JAPAN_on_Scratch » Favorites (53)
Powercard Hub | V2.0 by AlexStudiosinc
A Mystery Melody by deweypointjr
Mystery Melody by papipupepappa
Commenting Bloop on random scratcher profiles pt 13 by bunnyCoder16
Cube Creator by CodingPileOfDirt
Scratch Cat bops around the world! by 2ndCeocali
Luxembourg's Banana Car Craziness! (5) by 2ndCeocali
Playground Island but better by digiped45
Hydh'n'Zeeck by 3rdCeocali
Dino learns to break his PC by 2ndCeocali
Dino Throws Controllers by digiped45
Comparison of Pen Color & Color Effect Multiples by papipupepappa
Remix: Off to England! by papipupepappa
Friends Packing! by Palmossi
All Scratch Characters by papipupepappa
This. by oooot5rises_again
Simple Shape Packing by papipupepappa
Dino gets trolled by MySingingMaws
When some unkown thing pops up be like... by almond07
kriblo stands with Ukraine by kriblo_test
Whose Silhouette? by papipupepappa
スクラえもん (Scraemon) by papipupepappa
Skratch Kat by papipupepappa
Scratchfield by papipupepappa
面白い瞬間 by JAPAN_on_Scratch
Windows OS Maker v2.32 by DV1232c
Cat Parade War! You VS CPU Online: Robo-Mochi by Diavox5
Stop Kirby Abuse remix-3 by Caliceo
Jump In The CaaC by 2ndCeocali
ono remix by 2ndCeocali
Scratch Slots remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by 2ndCeocali
Add yourself in the beanboozled challenge! (11) by MySingingMaws
kkk by Caliceo
Scratch キャンプ 2019: 第1ステージ by yorissen
Scratch キャンプ 2019 よこく by yorissen
MSM Sanctuary (Beta V1.0.0) by digiped45
Cat Block Sanctuary (Beta V1.3.3) by Real_Phoenix
8-Bit Music Maker by hmnwilson
-----t--- Island-Peaneck by K102008
Comic sans font by THE_PUNMASTER-SANS
___i____ Island- schreeball by see_mee_goo
Statue by digiped45
_n______ Island- sʇoᗡ (Updateddddddddddddd) remix by K102008
-------d Island - Headleece by roymaster10
Shibewow on Meme willows (full song) by _Steps_
My Aura Sprites W.I.P by ibbymalik
Tomomoto doesn't like bunk beds by digiped45
iPhone風 スマホ by -RAPIPI0212-
エレベーター by SYOUI-2
Untitled-49 by Caliceo
Neeg and Hlau-Beat Island by MSM235
ピタゴラ装置(Pitagora equipment) by praplane
PicoBob BloopPants: The Something Krab by Caliceo