Scratcher Joined 10 years, 2 months ago United States
About me
Yes, I am the same Turret 3471 that's on YouTube, the one that does the cool remixes and musics, the one with the funny voices, the one who sucks at UNO.
And if your wondering what my age is, it's 24
What I'm working on
One last project...
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- Universal Pictures except the Arcadius movie released by Turret3471
- Vita-Z Factory (updated) - Ape Escape: Recaptured Trilogy OST by Turret3471
- sammyclassicsonicfan GIF repost by Turret3471
- follow_me.sb2 Remastered by Turret3471
- VINESAUCE listens to midi dubstep by Turret3471
- Meeting the Skelebros VOICE AUDITIONS [OPEN] remix by Turret3471
- Mobotropolis Square Act 2 (K8-E Mix) - Turret the Hedgehog OST by Turret3471
- Sonic Forces - Chemical Plant Remix by Turret3471
- Korg MonoPoly is Fun by Turret3471
- Prisopolis Zone Act 1 - Sonic 4: Episode Shadow by Turret3471
- Splash Hill Act 1 - Turret the Hedgehog OST by Turret3471
- Turret 3471 - Pure Love by Turret3471
- Park Avenue (Custom Hero) [Turret 3471 Remix ft. Landy & Wickedlyelphie] by Turret3471
- Remix this to get burgerman64 back! remix (I guess?...) by Turret3471
- Green Hill Zone (Beta Mix) - Sonic Forces by Turret3471
- I'm making a thing by Turret3471
- Well... It's something... I guess?... by Turret3471
- So while I was away... by Turret3471
- Papyrus voice for goplaythewii by Turret3471
- Rival Battle: Mephiles the Dark - Sonic Generations by Turret3471
Favorite Projects
View all- For @Turret3471 by rachelrocks168
- 2 years on scratch! by burgerman64
- 2 Years on Scratch! by DJMario27
- Block Defender 2 V.3 by burgerman64
- MEME by PixelCreeper007
- Animated Screensaver: Creative Circles by TheScratch8
- Turret Advance sprites by burgerman64
- Scratch Generations by Minion108
- To Stop a Gaben by imaminer99bro
- I Can't Get Off! by FuzzFerretTM
- Zelda CDI Animation by zanker100
- Why 11% is worse than 1% by Hobson-TV
- Jared by TeamYoshi64
- Randomynesserz 6 by scratchU8
- Misteryt1's Weegee sprite V2 by misteryt1
- Bomberman v1.0 by griffpatch
- Papyrus...? by Pickleodeon
- Happy Birthday, Turret3471! by Benamax
- Can of Worms by PullJosh
- Donald Turnip by Pika-Girl03
Studios I'm Following
View all- eggman fans only!
- ♡ DJMario27's Studio ♡
- sonic.exe Studio
- Satoru Iwata Forever
- Celebrate 10 Million Projects: Past, Present, Future
- The Linkle Army
- Thx Hogroik
- the michael rosen studio
- Chadtronic Fan Games!
- Agent Hyper: Dawn of the Dweebs VIDEO GAME
- Turret 3471 Poses
- Super Mario Bros. for SEGA Genesis Full Soundtrack
- Create a Super Hero!
- Official Benamax Studio
- Once Upon a Dinner...
- The Awesome Studio 2.0
- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Studios I Curate
- The Sonic Mania Studio!
- This studio is no longer necessary
- Chadtronic Fanclub
- Impressions
- eggman fans only!
- Gaming Studio
- Music
- HyperSonicFan Official Studio
- Secure, Contain, Protect.
- Gamers HQ
- sonic is awesome
- Flowey Voice Needed. (Flowey Tryouts.)
- Pixel Adventure Series
- Team Fortress 2
- SEGA Mega Drive Music (セガメガドライブミュージック)
- All Minecraft Players on Earth
- De3zies followers #SpringTrapAndPlushtrapAndMangs
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