Team Turtle
Sup welcome to Team Turtle, an army of idiots doing stuff for your enjoyment (Mostly memes). Welcome to chilles (Φ ω Φ) we are watching you by the power of cats Tehe ------------------------------------------ The m8s: ------------------------------------------ "Meme Goddesses" @sydsquarepants (The Dog) @undynetheundying079 (The Dragon) ------------------------------------------ "Welcome to Florida" @chocolatemilk4908 (Edgy Milk) @danklyspicymemes / @L0bsterCat (Lobstercat) @theuwukidd (Weeb + Furry) @derpa0978 / @cs2949515 (Derp lord) @seagullsstopitnow10 (“Haha, mosquito bite go brrrr.”) ------------------------------------------ "Mustache Monday" @sanstheskeloton86 / @SpringSans6436 (The Other Dragon) @FACEforFREE (Jay) @Itz_Moonlight (K-Pop Fan Boy) @Itz_Gabbeh (Fashionable Potato) @Outtheblue_EXE (Still Talking) @drowned_rat (Hairless Dead Animal) @fenfir (Big Doggo Boi) ------------------------------------------ "DERP UNION / Team Turtle 2" @danklyspicymemes / @L0bsterCat (Lobstercat) @derpa0978 / @cs2949515 (Derp lord) @cs3783359 / @derpymoose123 (Mr. Moose) @Unknown_Creatortator (King Fan) ------------------------------------------ "Concerned People" @Meepyrubarb1 @Crumbs357 @lizardsloveblizzards @pennywise_georgie2 @save_da_turtles @rainaboobah @Savagewolf37 ------------------------------------------ "Other Guys" @juniemcbizzle @mybillcipher @pwincess_woona @2fast4u42 @Bluerunner13 @josephsonicmaster @Faieti @Little-Dragonfly @MemeKing2020 @ubjnoo @Little_miss_books @BlueTheMagnificent @kingbob2018 @maxkyle112233445566 ------------------------------------------ Memer count: 38 ------------------------------------------ Only DERP UNION+ get nicknames ('Cause I'm lazy) ------------------------------------------ Get bored, well break the rules, in which "The Dragon" will delete your happiness privileges ------------------------------------------ Rules ------------------------------------------ 1. Dopes and memes only 2. Be heccing nice (Unless we get attacked, then break their Nico Nico kneecaps) 3. No ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) stuff (You know...) 4. No changing the studio pic or name unless in rank "Meme Goddesses" 5. Have fun, UwU ------------------------------------------ This is the official website. ( ゚д゚)つ Bye
