Trick or Treat - OPEN
Trick or Treat will be open from Friday 5th of October, and end on Sunday 28th of October. Eh actually let's just do this until the studio dies. Also you don't need to be signed up now, just go trick or treating. :) --- POINTS If you answer a trick correctly, you earn 5 points! Come to me to either tally and save your points or trade them in for prizes! Scroll down to see the prizes... You do need proof though. --- For explanations and signups please take a look at this: You can now start your trick or treating! Have fun! Go to the link up there for your list of who you can trick or treat! They'll then give you either a trick or a treat! UNLESS their comments are off; we'll take comments off as a sign they don't want trickortreaters. Have fun! --- PRIZES 5 - 1 love 10 - 1 favourite 15 - 5 loves 20 - 5 favourites 25 - 10 loves 30 - 10 favourites 35 - 1 follow 40 - 1 art request --- TALLY @unikyliecorn 15 @PonyAVA 40 @SuperShadowGamer 5 @Hahgoot 5 @SerenityAkward 20 @yoitzLEX 5 @revoloutionarylemon 5 @-Raspberii- 15 @SoSlytherin 5 @rainbow473 5 @HarryRonHermione538 5 @ethereals 5 @ChocolataChipCookie 30 @_Scratch_Follower_ 5 @KalsBals2 5 @Belataphe 5 @-Sugarcoded- 5 ---