Scratcher Joined 6 years, 4 months ago Sweden
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (59)
View all- random music 2 by MetaName
- random music 1 by MetaName
- prime number generator by MetaName
- Cool sine waves by MetaName
- Worley noise by MetaName
- Maze by MetaName
- Knots by MetaName
- Decision game by MetaName
- The Troxler mirror by MetaName
- Polygon flower by MetaName
- Rainbow squares by MetaName
- Rainbow circles by MetaName
- Moving afterimage by MetaName
- Encryption by MetaName
- Simple audio visualizer experiment by MetaName
- Random picture generator by MetaName
- Physics engine by MetaName
- Forest parallax by MetaName
- Programming language v. 0.1 by MetaName
- Noodles by MetaName
Favorite Projects
View all- Flying Blind by TheGreenFlash
- Multitasking game v1.1 by ssamtkwon
- Scratch Links by Philipuss
- Complete Platformer Engine (92 Blocks) by -Rex-
- Raycaster by -Rex-
- 100%pen Linux by franceware
- Reflections 2.0 by sticku
- Frame Dragging by DarthPickley
- Hyperbolix by kc021
- Point Clusterer (k-means) by Nishpish
- Getting Over It - Hammer Only Mod by laurensp22
- [Scratch 3] 3D Tutorial Part 2 : Transformations by MathMathMath
- Non-Euclidean Lemon Grab Experiment by griffpatch
- Hyperbolic Raycast (test) by uiopscratch327
- Poincare Disk / Hyperbolic Geometry Test by uiopscratch327
- Easy power block by henharm
- 4D Shapes (12) by great24
- 4D Analogies by great24
- relational database of sprites by DarthPickley
- Real Projective Plane - 100% Pen ✎ by Turtle1331
Studios I'm Following
View all- Ray Madness
- My Ray Tracing Projects
- Art With(out) Limits Challenge!
- 3D Tutorials a la Scratch-Minion
- Polyhedrons Polyhedra Polyhedron Studio
- Advanced pen project
- Play Physics
- The Pen Revolution
- Hacked Blocks and Custom Blocks
- Engines and Bases
- Lindenmayer Systems!
- tosh projects
- 3D Framework: step-by-step
- Griffpatch's Tutorial and Example Projects
- ೭ Quality Tutorial / Guide ೨
- Speed tests - how to do things faster!
- The Nut Squad
- Untitled Studio
- Mysteries of recursive functions
- Project Corpus
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