Warriors -Waterfall Territory- (Rp)
Due to inactivity, I consider this studio dead. I am so thankful for everyone who was a part of this studio, thank you so much. I am making a new one though. This was my first studio ever, and looking at it nearly a year later, I am proud of it. Thank you for everything. This is a Warriors role-play studio! The clans listed are the ones in this studio. These clans are not in the books other than Starclan & The Dark Forest (Not really a clan but you get the point). (I did not make the picture for this -_-) Clans :3 Nightclan- Leader- Lunarstar @A_Piece_of_Cardboard Deputy- Demobilizationfoot Medicine- @litlikelitten Lighttail, Duststripe @666_helo_666 Elders- Narutopelt Queens- Ravenclaw @FlyingSalmon113 Warriors- @litlikelitten Blizzardclaw, @litlikelitten Snowfoot, Heatherleap @litlikelittten, @litlikelitten Mountainleap Apprentices- Cherrypaw @gpcatm, Chesnutpaw @gpcatm, Firepaw @100025373, Scortchpaw @litlikelitten Kits- Lakekit @666_helo_666, Rubblekit @666_helo_666 Dustclan- Leader- @Dawn-Reaper Risingstar Deputy- @flompy Stoneheart Medicine- Yumspine @CringyRobloxPlaxer Elders- (Available) Queens- (None) Warriors- Wildclaw @Fnafmanglelover, Hawkwind @666_helo_666 Apprentices- (None) Kits- (None) Mapleclan- Leader- @Fnafmanglelover Goldstar Deputy- @Anniken-hates-sand Astershade Medicine- @SinglePringle66 Sugarleaf Elders- (None) Queens- (None) Warriors- (None) Apprentices- Shadepaw @666_helo_666 Kits- Flamekit @666_helo_666 The Scarlet Rogues- Leader- Toxic Second in command- Blaze (until someone else wants to be) Defenders- Roxy Loners- Scruffy Kittypets- Dusty Pine Starclan- @ultrayorkie27 Skylily, Palestar (Claw), Toxicstar (Claw) The Dark Forest- Darkthroat, Grey (Claw) Rules- -Listen to the managers -Be nice -You may leave a clan -You may be whatever rank is available (Leader, Deputy, etc.) unless your cat does not meet the requirements (Like a kit cannot become a leader, you have to have been a mentor to become leader/deputy, etc.) -When you join ask me if you can be the rank you want -No punishing cats in your clan without consulting your leader (If you are leader then ask your deputy and senior warriors what they think) -Follow the Warrior Code (Unless you are evil >:3) -Don't make fun of people for not having a good role-play character -Only 2 important character roles and if your Leader, then you can't also have one of your other RP characters be Deputy (Unless your me or have been accepted by me because I have my reasons :p) -No power play Bio: Name // Gender // Age // Rank // Looks // Personality // Affiliation // Crush/Mate* // Kin* // Kits* // Cat Breed* // Backstory* // Other* * = optional Managers- @666_helo_666 @Fnafmanglelover @free2use Managers (Without manager rank)- @CringyRobloxPlaxer Role-play characters- If you have a project on here for or about your role-play character you can put it in this studio (Even if its just a picture you put in a project). Other info Territory- This is the Waterfall territory. A map will be made for this territory soon so don't worry (When I make a map it will be made into a project and I will put it on here) Season- Greenleaf News Gathering- Tonight Nightclan- Lunarstar is Nightclan's new leader. The scarlet rouges have become more and more trouble. Mapleclan- Foxes have a den close to camp. The Scarlet Rouges threaten to take Mapleclan territory. Dustclan- A Nightclan warrior saw foxes cross into Dustclan territory. Twoleg activity is up.