Skyclan and Darkclan RPG! (Warriors Cats)
NEWS: @Littlerock12 is now a manager! The Skyclan and Darkclan RPG will 'mingle' with Littlerock12's RPG, Breezeclan, at Gatherings! Sky has become Ragestar's mate and taken up the role of a Darkclan warrior named Fallensky. She still sends messages, though! Night and Frost have become Darkclan apprentices, Nightpaw and Frostpaw! Congrats! Next Gathering: BEING DETERMINED! Warriors RPG is sorta light vs. Dark. Here, there are two clans, Skyclan & Darkclan. Skyclan: Skyclan lives in forests. Their camp in in a giant hollow tree, surrounded by 5 other hollow trees. They have wings & can fly to catch their prey. They don't use their wings much, however. They think that it's a bit OP. Darkclan: Darkclan live underground in tunnels of stone, with were carved out from an ancient river, which is now a small underwater stream. In the center of all the tunnels is a large stone cavern which has a hole in the roof to produce light. There is a highledge on one of the walls. They can get to the land above through the tunnels. They can see in the dark as though it were day, & sometimes have wings (like Ragestar has wings). There are, however, cats which are not in either clan. They are messangers & traders, both Skyclan & Darkclan cannot attack them, for it is against their code. SKYCLAN Leader: Lionstar (@GreenDarner) Deputy: Sparrowfeather (@WarriorsCatsRulez) Med Cat: Dewsoft (@JayFeatha) Med Cat Apprentice: Fernpaw (@Alim6) Warriors: Renpelt (@petalfur2000) Skyheart (@VriskaFan) Cherryleaf (@Hamster92) Ghosteye (@Vriskafan) Goldenstorm (@GreenDarner) Hawksong (@seththeseathdragon) Windclaw (@Streamfall) Sapphirewing (@Russetwing_N_Tawny) Blazeheart (@blazeheart543) stormflight (@stormclaw35) Apprentices: Cloverpaw (@amelialovewarriors) Lightpaw (@Derpymailpony) Queens & Kits: Icekit (@missyb7605) Stormkit (@GreenDarner) Elders: Onefoot (@Rain-Productions) DARKCLAN Leader: Ragestar (@Frosteyes) Mate- Fallensky (@Sky_Amberjade) Deputy: Lilyear (@lilykit) Med Cat: Shadetail (@petalfur2000) Med Cat Apprentice: Larkpaw (@BrimHeart) Warriors: Scorchflame (@amelialovewarriors) Raggedclaw (@GreenDarner) Stealthfoot (@Eyolf2013) Fallensky (@Sky_Amberjade) Mate- Ragestar (@Frosteyes) Ryestalk (@WateryStumpy) Runningshadow (@Russetwing_N_Tawny) Apprentices: Queens & Kits: Shadowfeather (@amelialovewarriors) Deathkit-@Falconkit Amberkit (@Streamfall) Sparrowmoon (@Rain-Productions) Bloodkit (@stormclaw35) Elders: MESSANGERS & TRADERS Fallensky (@Sky_Amberjade) Swiftclaw (@GreenDarner) Twine(@amelialovewarriors) Mooncloud (@tealpanda2014) Greenspark (@WateryStumpy) Swiftwind (@Streamfall) KITTYPETS, ROGUES, & LONERS Night (@TigerSmilez) Frost (@TigerSmilez) Pigeon (@WateryStumpy) STARCLAN Shadestar (Darkclan leader) Brightstar (Skyclan leader) Anjay (one of Sky's brothers) Spottedshadow (Skyclan Med cat) Larktail (Darkclan Med cat) Sunbreeze (Skyclan Elder) Redgem (Darkclan Elder) Nightstar (DarkClan leader) Lizardpaw (@seththedeathdragon) DARK FOREST Echoshine (Darkclan warrior) Moonclaw (Skyclan warrior) Streakfur (former Messanger) Minnow (former Trader) Mossheart (Darkclan Queen) Jadewind (Skyclan Queen) Ravenheart (former Darkclan Deputy, but died attacking Shadestar) Flare (Fallensky's sister, makes her go in DF, but Fallensky isn't loyal to them) Stone (one of Fallensky's brothers, tried to murder her but was instead killed by Fallensky, now works with Flare) Stonepool (Greenspark's brother, former Darkclan deputy)