Can we get 5,000 managers before summer?
Invite all your followers and pls make sure that they AREN'T THOSE PEOPLE WHO WILL DELETE AND ADD BAD THINGS IN THE DESCRIPTION!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS SUPER ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>:::::::::::::::::::::(((((((((((((((( poop IS NOT allowed to curate she/he deleted all the managers We have 115 managers yey -26wendyl I know I shouldn't do this but PLZ don't be mean to this studio's goal or the other scratchers on this studio. Thank you!!! -Dragon_Girl_22 / cutekittenj7 meow =^w^= I don’t pay attention to the people who don’t like these studios or not, so if I invite u...sorry. -xXDRITTENXx Sorry to correct you but hey I’m Cheetahsgirls hello peeps! w...who’s poop? : o ~ @-peachycat- dont add rude projects plz people -@daisythepony (also check out my projects lol)