Team Turtle

Sup welcome to Team Turtle, an army of idiots doing stuff for your enjoyment (Mostly memes).
Welcome to chilles (Φ ω Φ) we are watching you by the power of cats
The m8s:
"Meme Goddesses"
@sydsquarepants (The Dog)
@undynetheundying079 (The Dragon)
"Welcome to Florida"
@chocolatemilk4908 (Edgy Milk)
@danklyspicymemes / @L0bsterCat (Lobstercat)
@theuwukidd (Weeb + Furry)
@derpa0978 / @cs2949515 (Derp lord)
@seagullsstopitnow10 (“Haha, mosquito bite go brrrr.”)
"Mustache Monday"
@sanstheskeloton86 / @SpringSans6436 (The Other Dragon)
@FACEforFREE (Jay)
@Itz_Moonlight (K-Pop Fan Boy)
@Itz_Gabbeh (Fashionable Potato)
@Outtheblue_EXE (Still Talking)
@drowned_rat (Hairless Dead Animal)
@fenfir (Big Doggo Boi)
"DERP UNION / Team Turtle 2"
@danklyspicymemes / @L0bsterCat (Lobstercat)
@derpa0978 / @cs2949515 (Derp lord)
@cs3783359 / @derpymoose123 (Mr. Moose)
@Unknown_Creatortator (King Fan)
"Concerned People"
"Other Guys"
Memer count: 38
Only DERP UNION+ get nicknames ('Cause I'm lazy)
Get bored, well break the rules, in which "The Dragon" will delete your happiness privileges
1. Dopes and memes only
2. Be heccing nice (Unless we get attacked, then break their Nico Nico kneecaps)
3. No ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) stuff (You know...)
4. No changing the studio pic or name unless in rank "Meme Goddesses"
5. Have fun, UwU
This is the official website.
( ゚д゚)つ Bye