CreativeKitty2010 » Favorites (1219)
?mode=trending by Bakon_Animations
Burger platformer By MohamadBD (Mobile friendly) by MohamadBD
Plagiarize But Scratch Characters Sing It #Games #Games #Music #trending #Animation by gyanem
Desert - A Collab With @Ghostusters! #Games #All #All #All #All #All by SDG_YouTube
競猫 〜けいにゃん〜 by kamenomelon
Agent One || Mobile Scrolling Adventure || #games #art #animations #stories #music-2 by AsterixDavid
griffpatch sound board by Castle_Hippopotamus
Me after badminton by lisabc
Holiday Mini Games by pooshcthecoder
Q & A Answers! by Berricake
;_; Valentine's Day Sadness by cartooncreator
DONT WATCH THIS #animations #all by superpebbleman
Butterfly (Pen) by haruni459
Bjorne's Quest - A platformer by Bjorne
Pumpkin Peril by squarepoint
TYSM!!! we got our first goal of 500 views and 100 likes/stars!!! by SMiik1
Technoblade Never Dies, may he Rest In Peace remix by SMiik1
f4f by SMiik1
Shifting Sands | A Game by TheTurtleOfWar
Chalk or Cheese v1.7 by RubiksRocker
Catch The Toast by racapaca99
English to Spanish! Translator! :) by racapaca99
Scratch Cat Adventure! #All #Games by taiyaki-taiyaki
Pen Designs by Ninja_Pizza
Double Pendulum by proprogrammer44
The Impossible Game by code221
Manage a Restaurant! by fluffkeys
Bake a Cookie...Or Not. by fluffkeys
Learn About Scratch Blocks! by abcde1234qwe
Ballerina Dress-Up by primrosepink1
L00P - A Time Manipulation Puzzle Game by ProfessorUelf
Collection of Paleoart by MicroAnimate7527
How to pick colors for a tutorial! ¦ Tutorial by Brawlblast
Pfp for @CreativeKitty2010 by TopPfps-2010
"there are too many legs" by Finfunley
Car Dash by ChewingFruitGum
Level EATEN! - v0.12 by griffpatch
I'M BAAAAAAACKKKKKK :) by CreativeKitty2010
+100 followers contest - Pizza Baker Freeplay by levlio12345
polar equations by lolucky
Mars mission Ver 1.0 by nerdy5000
What Animal Are You? by doglover579
What Lollipop Flavor Are You? | Quiz by strawberrixxx
Infini-Hippo by Castle_Hippopotamus
Dreams:Anything Can Happen (Scratch Week 2) by SuniAlt
The Luckiest Scratcher v1.0 by griffpatch
Griffpatch's Blue Line Filter by griffpatch
Cat Caves [arguably non euclidean platformer] by Joyoforigami
3D Rubik's Cube Interactive by Mathekalender_st1974
Interview: Scratcher's Favorite Projects by ThePhantomAnimator
A Watched Pot Never Boils mobile friendly by Hinox
Lightsaber Factory by RememberNovember
Lake Monster by nachetes
My First Clicker Game!!!!!! by racapaca99
☪︎ All about Ramadan by Bizzybee--
vibe room ⋆ interactive art by dxscmfrt
YouTube Tycoon by Silverdroid
Lupin VS Umbridge by Elphaba20
testing pen by i_like_cats_ok