Scratcher Joined 11 months ago United States
About me
Hi, I'm Jevil
My favorite bands is: Green Day ofc
Favorite guitar: Ibanez tim henson signature
Pokemon fan
Deltarune fan
In a metal band
What I'm working on
SHOUTOUT TO @--Nene_Kusanagi--
They are hella underrated and have half as many folowers as me, go follow them.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (60)
View all- High quality project by Jevil_Deltarne
- meme by Jevil_Deltarne
- me when: by Jevil_Deltarne
- Untitled-1 by Jevil_Deltarne
- Remix this project for Yeetachu's charity! by Jevil_Deltarne
- another lazy nirvana meme for my homies by Jevil_Deltarne
- When Nirvana is freaky by Jevil_Deltarne
- WE NEED 1 MORE FOLLOWER by Jevil_Deltarne
- Come as you are near exact settings by Jevil_Deltarne
- silly pokemon by Jevil_Deltarne
- 《 ALL MY FELLAS 》☆《 template 》 remix by Jevil_Deltarne
- Justice for Yoshi. by Jevil_Deltarne
- “ The Clockwork Carnival ” [ SIGN UPS ] remix by Jevil_Deltarne
- Anya edit but it's teen spirit <3 by Jevil_Deltarne
- Sign if your a "Band Geek" or "Orchestra Nerd"! remix remix by Jevil_Deltarne
- dice dragon thingy by Jevil_Deltarne
- Add Yourself During A School Fight remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix :p by Jevil_Deltarne
- Add YourSelf lol... remix remix remix remix remix rem remix remix remix by Jevil_Deltarne
- This is it boisengirls. by Jevil_Deltarne
- @YeetachuAnimation knows I exist by Jevil_Deltarne
Favorite Projects
View all- American Idiot Bonus Tracks - Green Day by ipark6079
- [Old] Metallic Madness Animated by LunarBiohazard
- Jevil interaction test 1 by Jevil_Deltarne
- Summer Soda: Carnival Minigames // #games by babe_ri400
- SCRATCH SLANDER 2!! #Animations [reupload lol] by SquidyTheOne
- Raise an Emu! ver 2.2 by TILDECHU
- raise tsukasa by isimpforkapi
- Hardwired... To Self-Destruct - Metallica by PB_Boi
- Undertale: Last Breath Simulator by torremolinos
- all my fellas by golden_rod
- Donald Trump - Mewing Simulator [1K VISITS] by Pilla_pilla190
- Nirvana songs by TNO_Luck
- Anya edit by Sofi211211
- Add YourSelf lol... remix remix remix remix remix rem remix remix remix by Jevil_Deltarne
- Metallica Songs by TheSkyrimPro998
- Defend The Crab v2.4 by kingcrab016
- craig fights off the assault reupload by kingcrab016
- king crab's license by kingcrab016
- Untitled by kingcrab016
- Meme Mania by GarboMarvin
Studios I'm Following
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