Scratcher Joined 2 years, 9 months ago Brazil
About me
nem to mais usando o scratch
What I'm working on
eu tava trabalhando no btu mas desisti pq o primeiro não teve a quantidade de visualizações estimada
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (20)
View all- BTU: The game [v0.1.2] {OFICIAL} by Sapaokkk
- scrolling platformer test mas eu adicionei mais coisa by Sapaokkk
- k by Sapaokkk
- rml 29 (muito poggers) by Sapaokkk
- SC Battles remix by Sapaokkk
- rml 27 by Sapaokkk
- especial de 153 seguidores by Sapaokkk
- teh bois by Sapaokkk
- DIGA BYE BYE (repost) by Sapaokkk
- mark...don't make it!?!?! remix by Sapaokkk
- Untitled-2 by Sapaokkk
- Add yourself/your oc singing Crazy-Pizza Reshaped (0) by Sapaokkk
- entendedores entenderão by Sapaokkk
- Add yourself singing Encounter Reskin (0) by Sapaokkk
- Untitled by Sapaokkk
- '-' by Sapaokkk
- S P I N . by Sapaokkk
- i know your IP adress Remake by Sapaokkk
- ╱╱▏┈┈╱╱╱╱▏╱╱▏ ▇╱▏┈┈▇▇▇╱▏▇╱▏ ▇╱▏▁┈▇╱▇╱▏▇╱▏▁ ▇╱╱╱▏▇╱▇╱▏▇╱╱╱ ▇▇▇╱┈▇▇▇╱┈▇▇▇╱ by Sapaokkk
- Mommy Long Legs by Sapaokkk
Favorite Projects
View all- quacko no estilo de outros scratchers:1 by QuackoPaodooce
- Mini Fer está eletrico by Fernandotafnf
- [Undertale] - The Final Experiment by LucasBr003
- [Undertale] - Ultra Sans [Reupload] by LucasBr003
- Bora Toma Uma The game [v0.1.2 Alpha] by heitor-so-trivium
- Top 10 jogos by SuperDavi2-0Ultimate
- FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN' || Meek Engine || VERSION 0.5.0 by Meekaryo
- Friday Night Funkin' || Editor with chart editor V1.0.0 by Meekaryo
- My Own FNF engine! (Mobile Friendly!) by HighBlueYT
- Undertale Mobile Sans Battle!! CharMainor mobile by CharMainor4444
- [Undertale Mobile] OMNILOVANIA Battle by MrIsaacCreator
- Undertale: battle engine - Empty Edition by SteveTheNarwhal
- scrolling platformer test v1 by heitor-so-trivium
- Plataformer Engine 2.0 by JeNaRoX_2
- 360º Plataformer #games #all by AlbertttGG_BBQ
- Oversight cover test by SuperDavi2-0Ultimate
- Gabriel Monteiro by M2K-NUNU_2008
- Bora Toma Uma: The Game - Completo Fanmade by OutroAnonimoQualquer
- Undertale : Last Breath OST by Tota83
- a laranja irritante com a maçã rabugenta by manu_3345
Studios I'm Following
View all- Projetos bonitos dos amigos e de todos
- Stop
- posting
- About
- TikToks do Scratch
- GDF impressa de jogos
- Vincent's Studios
- Add Yourself Singing Wednesday's Infidelity Part Two
- .
- Basically every ays in exsistence
- AYS Public
- baller gang!!!! (also a chat studio)
- Add any project you have seen
- Add Whatever
- Respondendo perguntas
- estúdio para os desconhecidos
- HOG PFP CULTඞ the relaxing area
Studios I Curate
View all- Projetos bonitos dos amigos e de todos
- pessoas kkkk
- meuz amiguin
- super smash heitorsant
- Bora toma 1: O Jogo REVIVAL
- Comunidade BR e PT Ativa!
- Among Us
- Estúdio de Projetos
- Jogos
- GDF impressa de jogos
- SC Battles Championship
- El océano/The ocean
- ⵌ Moon's castle ‹3
- caixa de mansagens
- lets add all the managers and curators ever
- nyan cat studioBR
- Friday Night Funkin' playble - v1
- FNF Ronaldo Mario
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