Shimmer_the_Slyveon » Favorites (24)
Music Maker by pooky2007
sorry but.. by Shade-absol
Shiping me with other eeveelutions by Hunter_the_Leafeon
Chibi Base 2.0 by _DJUmbreon_
(MESSAGE)) Demo Reel Intro (FOR SCHOOL) by _TinyEevee_
Doctor | PMV by Nutupita
`Heather presenting in Trouble` by puppydogpall
Heather ~ AMV by SkittlesTheBunny
Hi! this is Me by Skyla_the_Sylveon
Hey Kids | amv by Nutupita
Eyes Blue | mini amv by Nutupita
Rainbow by stego2010
Remix if you would take it in by 58637a
2 birds on a wire MAP (3 PARTS LEFT) by Lina_the_cute_kitty
|2 birds on a wire MAP | part 15 | by FenalinFoxx
The Lineless Art Studio - TNE by WingsOfFireGalaxyQwQ
The Lineless Art Studio - Thumbnail submissions by ivie-
Small Two Birds by Shimmer_the_Slyveon
2 birds on a wire MAP//5 by PrettyPlease_
Eevee Transformation: Umbreon by -ForeverFree-
Nya Nya Song With Espeon And Umbreon!!!! by WhiteWolf100
Me! by Shimmer_the_Slyveon
f2u base lol by pichu1DERP
FIRST PROJECT!! by Shimmer_the_Slyveon