI AND GOKU by Whoovian_stuff
tobi sprite(from naruto) remix by Whoovian_stuff
The call, a horror game WORK IN PROG by Whoovian_stuff
Favorite Projects
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That Sakura... by Sasharoy
Team Fortress 2 3D remix by -Team_Fortress_2-
100 pictures for 100 people by tiajoker
Deathnote jokes by tiajoker
NARUTO AMV, bad boys by Whoovian_stuff
NEW AVENGED SEVENFOLD SINGLE - Carry On + Lyrics by Potatogun234
Five Nights at Freddy's - The Best out on Scratch s by 23996
SCP Containment Breach Development Version RESHARED by samirichards
Five Nights at Pico's by Danvin
Naruto RPG (Demo) by KidProgrammer
The call, a horror game WORK IN PROG by Whoovian_stuff
Amnesia. by zoomyzoom456
Five Nights At Freddys by ddemkoo
PEWWWDIEEEEPIEEEE actavate. by aidandude1808
pewds is going TO THE TARDIS! remix by night_star93
TRIBUTE TO GAARA by Whoovian_stuff
R.I.P. Dominique Allen by UchihaAncestor
Naruto sprites to download by Shonobie
Kiba Game(READ NOTES) by KibaFang
Naruto vs Sasuke IMPROVED by Ur-86
Studios I'm Following
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I've Missed You Guys...
fan characters sonic roleplays
A place you can just talk to friends!
Emo, Punk and Goth RP:
studio mobius (for my followers and friends)
"manga madness" programming studio
Biggest studio on Scracth
Role Playing Anime
Avenged Sevenfold
Anime (and manga) discussion board
music for you
anime nightcore101 =) c=
Can we get 1000 Doctor who Projects?!?!https://scrat
whoovian_stuff fanbase, for naruto and anime lovers
★Whovians Rock!★
Bands RP :)
Black Veil Brides
bring me the pierced sleeping brides & men
Studios I Curate
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fan characters sonic roleplays
musicians studio
BVB Army Scratch Page
Jenn's favorite peoples of all time! ^~^
Naruto Army 2014
Teenager club
"manga madness" programming studio
Biggest studio on Scracth
Anime (and manga) discussion board
whoovian_stuff fanbase, for naruto and anime lovers
The Days We Hate!
Bands RP :)
Anime Is My Life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"manga madness" voice acting studio!( need people)
Naruto NRP ナルト、ロールプレイ
Naruto Television series
Shooters of yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Sparten Ops Studio
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