*Clan In Forming* RP
Silentclaw and his group have come back from their journey. Starshine has told Silentclaw that he must make a new clan. A few cats have joined him already, but he needs more cats to make a clan. I WILL BE ALL OTHER CLAN CATS. -- Bio~ Name Gender Looks Clan Rank Mate Kits Kin Crush Backstory(Optional) Do you want to be in Silentclaw's Refuge/Brightleaf's Challenge? Read that section. - *IF YOU WISH TO BE IN BOOKS* You can say yes or no, but you need a backstory. Here's a Bio for that Backstory(AND STORY. HOW THEY DIE AND EVERYTHING) Looks(IN DETAIL) How they joined the clans Personality Joined with the trust group from Rainclan, or joined later one(Silentclaw's Refuge (Both) Brightleaf's Challenge (Afterwards) If they have any relationships or kin, you must make them too Sunclan: Leader-Fallenstar-Black and gray She-cat Deputy-(Taken for the book) Medicine cat-Silentclaw-Gray Tom with silver patches MCA-TAKEN FOR THE BOOKS Warriors: Oakfang-Wiry brown Tom Whispersong-Fluffy gray and silver tabby Tom Thornheart-Fluffy She-cat with many different shades of gray


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