Hogwarts:: aka Harry Potter
Simple rules first- IF you put projects here that isn't connected with Harry Potter, It will get deleted. House's studyments number considers as point's,so invite your friend too! Hello, fellow Witchs and Wizards all over the world! ^^ This is Hogwarts. It's a magic school. You can get points or lose points from your house by your attitude. And be careful, there are so many monsters and odd things lurking here, as it's magic school! If you want to attend- -------------------------------------- If you want to attend here, follow this school and write a apply in comment. If accepted, the " Hogwart acceptance" will go to your profile by an owl - @Hedwig_Has_A_Post. Please look forward to it! The acceptance has two kinds- a project link could go to your profile message, posted by @Hedwig_Has_A_Post. Or the acceptance could go with just 'invited' message. Thank you! O U R S T U D E N T S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {* Gryffindor *} @Harry________Potter @Ginny___Weasley @___Ginny___Weasly__ @Hermione____Granger @Ron___Weasley @Fredandgoergeweasly @purplepotter888 @elsakim05 @potter0129 @sherlockj @Codey_KIt @Lovely018 @cwklubaina16772 @Forgotten_Joy @HonestlyRon @22Yuxuanas @Hermione0103 POINTS: 180 {+ Hufflepuff +} @booknerd321 @HEART_PONIES @TheMuggleMarauder @Kitty_Warriors17 POINTS :122 [:*Ravenclaw*:] @mythwriter56 @SealOrSeaLion @Derpdederpcherp @hpfanforever @Guess_who_iam_really @Lovley018 @TheMuggleMarauder @GamerGirlX9 @famousbirdie @watson8 @XoxoHermione @HeyItsLunaLovegood @famousbirdie @Purple_Snowflake8 @Cho__Chang @LilyHorse POINTS: 140 {¥ Slytherin ¥} @kalikoala POINTS: 30 ======================== P R O F E S S O R S @Albus___Dumbledore If students dosen't have his/her name on here, please note their House's name. And if you want to know the reason you were awarded, you can always ask it to Dumbledore, the headmaster :)