
Admins - @XxWolfieTheWolfxX
Now before you start role-playing, please put a bio on your character including age (has to be 14-18), gender, species (has to be part human), and extra if you want (you can even add a project of what your characters look like but only that) ALSO SPREAD THE NEWS!
- No gods (controls everything and is invincible)
- No dirty stuff >:( but there can be fighting/deaths only with permission.
- Before you do anything huge like deaths and stuff like that ask permission from the admins and the person you're planning to do it with.
- Don't report stuff for no reason. If there's something wrong, come to me and I'll take care of it.
- If you are getting out of character to say a message or something make sure you put parentheses around it, like how you put *stars* around an action.
- If anyone has plot ideas feel free to comment suggestions! Has to be allowed by admins.
Characters So Far
- Star @XxWolfieTheWolfxX
- Porter @lunna-blu23
- Akulovia @xXAuthor-ChanxX
- Nikki @Niko_Tord
- Moon @XxWolfieTheWolfxX
-Alina @Insane_Neko_Nina
-Radio @UTxWC09
-Cora @midnight286
-Loren @xxumbrionlover
-Matt @alakazamy-o
-Amber @Pusheencat87
-Jaylynn @Colorsplosion
-Angelica @-Dark_Draws_Stuff-
-Angelo "Good" @-Dark_Draws_Stuff-
-Aura Maloni @GreenHoodie12
-Jesse @ThaRamen_COW
-Reese @fushciarainwing101
-Blooming Ketsueki @UTxWC09
-Destilina @Destilina
-Taint @RK1888
-Kyle @---Billie--Eilish--
-Ari @5927001935
-Nymph Astella @SCRATCHYAY7
-Ania harcsea @AnimeGirlKaede
-Six @The-Island-Gems
-Krystal @Lynx_heart04
-Evil @Skytempest
-Tashaun @ToxicCreator
-Therion @ThePorter11
-Lucian @EXDemon
-Kaitlynn @CreamMilk @-LilFoxy-
-Fleur @5927001935
-Ash @buddythedog105
-Skyler @Braveheart_Mageclan
-Kettisuru @Shoto_-_Todoroki
-Amaru @Nightcorelover535
-Tai @SkofiaSays
-Shiro @Coder__Kitty
-Seriah @Kayla_Avery01
-Mona @-S_T_A_R-
-Seneca York @starla7878
-Hailey Brown @CHLOBUILDER
-Shannon @Moonlight_Dancer14
-Storm @kiwikid444
-Tristan Wavecrash @CHLOBUILDER
-Si @Echo_Creek
-Faye @FayeTheMagnifecent
-Valkyrie @WyvernLife
-aralsai @Shoto_-_Todoroki
-Callana @WyvernLife
-Mila Marey @preslespresley
-Anayah @Rawr562
-Olivia (Livy) @OLIVIAlovepuppy
Echo @whiirlpool
Pine @Darkwhisker445
Stella @coolbeans174
Camden @-Icey-Hot-
Rohesia @aBundleOfChaos
Alena @Roleplayforlife
Deryn @UTxWC09
Saffron @honeybloom
Aani @roccs_roccs
Vern @roccs_roccs
Shade @LivvieFace
Clover @5927001935
Riley Mannington @artsyisdabest
Lythessa @Anicol1169
Ray @acetheglaceon
Blazer @AzrontheHedgehog203
Charlie @-PoisonDartRainWing-
Kenyatta @Wolf_Runner12
Chara @Storyshift_-_Chara
Shade @littlekitty_HI
Mei @ADragonDestiny
Lucas @ThePorter11
Claus @ThePorter11
Spencer @ThePorter11
Aalya @Dragon_girl474
Cassie @RainBowKittyHaley
Lucia @-vertiiqo-
Luna Moon Shadowlily @Longlivewarriorscats
Blade @Coolness508
Cerda @Hyperdeath_Bete
Mia @magicstarclan
Soul @Runner415
leia @marvelforlife54
Peter @Feral_Fazfox23
Snowy @ImARandomGamer
Kian @Floorsalmon-
Polar @Noe-Polar
Millie @Slytherinforever1212
Diaton @diaton_exe
Chris @ImARandomGamer
Thalia @ThatGirlIsAnArtist
Okami @OLIVIAlovepuppy
Nico @LegendaryBlueWolf
Alisha @Ginny_Weasley08
Braxten @sleepi_peachi
Aspen @RedRobin666
Violet @Littlepea105
Bakugo @inkling_fan82
Beda @5927001935
Kira @siberianhusky10
Mysfortune @UTxWC09
Mina @Lexie_Nightowl
Daphne @StarlightSecrets
Shea @TheDragonPrinceFan
Capaldi @jmwab10
Kit @TheSleepyKitten1234
Lucas White @Lucas_0515
Kitty @lazuiibiscuit
Adrien @adrien909
Lilly @Patiencesoul07
Trina @Karrieloveswarrior
Siara @meta_knight2007
Naomi @gachakpop_25
Thomas @littlekitty_HI
Kai @dabiXtoga
June @loiloi123321
Melony @Creative-Crimson
shadow Bonnie @spidersnakebox
Music Note @Bonneal95989
Allison @RoseStar3
Charalynn @Storyfell_Chara--
Darci @P0tat0Queene
Molly @--Funtime-Foxy--
Alexandra @HerronLover
Jax @mythicalchipmunk
Flay @littlekitty_HI
Ashley @firestar509
Flick @thatNoodle605
Cascade @tigerlaurena
Mahogany @Slyveon_Productions
Dawn @PearlDiamondbell
Blaise @Ruby_Dragon24
Finn Vulpes @LITTLEbig-O
Nightshade @Music-Box-Melodies
Xovet @EuroSkyline
Cameron @Palette-Roller
Zach @PhantomSans12
Logan @-Goth--Sans--
Melody @MusicalFoxy1357
Akria @MusicalFoxy1357
Raven @ravenskylight
Fibi @jirachi_chan
Shura @MusicalFoxy1357
Myra @MusicalFoxy1357
Teagan @5927001935