Scratcher Joined 3 years, 9 months ago United States
About me
Hello, folks! It’s be, Jereoics! I’m so glad you arrived! I am an average user on Scratch.
What I'm working on
Projects, and СРБ episodes (formerly) in @Es_Er_Beh.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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One More To Go… by Jereoics
Day Lore | Friday-Saturday by Jereoics
Coming Soon… by Jereoics
I don’t have that many ideas… by Jereoics
Day Lore | Friday by Jereoics
My reaction to the episode that is reshared as a joke: by Jereoics
Day Lore | Thursday by Jereoics
Spanish M 2.0 and 3.0! by Jereoics
Day Lore | Wednesday by Jereoics
СРБ if it was ALBTWIAIOF! by Jereoics
J (PRIMERA PARTE) by Jereoics
Proof that O is becoming nicer: by Jereoics
This is why F is the new project. by Jereoics
Day Lore | Tuesday by Jereoics
Oh, ok. by Jereoics
Stay Tuned! by Jereoics
Prototype A’s transformation be like: by Jereoics
Transformation example for my Spanish Lore. by Jereoics
Should I revive SRB? by Jereoics
SPANISH OST: La Persecución de W by Jereoics
Favorite Projects
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I am officially changing my OC. by the_amazing_maia
Merging Circles by papipupepappa
Don't Love This Project! by FireTeller
Is that a new user icon that I see? by ebn011
Stretchy Scratch by papipupepappa
"Catch" the Snowflakes by bour0152
Alphabet Lore but Number Lore by dwtdir
Icelandic Alphabet Lore by wario100
Д by PseudoAnimator512
Czech Alphabet Lore by PidiAmo
Wave of Clones by heldlaw
Black History Month Wave of Clones by Chumie
Alex's Birthday Art Contest! by Alex_the_Explorer
russialore in ohio (ALL CHARACTERS) by rbrtmappjr2014
Mini!Russialore in ohio Set by PiggyHasAwoken
Guess what!? MORE FONTS!! by SuperNoah964
Super smart club Russian lowercase alphabet lore sound effects (A-Я) copy by BackpackAiden
Super smart club Russian alphabet lore sound effects (A-Я) by BackpackAiden
How BazMannBach would (most likely) design a Chamblic Lore by wario100
obligatory fanmade thirties and forties in G7 by DodecaD12
Studios I'm Following
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✨follow this studio if you like creating projects!✨
Ralr's Official files
Jereoics Zone
Jereoics’ Spanish Lore 6.0
Russian Alphabet Lore
Türk Alfabesi Bilgeliği: The Series
Aircat's Birthday Party Studio
jimmy carter
Numbersets - Generation 6 Reissued - Fanmades
✨ Follow if Sprunki is overrated ✨
the 500,000,000 projects ever
Anythingblocks Community (A.B.C.)
I Can't Believe My Eyes!
Scratch_EMT's Cyrillic Lores
Glitchy's Free Sounds Studio
Numbersets: Generation 7 [RESTARTED]
Erĭháçken Alfábítʏa Lŏr Rúslʏaka (A-"...)
Поредицата На Българската Азбука
Studios I Curate
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Jereoics Zone
Jereoics’ Spanish Lore 6.0
Поредицата На Българската Азбука
The Jereoics Fanclub!
Jereoics’s New Number Lore: The Series
Steps and Plans to Save the Lore Community
Cyrilliverse Studio 2: ITS BACC
Russian Alphabet Lore
STOP cannibalism.
Scarlet's project and friends wonderland
Follow If You Are Against Enwcjo.
What's an Augusto
Follow if your name is not Windows ME
Fanmade elements (Peron's version)
Leomations Languages Lore's
Follow This Studio If Your Name Ain't AlexisJ153984
Symbol adventures (LA, MA, and more!)
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