Stop Bullies! #TheyAffectRealLifes
Anyone who has ever been bullied, join this studio. People who want to stop bullies, join this studio. People who bully, PLEASE STOP! Add projects and show people what you feel like about this stuff! STAND UP FOR YOURSELF! I would love seeing a bunch of projects. INVITE YOUR BUDDIES! ~Keylala #BullyingStopsHere! ADD YOUR THOUGHTS UNDER THIS LINE AND TELL WHO U ARE! --------------------------------------- Bullying needs to stop! As in, today! At my school I joined a commitee of kids who patrol the hallways and stuff to help stop bullying. I think everyone needs to do something to stop bullying, and the people who do that best are the ones that have been bullied! If you have been bullied, just stand up for your self and don't just sit there while someone bullies you! Don't just sit there, make a difference that will change the way people think about bullying and show everyone what bullying is not right! ~Megabeth15 (call me Liz) If you see someone at school who is getting bullied help them don't be afraid to stand up for people!~Keylala STOP BULLYING! It's WRONG! People get arrested for cyberbullying! ~xXRamenmasterXx