Sonar_The_Scratcher » Favorites (93)
Slime Smash Ultimate by theChAOTiC
Ice on the Clock v0.7 by JYg3_
Welcome To McDonalds (Remake) - #animations #stories #art #music #all by -FunnyToons-
the ultimate battle by T1D4L
Splatoon スプラトゥーン by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Splatoon Countdown スプラトゥーン by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
St. Patrick's Day (ft. TurtleAnimator21) #trending #all #animations #stories #art #music by IncognitoOrange
The CLICK by TurtleAnimator21
Ruins by -Andye-
The Knight 3 | V1.1! #all #games #art #1 by ChocolateMilkStudios
Untitled-69 by Pen-AAA
Slap battles glove test by Gameofcodes
Annoying Siblings by CooIScratcher
Wall Runner Ultimate (v1.1) by theChAOTiC
Demon Skies (v1.15) by theChAOTiC
Fire & Ice [Season 2] by theChAOTiC
Ducktales Theme Song(New Version) by ThunderRiolu27
~DuckTales Moon Theme Remake~ by landonyoo
Wheres Mom? (Animations Meme) by nampinanathali
Gravity Bricks 4 by Game-Cloud
Block Breaker v1.23 by -_CR7_-
Would you save Scratch Cat? remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by Sus_Ace_Scratches
City Run #Games #All (Entry) by yoshihome
Learn to make Idlis! - An Interactive Recipe Game | _Lemon_Life_ | by _Lemon_Life_
Scratch anime opening - pico rises saga by mr_snowbuddy
sratch cat be like #animations #stories #art #music #All #games #funny #shorts by -Melon-Toons-
Add yourself singing FINALE (0) by wackyzac2
Random Stuff #relatable #animations #Kanyewest by eathonyao
Make A PFP by Hamsterspiderman
The Evil Lymon by Hoofedcheetah10
Penalty Shots (Football) #All by yoshihome
Lightsaber Laboratory 2 (v2.0) by HollowGoblin
scratch anime opening gobo saga by mr_snowbuddy
Make Me Your Radio (Scratch Remake) by Flippy445
STAR TO GET A FOLLOW! [CLOSED] by stickmanscracther
The Spring Festival by -Days-
Ballistic Chickens by -ezbreez-
MR.Stick Man Platformer by 9cj9
The Scratch 3.0 Show: GameStop (fanmade) by Aisamgamer8315
Lightning Clicker! (BETA) by Sonar_The_Scratcher
yu-gi-oh music by anime_fanatic_2002
The Adventurer | A Platformer by IsaacProductionz
Kirby Inhales Scratchers by CodeKirby
My New Outro! by Sonar_The_Scratcher
Tetr-Itch by Greenpixel16
Geometry Dash Levels 9-13 by CrystalKeeper7
Hot Chocolate Simulator #games #all by dahdoggo
WARNING: Robots 3.2 by -BirdieAnimates-
Yes Milk アニメ by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Robin Hoppe: Ace Attorney :: Part 1 by CAPHE10
Fighter jet 3D by Peninsular
Scratch Combat | v2.0 by M_axj
Scratchimé - Ep. 1: We Fight Again by Sus_Ace_Scratches
Weegee Clones himself by halow365
The Super Mario Bros. Movie COUNTDOWN! V4.0 by jaxonmarioman
meem animatic thing (another filler sorry) by lisabc
Missile jump! by supercoolvm23
Bomberman v1.0 by griffpatch
Logo for @Sonar_The_Scratcher by Logo-Maker_0630
REVENGE!!!! animation by -_Chibi_Animations_-