Scratcher Joined 1 month, 2 weeks ago France
About me
Avant que je ne commence , auriez vous l’amabilité DE VOUS ABONNEZ !!!
J’accepte le f4f jusqu’à que j’ai 50 followers
A 50 followers je ferai un voice reveal
À 10000 followers face reveal XD
What I'm working on
Je travaille sur …
Nn je rigole je travaille jamais hehehehe
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Sinon je fais du basketball ( j’ai un bon niveau sans me vanter XD )
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (32)
View all- Untitled-2 by Natpro_21
- Wait the end by Natpro_21
- Untitled by Natpro_21
- 40 followers !!! by Natpro_21
- Poor kit … part 2 by Natpro_21
- When I am in class … by Natpro_21
- Dance scratch by Natpro_21
- Space trip by Natpro_21
- La danse de forêt by Natpro_21
- This project will be the most liked by Natpro_21
- Yokai-watch song by Natpro_21
- Bonbons d’Halloween by Natpro_21
- Concours + chanson de caca by Natpro_21
- Colors tower online by Natpro_21
- Quel dessin animé concours by Natpro_21
- Meme chipi chipi chapa chapa + caca qui marche by Natpro_21
- F A Q by Natpro_21
- Peinture by Natpro_21
- Les emojis de scratch !!! by Natpro_21
Favorite Projects
- Untitled-2 by Natpro_21
- Mini Golf Online! #StratfordJames by StratfordJames
- Wait the end by Natpro_21
- Untitled by Natpro_21
- amanda the adventurer but bad by IncognitoOrange
- Animations by NormanTheGamer
- WITH YOUR TEETH by c7xbox
- ☁️ Among Us Scratch v3.21 (online) by TimMcCool
- Jester Mod ☁️ Among Us Scratch v0.27 (online) by TimMcCool
- 40 followers !!! by Natpro_21
- HAHA | MEME by wxtermelxn
- Poor kit … part 2 by Natpro_21
- When I am in class … by Natpro_21
- Dance scratch by Natpro_21
- v1.13 (#1) by griffpatch
- The Imitator 3 collab1⚡️|✨Countdown✨| #Animation#stick-fight#countdown#soon#story#art#all by orageux55
- Space trip by Natpro_21
- Change Color #game by syousinsyadesu
- Yokai-watch song by Natpro_21
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
View all- Astucieux Studio ALPHA
- Studio Nora
- La petite bande à Mumuche ʸᵃʸ♪o((〃∇〃o))
- la team des déjantés
- Luflufmilkman73 Official Studio
- Énorme tombola cadeau super
- The Blue the Rabbit Studio
- Conversation de garçon
- Leo7Z’s studio
- (~ ̄(OO) ̄)ブ
- It's not a popular studio (❌)
- Team Coca
- -Studio TOMBOLA-
- Unicorn Poop
- Studio des francophones (FR ,BE ,CH ,CDN)
- Studio Ecolo
- Concours de projet contre la pollution des eaux
- ✨ La Rou...tte tourne ! ✨ | ✨Tombola ! ✨[OUVERTE]
- e
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