Scratcher Joined 4 years, 1 month ago United Kingdom
About me
30 Oct 2020 - 18 Nov 2022
I officially left the NBC Community on the 13th January 2024
What I'm working on
this account is abandoned.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- 4 years! (already?!?!) by TeamNumberblocks
- I am officially leaving the NBC Community (2024) by TeamNumberblocks
- (very late) three years on scratch! by TeamNumberblocks
- a block! by TeamNumberblocks
- GOOD NEWS..... by TeamNumberblocks
- Should I come back on Scratch? by TeamNumberblocks
- i am shutting down this account. by TeamNumberblocks
- SECOND YEAR ON SCRATCH! (yes i know it's late by a week) by TeamNumberblocks
- Announcement by TeamNumberblocks
- i have something to tell you. by TeamNumberblocks
- Day 1: History of Numberblocks (04/04/22) by TeamNumberblocks
- riddle that you can't solve... hehe:) by TeamNumberblocks
- IMPORTANT NB ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! by TeamNumberblocks
- High Five Club Members (NO MORE REQUESTS) by TeamNumberblocks
- What is the best thing you have done in 2021? by TeamNumberblocks
- IT'S MY FIRST YEAR! by TeamNumberblocks
- One Off a Square Members by TeamNumberblocks
- My 5 new Numberblocks! by TeamNumberblocks
- Square with 4 Holes Members by TeamNumberblocks
- Rate my Sixty-One! by TeamNumberblocks
Favorite Projects
View all- Just a quick question. by trexzachary14
- This week has been bad to me. by trexzachary14
- Numberblocks Full Sneeze 81 (FIXED) by Roman-Reigns_x03
- Rate my Sixty-One! by TeamNumberblocks
- Numberblocks Ratings from 1 to 28 (My opinion) - By NumberVectors by NumberVectors
- <[| Numberblocks Band but 1000s |]> by MrBrianfyScratch720
- Numbertubes Band 5 (Version 2 + For HarryTheCreator) by TTPTANBAAHF2021
- Numbertubes Band 4 (Version 2 + For HarryTheCreator) by TTPTANBAAHF2021
- Numberblocks Band Eighths 7 (Version 2 + For MrBond) by atakan9
- Numbertubes Band Halves 19 by Justin_Mok
- Numberblocks Band Quarters 22 (For MrBond,MBS720 and ReturnOfGlitchers) by atakan9
- Numberblocks Band Sixteenths 7.0625-8 by Trioctoblock24
- Numberblocks Band Eighths 7 Fixed MrBond & HarryTheCreator & MrBrianfy scrath 720 remix by atakan9
- Numberblock The Rest of 2970s by Vonaverse_Lopez
- Numberblock The Rest of 2900s by Vonaverse_Lopez
- Numberblocks Band Sixteenths 8.0625-9 by Trioctoblock24
- Numberblocks Band Sixteenths up to 1 Retro by javenlevi
- Numberblocks Band Eighths 4 (Version 2 + ForMrBond) by atakan9
- Numberblocks Band Eighths 3 (Version 2 + For MrBond + DARKER BACKDROP!) by atakan9
- Numberblocks Band Eighths 2 (Version 2 + For MrBond) by atakan9
Studios I'm Following
View all- The Numberblocks Studio
- The Numberblocks Community Studio
- Numberblocks Bases Studio
- MrHarry(Brianfy)Scratch720 Official Games
- United (Base 1) Numberblocks
- Binary (Base 2) Numberblocks
- Ternary (Base 3) Numberblocks
- Quadary (Base 4) Numberblocks
- Quintanary (Base 5) Numberblocks
- Senary (Base-6) Numberblocks
- Septanary (Base-7) Numberblocks
- #NumberblocksBaseCollab Studio
- Numberblock Twenty-Three
- Numberblocks Band Quarters By TheReturnOfJog
- Numberblock One Hundred and Ninety!
- The Real Retro Numberblocks Studio (READ DESC)
- Scratch Community Wall Studio
- The Project Studio
- Let’s Keep @wario100!
- Numbertubes Band (All)
Studios I Curate
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