(RP) Iroha's School of Mythology and Summoning
Invite as many people as you wish to this event. If you wish not to be involved, no biggie. ///// In August 29th of the year 2576, a girl named Iroha had tried a ritual of sorts. She was surprised when, the next day, the man we call Aristotle was standing before her. One hundred years later, her name stands in a school dedicated to the summoning arts. People with high resonance to a certain being from the past can summon that being to their side for as long as they need. The entire ritual has been recorded and saved onto a band each student gets, so that they can call upon their spirit at any time. But not everyone will use this power for good. <RULES> Each person can only summon one being. This could range to an average Joe to straight up deities. The human body can only take so much regarding rituals -- as such, deities cannot release their full potential. Instead, their strength is on par with some of the best Summons -- but not quite better. BIO: You must make one for the Summoner and the Summon. Both can go in the same thread if you want. (Summoner Bio) Name/Age/Gender/Appearance/Personality/Crushes, or Relationships/Summon's name /Other (Summon's Bio) Name/Approximate Age/Gender/Personality/Abilities/Relationships/Other These bios are more of a suggestion. Feel free to put down as much info as you like.


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